
I'm not happy…?

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  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 11 years ago by Al.
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  • #51665

    Hello everyone,

    This is the first time I’ve decided to ask for help regarding this feeling. I’m 15, and my school life is fine. My home life is pretty bad; there are regular fights, and we technically aren’t a family. We don’t eat together, we don’t talk with each other, and we don’t do much together.
    Other than my home life and teasing throughout my elementary and middle school years, my life is perfectly fine.

    I have a house. I have food. I have all the basic needs and I feel like I should be grateful. For some reason, I’m not happy. I don’t feel happy. I go to school, I come back, do my homework, and I’m in a bad mood through it all. The thing is, I prefer not to show it. I keep my face smiling throughout the whole day trying to ensure nobody will notice anything’s wrong. It works great. But lately, it hasn’t.

    I’m not the type of person who will ask for help. I don’t trust people. It’s not because I don’t think they will understand, I just have trouble letting people in. The biggest problem is, I don’t know. I don’t know why I can’t trust anybody, and why I’m never happy.

    I don’t like this feeling of wanting to cry almost every day for absolutely NO reason whatsoever. I’m used to my home life, and I can accept we’ll never be a real family. But this weird sadness – this…I don’t know, this feeling of melancholy, has been haunting me for weeks on end and I don’t know what it is.

    I feel lost. I feel like I don’t belong anywhere.
    I don’t want to feel like disappearing, because it’s such a stupid and selfish thought. But the thing is, it’s what I really want to do.
    I’m sorry if this question has been worded weirdly. I sort of just ranted throughout the entire thing…

    Thanks for reading 🙂


    Dear julia
    no you are not silly to feel that way – you are very much entitled to feel sad,.as you described quite a lonely home life. I know you say you are accepting of it, but i know how upsetting and anxiety enducing it can be. You may have all the essentials – shekter, food etc, but we also need a nurturing environment. Please understand – it is not your fault that the adults around you are dealing very unskillfully with their own stuff – something that just becomes habitual and almost ‘normal’.

    Im guessing your sadness and confusion is because you sense that it is not very happy – and of course that makes you sad. Please dont despair. Connect with any friends, or close and helpful people – maybe a school councellor ? Do get someone to talk to,.and seek out a person you can confide in.

    Having gone through similar when i was your age – i know it is important to really understand that its not your fault, and you cant fix them, as they are on their own wavelengths at times ! Try to also get out with friends, and dont isolate yoursel – and u deffinitely do not want to dissapear 🙂 You will get through this, and there are people who love you – even those who are not showing it skillfully !
    Maybe you have some hobbies / music / yoga classes that you could do to look after you. Most importantly – reach out, like you are here. Talk to someone as you should not go through this alone. Sometimes parents and family dont realise what tgey are doing – fumbling along in their habits. Main advice – do talk to someone at school – they will help you, and its good to get it out to somebody in confidence.

    You sound like such a clever, and lovely person 🙂 dont loose heart 🙂
    It will be ok. You arent alone,

    Barbs. xx.


    Hi Julia,

    Sweet girl, I had to write you because your words brought tears to my eyes. I’m sorry you feel sad but there is hope for a brighter tomorrow.
    There is always hope. Please do not disappear. You are precious and have a wonderful heart. I can tell by your words and reaching out that
    you are trying to find your way in this world. You will find your way by reaching out to others, like you are doing now. Do you have hobbies, after school
    activities or maybe a church youth group? When I was your age (I’m now 40 and trust me, time has a way of zooming by) I belonged to a youth group at
    my church and it really helped me find some good friends and I didn’t feel so alone. No family is perfect, I had my struggles in my family growing up with
    divorced parents and a distant step father. I used to look at other families and think they were happier but every family has dysfunctions. Make the best of
    the good times and ask your family to have a meal together. They may not realize they aren’t doing this and just in a rut or bad habbits. Hang in there. I
    will say a prayer for you tonight.


    Hello again,

    You both have been very wonderful and have given me great advice. I am planning to join a yoga club I have at my school and start meditation 😀

    I feel happy knowing there’s someone out there that understands! I am planning to speak to my guidance counselor. She’s very sweet and I’m sure she’ll be able to help me with whatever I’m experiencing at the moment. I’ve realized it’s better trusting someone than not trusting anyone at all…I’m guessing this pensive sadness is also a result of me bottling up my feelings inside.

    I have plenty of hobbies; I love writing poetry and researching about science.
    I guess I haven’t been doing the things I’ve loved lately.

    Thank you both for your kind words, I’m sure I’ll be fine soon. It’s just comforting knowing I’m not alone. 🙂



    I’m unsure how much help I can provide but I will try my best.

    First and foremost, I am sincerely sorry for the suffering you are enduring and I commend you for seeking help and advice. No home should ever hold an environment where ‘regular fights’ occur. I am sorry that you should be constantly exposed to this. Perhaps understanding the reasons why these fights occur may help provide you with some strength and ease. Though the reasons may be many here is one that may be most fitting: in a society that rushes us to become adults and become a part of the ‘work force’ to keep the economy going, it’s highly possible that some of us may have never pondered upon the values necessary that foster positivity within ourselves and our surroundings. Often times, we are pushed so hard with the notion from society (and other forces) to finish high school, find a major, find a career, buy a car, become independent, find a spouse, buy a house, raise a family that we overlook what it is we truly need. When this happens and we are exposed to scenarios where anything materialistic is of no help, we do not know how to react. The frustration builds up and eventually explodes.

    What I’ve described may not be the case. The behavior they display, however, seems to suggest otherwise. In general, and I apologize for the assumption, individuals whom exhibit such behavior are result of poor self-reflection and understanding. Please do not be upset with these individuals. There is a high chance that they may have never been directed in these manners nor had the proper tools or teachers to do so, among other things. Simply put, none of us truly know what we are doing in life. With this said, no one truly know ‘how to act’ in life. We go only by the experiences we’ve had, what we’ve learned and what we choose to apply. In this sense, we are all innocent; such as your loved ones are. Therefore it is important that you stay compassionate towards them. Perhaps one day (maybe even through your own behavior of goodwill) they will see their actions and act accordingly to rectify them.

    In the meantime, do your best to stay strong and definitely do occupy yourself with all of the important things to your future for one day you will leave your nest, as you well know, and have your turn at the limitless experiences.



    ps: I apologize for any grammatical errors I may have made.

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