
I want to feel accomplished

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    Dear Shandrea:

    You are welcome, and thank you for being here! You will not (!) be judged or belittled by me. Your eyes looking serious (from my perspective, in this one photo)- that’s not a negative thing, or a judgment. It’s my observation of a precious part of who you are.



    Dear Anita,

    I enjoy being here!


    I am glad, Shandrea!!!



    Dear Anita,


    I created a social media page today to reach out to a high school friend  She had reached out to me May of 2022 .Suggesting that I move near her and she would even refer me to her job . I have trust issues. I didn’t have a car I was being evicted for smoking weed so I was going through a lot .She still wanted me to come . I changed my number . I haven’t heard from her since than. I’m still not fully where I want to be but I’m 33 and I’m not getting any younger. I currently have a job and will be training for something better soon. She didn’t respond but if she do I’d like to reconnect I miss having a social life.


    Dear Shandrea:

    33 years-old: seems so young from where I am, but I remember that when I turned 30, I thought I was old. If only I could be 33 now.

    It was courageous of you to create a social media page so to hopefully connect with a high school friend. I understand you missing having a social life, and I hope you will soon have some (positive) social life: it makes a huge difference in the quality of life.

    I have trust issues“, you wrote. I used to have huge trust issues and because of it (and other factors) I was a very lonely teenager, young adult, older adult.. until recently. Finally connecting with people- online and irl- in positive ways: it’s a different kind of life, very different from loneliness.



    Dear Anita,

    Thanks for responding ! Connecting with people in a positive way I’m going to remember this . Being comfortable alone was a goal of mines so I won’t be clingy to other’s , I’m not a fan of loneliness I have a pet cat  .


    Be back to you Wed morning (Tues 9:45 pm here, Wed 12:45 am where you are, I believe). Good night for the two of us, Shandrea!



    <p style=”text-align: left;”>Yes that time is correct . Goodnight Anita</p>


    Good night, Shandrea, back to you in the morning!



    Dear Shandrea:

    Connecting with people in a positive way I’m going to remember this… I’m not a fan of loneliness. I have a pet cat“- can you tell me about the ways you are connecting with your pet cat that are positive?

    Are there ways you are connecting with your cat that are negative?

    You wrote yesterday, “I have trust issues“- tell me about it, if you will (you never have to answer my questions, it’s always okay for you to not answer).

    Personally, I grew up largely disconnected from people, alone (too little companionship and interactions with peers, particularly of the positive kind), and very lonely: my mother was in my close proximity a whole lot, but I felt very lonely in her presence and wished to be away from her.

    I didn’t trust her, other adults, or my peers. Trust and Loneliness are connected. Like you, I google words a lot: “Loneliness”=>  “sadness because one has no friends or company”.

    “The connection between loneliness and trust issues” => “Lonely people show reduced activity and connectivity in brain areas involved in trust formation”, “Reduced trust is both a cause and a consequence of loneliness”. What do you think about this connection?



    Dear Anita,

    When I wrote I’m not a fan of loneliness, I have a pet cat . I meant with the cat here it’s not an empty house besides me and my son . I don’t connect with the cat negatively or positively.

    I know the trust issues come from my childhood, all the adults I grew up around . I could never depend on them . But the childhood friend gave me no reason not to trust her , I was just wondering why she was being so kind .

    Since I dont have any connections, I haven’t built any trust ?




    Dear Shandrea: I have to run, but will be back to you this evening or tonight. About your question: can you think of an answer before I return?



    Dear Anita ,

    Since I don’t have any connections I haven’t built any trust .


    Dear Anita,

    Growing up I did not have a safe space to express how I felt . If I expressed how I felt the older women would laugh at me or spread rumors . I just stopped expressing what I felt .Bottles it up.

    I did not trust my mother because how could you abuse me and call me all these names and then say you love me or care about me . I understand her more now because I’m a mom . When I got pregnant at 17 I lived with my mom and siblings she didnt want me to keep the baby so she ignored me , they would walk past me in the house no speak to me or respond to me and close the door in my face her an my sister (one year younger than me) I now wish she would have took me to therapy instead of ignoring me . I felt lonely through that whole pregnancy . I get her reasons for being mad but why not talk to me instead of your friends in my face like I can’t hear you. She bullied me , I think her mother bullied her . I did not trust her because she hurt me but then again people say I’m sensitive. Sensitive is not a weakness . My sensitivity is what keep people with bad intention away from me .




    I spelled a few words wrong in the above post

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