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January 30, 2016 at 5:01 pm #94360
Amber Kymani
ParticipantWhere do I start? I have been living with anxiety and panic disorder for 24 years now. I am only 29 years old. I believe my anxiety stems from early childhood trauma. My parents divorced when I was 5 and my biological father passed away when I was 8. My mother began dating my stepfather when I was 6, he was physically and sexually abusive. My mother stayed with him until my senior year of high school and was aware of the abuse. My parents were reported for abuse and neglect several times during my elementary and middle school years. I left home at 17 and was unofficially adopted by a long time family friend.
My earliest memory of anxiety is counting. I would get nervous about various situations and begin obsessively counting to ease the turmoil of the situation. This reaction was the most mild of many symptoms that gradually developed over time. I was about 5 years old. Started having night terrors at 6, as well as hypervigilance. I was always worried something bad was going to happen. I remember being very frightened and unsure. By 7 I was having full blown panic attacks. Every night I would tell my mother that I couldn’t breathe and I felt like I was dying. This would continue until I moved out of the home. It seems that as I aged the anxiety would manifest itself in uglier ways. By my teens I was morbidly obese and obsessed over food constantly. Once in high school I developed an eating disorder and began self mutilating to relieve the extreme anxiety I was feeling. Once I moved out I lost the weight (140lbs) and my eating disorder that was once just bingeing, became bingeing and purging. I would remain bulimic until December 2015. My bulimia stems from extreme anxiety. I become so stressed out that I can’t eat for days. Then I raid the fridge, eat a hundred dollars of food and then purge anywhere from 5-10 times a day.
I am also a substance abuser. I have abused many substances to relieve the anxiety I feel. Some of which I was prescribed for anxiety. I have been in therapy off and on since I was 18 years old, but have never considered in patient treatment. I was given a combination of CBT, antidepressants and anti-anxiety meds (lexapro, zoloft, ativan and xanax) and a few anxiety workbooks. I became so addicted to the drugs I was homeless. My substance abuse is triggered by traumatic events. Every time something bad happens I medicate. And even when nothing bad is happening I find a reason to medicate
This is the point I’m at – my anxiety just brings me extreme pain and unhappiness on a daily basis. I feel like I can’t escape from it no matter how hard I try. I have attacks sometimes hundreds of times a day, and because of various health issues I never know when something is a legitimate pain or just anxiety rearing its ugly head. I have severe separation anxiety and I have difficulty working because I get so overwhelmed at the prospect of having to function in pain. My stomach constantly hurts, and so does my back. I just can’t seem to find relief outside of substances. My latest drug of choice was marijuana and I truly believed it was working, but after almost being rendered homeless for the fourth time this year, I realized I was abusing the marijuana just as much as I did the xanax etc when I was addicted to it.
I really really need to find something that is going to work. I am so tired of constantly shaking, being scared senseless when someone walks into the room unexpectedly. I am tired of sleeping poorly and constantly being in pain. I can’t digest my food, I can’t enjoy any of the things I once did, even briefly. I feel crippled by this. I feel like there is no way out. Like I’m trying to make my body do something it can’t. I try to be relaxed and it almost seems like a joke or a chore when I try. I want to get better. I don’t know how to control the physical sensations. I don’t know how to not be burning hot one second and then freezing cold the next. I don’t know how to explain the constant fog thats inside of my head.
I am desperate for solutions that will actually work. I am tired of being destroyed by this. I just want help. I need answers. Why can’t I feel good? Why do I have to be in so much physical pain all the time? What do I need to do to stop this anxiety before it starts? I try to limit caffeine and do things that will help me relax but within minutes of implementing a new technique I am experiencing physical symptoms of anxiety. I need help. Do I really need in patient treatment for this? I really don’t feel like I need to be locked away for 30-90 days but I’m not saying I shouldn’t be. I just don’t know. I am afraid I will be drugged again or worse, be rendered homeless because I cannot let this monster die already. I am destroying my relationships among other things.
Thank you so much everyone. Any one that takes the time for this is truly appreciated. I am a fellow human being reaching out for help and I appreciate anything offered.
January 30, 2016 at 6:46 pm #94367UNKNOWN FRIEND
ParticipantHi Amber,
I am sorry you have to deal with all of the problems happening in your life. From everything you have been through and are facing. Let me try and help. The most important thing you should know is your anxiety is not only curable but is a blessing. If you listen to the advice I will give , you will at least have a “road map” to recovery.
Try and view anxiety as a fuel to activate motavation. It happens often in your case given what looks like traits of OCD and Obsessive thinking patterns. You build walls where there are none and in return suffer from it. It’s not what you have been through that counts but where you are going and that my dear you have power over. Sir Winston Churchill quoted “If ever you find yourself in hell…. keep moving forward.” . What is key to recovery is perspective… You have a choice to continue with the “victim mentality” where blame is put on previous events that were negative in your life to be responsible for the hardships you presently face. Or use the fuel of anxiety to make baby steps to a positive change that will lead to the best possible version of yourself. Your health is important , and your body only has one purpose to defend you from becoming ill. The questions I ask are what “weapons” are you giving your body to properly do its job? If you are in the circle of not eating or binge eating , make sure you are eating properly , healthy foods, fruits and veggies often. Exercise is key as it will release endorphins to better control the chemical imbalance in your brain. Force yourself to stay of the perscription drugs as some of them you listed are extremely addictive and you never want a “drug” to be in control of you , but you always having control over yourself. Willpower is important and you have it , you are fed up with the routine you live and in order to change you need to but in the work. Throughout University I was a major weed smoker , I don’t even think I ever went to a class sober while getting my B.Comm. It is actually a better and more natural option and has positive effects on the body (WBC count goes higer, relaxed etc..) , but when it is what is giving you financial strains , it has to go.
