
I’m dying and nobody can tell

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    I’m 23, and I’m dying. The stress of my life has caught up with me. The adrenaline highs and lows stomping on my trauma. My clammy hands, my colourless skin, my purple nails. My deepest gut feeling tells me I’m dying, the doctors have done tests and tell me it’s fine (x-rays.) My family thinks I’m just depressed, but I know suppressing everything and being so self destructive has hurt me. I’m not crazy.

    I never really experienced life yet. Not sure what to do. I’ve been stressing myself even more and making it come closer. So that’s my fault. But if you felt you were dying, you might feel hopeless too and give up.


    Dear Sean:

    I want to read more from you: can you share more about your trauma (“stomping on my trauma”), what you meant by “self destructive”, and by “never really experienced life yet”?

    I hope that soon you will feel much better!



    Hi there, Sean. I’m 24 years old and I honestly have felt the same over the past 2 years or so. It’s not easy when you’re struggling with something only you can see.

    First off, I agree – you’re not crazy. Trust yourself and your body. If you feel this way, it means your body is trying to communicate to you that there is a clear problem and that you’ve got to take action. It may not be a physical problem – your mind can sometimes manifest stress into physical symptoms. And yes, sometimes stress, depression, anxiety… they may manifest themselves into serious physical symptoms that cause you to feel like you’re dying.

    In my opinion, the way to take action would be to see a therapist if speaking to friends and family isn’t helping. In situations like these, it may not feel like talking about your problems can help, but it can. It may be in the most subtle way – something might spark in your subconscious, or something might finally click and you may feel better.

    However you decide to take action from this point forward, please do. Your life is worth saving, and your life is worth living. You’ll be able to find your way out of this, I’m sure of it, and I believe in you. If human beings are anything, we’re resilient – we can make it through incredible adversities. You’ve got this.

    Ahmed Tonsy

    Hello friend,


    I totally understand you, actually i can relate. well, the good news that most of our guts about dying is not true, but it is always good thing to check with doctors.

    i know this world became very stressful nowadays and we all want to experience more in our lives. therefore i want you to remember one important thing. “experience the now” because this is the absolute thing that you really own. we don’t know the future, and we can’t change the past. but we can enjoy the now! even if the now not the best thing we wanted to, yet we will enjoy it! because it is the only thing we have. and the only thing we can experience.

    i will tell you few steps to reduce stress and enjoy the now, it helped me before and i’m sure it will help you as well 🙂

    1. mindfulness: one of the greatest techniques is to empty your mind from all thoughts, therefore all stressful thoughts will gone as well, and you can do this by very simple things! like doing breathing techniques. -Youtube breathing techniques to reduce stress- and while doing this breathing exercise always focus on breathing. and if any idea poped up repeat “i will think of it, but later”. another technique is grab a candle and watch the flame of it for about 10 minutes. observe every tiny detail in this candle

    2. Be thankful: to enjoy what you have, you must realize what you really have! so grab a piece of paper and write down things you are blessed to have, or you are thankful for having it. like “i have bed, i have good food, i have good pet.. etc” and always be thankful for what you have.

    3. Walk, move: one of the greatest things you will ever done is walking, even if you feel tired. walking will raise your energy. and by time you will feel good health.

    4. have good sleep, eat well: these little things are the core of everything, just like breathing

    5. stay away from negative people, and always look for good news and good things around you.

    6. Affirmations: Affirmations or Prayers are very important,because you always should manifest what you want, you want to be in a good health, ask for that and pray for it. manifest it! and believe that you will.

    7. Meditation: meditation always reduce the levels of stress. specially mindfulness meditations. if you cannot attend classes, look for classes online.

    keep me updated 🙂 don’t worry friend.. you are healthy and great


    Ahmed Tonsy


    I appreciate y’all. But the amount of stress I’ve been thru with suppressing my identity, past trauma, current reality, explosive arguments, addiction, binge eating… My blood is purple, my lungs are full of fluid, walking is difficult because my limbs feel weightless (low oxygen probably),  my skin is yellow, my weight is 15 pounds lower and my blood pressure is low But my pulse is high. I know y’all are optimistic and I so appreciate that but I just don’t think or feel it’s saveable. I’m trying to spend moments being myself more and connecting with cashiers…. Uber drivers… lol. I’m dying with very unhealed mental illness. Not many friends. Very depressing but eh.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Sean.

    Dear Sean:

    “I’m dying with very unhealed mental illness”, “My blood is purple, my lungs are full of fluid… my pulse is high”- please see a medical doctor/ go to a hospital immediately!



    Hello Friend

    Can you please update us? Did you go to the hospital? How are you feeling? We care about you and you’re not alone!!



    Hello Friend

    Can you please update us? How are you feeling? We care about you and you’re not alone!!


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