It is all about your state of mind and not building walls or excuses to justify.Again I feel for you on a very real level. But you HAVE to change your lifestyle and start taking the steps in the right direction. Write a journal , regardless of your faith seek help from what is inline with your convictions and comfort. Guided meditation helps , its kind of like turning down the volume from all the thoughts that race through your mind.
Secure your income , Create a C.V apply relentlessly as tasks your job will offer will keep your thoughts busy and you can start making some money to have full independence to never find yourself homeless again. It is not easy work , but it can be done. You owe it to yourself to be happy. It starts with a positive mind set . – Your unknown friend.
January 30, 2016 at 8:10 pm #94377Anonymous
GuestDear Amber:
i read some of your post but have to get off the computer soon. I know severe anxiety only too well and am in the process of healing for the last five years. i am now 55. I have lots and lots to share with you and of course to read all of your post in ten hours or so.
take care and I will write to you tomorrow!
January 31, 2016 at 10:38 am #94400Anonymous
GuestDear AmberKymani:
At about the age of five, that is my first memory of my mother fighting with my father late at night: screaming, throwing things and her screaming that she was going out to the streets to kill herself. That was the first of many times that she threatened with much emotion, histrionics and very, very convincingly that she was going to kill herself. Fifty years later, when it is getting dark and I am alone, I get scared.
And then when she was “home” (” ” because a real home is a safe place, in my definition), she repeatedly attacked me and it came from anywhere and nowhere in particular: she believed I said the wrong thing, or didn’t say the …right thing, or she believed I felt the wrong thing or thought the wrong thing… or did… or didn’t do and she attacked me with shame, blame and even beatings.
Fifty years later, when I am not alone, and I hear a sound, a sigh, when someone looks at me… I get scared.
The first symptoms of my anxiety (ongoing, excess fear) was Tourette Syndrome: those severe motor and vocal tics was my body trying to rid itself of that excess, ongoing fear. Then there was OCD, decades of thoughts and rituals I did to prevent the bad thing from happening… and over time there were eating disorders and other diagnoses.
17 years of psychiatric drugs made me feel better here and there, but my life circumstances got worse. I too was homeless many times. I finally stopped all psychiatric drugs in 2013.
I started on my healing path five years ago with therapy of CBT and Mindfulness. He was the first good enough therapist I came across. I am still in the process, every single day. It is getting better but I noticed the fear, I notice it. I know it is there, only it is not as much. The process for me is extremely long and it requires that I have so much patience.
That excess, ongoing fear, I learned, in the physical reality of the brain, it means that there are many, many connections of fear with many, many other things: I eat-> I feel fear (what if I overeat/ binge as I have done…I feel physical pain-> fear, what if this never goes away. Someone looking at me-> fear and so on and on. Fear is in multiple connections in my brain. And as the years passed, without therapy, it was like a growing snow ball or dirt ball, gathering more and more snow or dirt or mud, more and more symptoms as it rolls down a hill.
If you feel that I can understand, from experience, your anxiety, not every bit of it, but to a great extent, let me know. I will be more than happy to share with you everything I know, everything that worked and works for me!
Take care!
January 31, 2016 at 8:13 pm #94547cesar
ParticipantA Amber. I’m not too good at writing bt should be enough to understand my letter.
Its sad to see the number of people that suffer the way we did when we was young. It changed us forever. It made us ask ourself so many questions, questions we couldn’t get any answer to. No one that could Realy understand us. Even a bestfriend don’t know or understand the true feelings that’s realy deep inside us.. that’s one thing that hurted a lot when I was young (still does). It made me feel even more alone..
Every thing Your repliyers said is true and is good advise. Bt even us knowing that, it does’nt solve our problems’ “your problems”..
What really sucks is that being/going to “adult life” is that, it just brings in more presure. For lots of reasons. Witch makes it harder for us to think. Makes it harder to make/take a disicion, makes it harder to even Want to Take a disicion, makes it hard to know were to start..
We start from within. We HAVE to start from within. We have to know theirs a hole world out their, full of good times, good dreams that can come true. When I was young I always heard teachers say you can be what every you want to be in life. Due to my childhood I never belived it. How could that be possible?(I asked mysel).I tought about killin myself sevral times. Bt I never did. Not because I didn’t want to. I did. Bt I didn’t because I told myself their has to be more to life then just this pain, that this pain can’t last for ever, it can’t. Life can’t END like this, that can’t be. YOUR life can’t end like this. Yes its hard. Its so hard that it seems impossible. Bt u still have hope in that it CAN’T end like this.that’s why you wrote your letter. Because you belive that it is possible. Bt with so many personal problems at hand ain’t easy. It makes us give up,not care, makes us see no point in even tryen to work it out. Cus we see no diffrence.. bt sense we have so much in our hands we dnt see it. because we still feel the same as befor if not worser. Witch makes us fall agin. Sometime we fall and start agin in our last level(present). Bt sometimes we fall down some levels. And start agin at a lower level (past. Either da day befor or months back).
(not to long ago) I realized I COULD be what ever I want/chose to be! I just have to work torse it. I just have to START. Only you can know were/how to start (sorry don’t know were your at, what kind of place your in(or with who your with or live with),what humen skills you lack(sociel,ect), what realy affects you the most.(deeper then deep inside u), nor your dreams..
1st thing u have to do is have a personality. What ever and HOW ever you want to be. What you chose to lik and what U chose to hate. What u love to do and what U will not do. How u chose to be around people and how u chose to act.. like right now for example. What “Prisibles” do/did u chose to live by? Loyal friend?, lie only when have to?, you don’t steal?,ect. U can be how ever u wish to be. Just spend time sorting it out… sorry bt have to go now. Bt please feel free in contacting me for any questions. Be more then glad to help.. theirs a lot more I wish to say and explain. Bt I’m already 20mins late.(sopost to pick somebody up..lol..).. go0d luck..(cocomenx4@gmail.com)February 1, 2016 at 4:41 pm #94622Dina
ParticipantHi Amber,
My heart breaks reading your story. I am so sorry that you are dealing with this, but I’m also humbled by the things you said. Bulimic until December 2015, which means to me that in February of 2016, you are no longer bulimic. That is a HUGE achievement and should be celebrated. You should be so proud of yourself – of what youve accomplished.
Also I would like to add here, that you are not alone. Just like you and many others on this thread, I have suffered depression and continue to suffer from anxiety and panic attacks.I had trouble at home and with friendships and a variety of other things in my life that are still with me today. My parents didnt believe me when I tried to express my anxiety to them (as they are both doctors and dont believe in psychiatry) and told me I was dramatic. It wasnt until I lost it in the middle of a class in college that I finally started to seek help myself.
I tried a few therapists, I tried talking to friends, I tried writing. All of these things helped, but nothing helped more than the therapist I am with now. He is the first person I have found who seems to speak the same language as me. Who can see where my anxiety comes from and help me to rationalize it. I stayed away from medication for some time but ultimately he put me on a low dose of a medication that helps stop the swirling of thoughts. I still talk to him today, and in the course of a year and a half my panick attacks have gone from several times daily to once a month (if that).
In my (adminittedly limited) experience, finding a professional who could relate to me was my key to feeling human again. I cant say I have answers for you because everyone is different, but I would suggest perhaps trying therapy again, with a different person who may understand you just a bit better. Just having that safe space to talk may help you.
And of course, please continue posting here. I am more than happy to help, to listen, to love, as is everyone else that is here. You have been through so much trauma, but life is also full of beautiful things you should give yourself the chance to see.
Im here for you. We all are.
This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by
February 4, 2016 at 2:49 am #94929Matty
ParticipantHowdy Amber,
i could say a great deal of things, but i’m not sure what to say, it’s a paradox. I want to help, but have no way of knowing the true pain you feel, all the time. I have never experienced it. I could say things about motivation and inspiration, but honestly, as someone who was diagnosed with depression many years ago, you have to be your own motivation. No matter what people say, until you find the answer from within, you will still continue down the same road. As other users have stated, it’s all about perspective, not everything you have done in your life has truly been bad, right? Mentally, every time we remember something about the past, we change it slightly. Our minds are amazing gifts, but also our worst enemies.So even though you blanket your past in negativity, was it truly always bad? Were there not times, moments, flickers of hope? Hope is stronger than any force in this world, it’s something that will always remain and can never be taken from you. Hope that tomorrow will be better, not in a couple months or next year. Focus on the next day. Everything, the substance abuse, the attacks are just distractions that are useful to dull the pain, not erase it. The issue unresolved; how do i climb out from this abyss? Your hurting, in fact everyone on these forums is hurting, take comfort in that. Everyone has inner demons, a past that we wish to be forgotten, even if it’s the smallest thing. Your not alone.
Something i did a long time ago, was to look at my reflection in the mirror and have an honest talk with myself. Words are magical, they can break down walls, uplift spirits but most importantly; they connect us with others. connect with yourself. You may have entered this world alone, but you won’t ever be alone again! You have left a mark on others lives, whether you realise it or not. Your perspective is fatalistic, extremes which hinder your growth. You are important, you are worthy of great things. You have power beyond measure, see for yourself. You have connected with a bunch of strangers online. If you have the power to make others care, you have the power to do anything! As long as you breathe, hope will still exist.
Your dealing with hurtful things, that i cannot imagine. But know this, tomorrow is just around the corner. There is always a tomorrow… so what are you going to do with yours?
Good Luck Amber.
This reply was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by