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December 1, 2017 at 1:39 pm #180269
ParticipantIt is very sad to see the amount of people in relationships where their inlaws do not like them.
I too is in the same situation. It use to bother me, but I don’t let it bother me any more. I have two small children who are depending on me, so I need to be strong and focus for them.
I have been married to my husband for 5 years. Things began sour for the sole reason I was not a christian and a church goer. My husband was a dedicated member of his church for many years, but ‘backslide’, and it was during this time that I met him. His family took issue with me because I was an outsider. Over time, they started to warm up to me and things began to go well. A few years later, we are back to the beginning, but this it is not only because I am not a christian but also because they consider me controlling. My husband family is very materialistic, hyprocritical, dramatic, bias, and two-face. The entire family is very distant with each other. Anyway, my husband was the go to guy prior to meeting me, for everything; money, time, and assistance….espcially money, and it seemed like he never said ‘no’. Well, he is the sole provider of our home, and with two toddlers, he definitely have different responsibilities and o ligations than when he was single. His family has proven overtime that they do not care about him or his family, because when they waste their money, they want to run to him to bail them out. I told him that can’t work for his new family because we are not rich, so because they can no longer get access to him and his income, I have become their enemy. My husband seems not to do anything about the situation that has transpire between me and his family, he just brush it under the rug, and seems to expect me to be the one to make amence. I have, in the past, got into verbal disagreements with 2 of his sisters, so there is a lot of tension with those two. His mom is the biggest hyprocrite and devil I know, yet she is the first to shout praises to the almight like she is a Godly woman. In the past, every time my husband got paid, she would text him asking for money. Keep in mind she works, her husband works, and her daughter (who lives at home with her son) also works, but my husband, who is the sole provider of our home, she wants him to give her money! There is a lot to be said, but too much to write and explain. Bottom line is, I hate my husband family and keep my distance. Like many others who have commented, I too constantly feels left out during family events, but atleast I don’t have to deal with fake people.
January 30, 2018 at 8:02 am #189767monicles
ParticipantI just spent my birthday weekend being verbally abused by my boyfriend’s brother. He mocks/mimics me, made fun of my disability, and belittled everything from what I ate (or didn’t eat) to the things I photographed. My boyfriend told me to just ignore his brother’s ‘sense of humor’ and not be so sensitive. He has learned to just accept this behavior over the years, and expects me to do the same. While I don’t want to engage in conflict, neither am I willing to accept verbal and emotional abuse. My boyfriend has made clear his unwillingness to speak up on my behalf. He has a lifelong pattern of ceding to his older siblings’ control tactics, and this sadly won’t change. I let my boyfriend know I need to decide for myself the settings in which I’m willing to see his family, and to have a ‘plan B’ to excuse myself when I’ve had enough disrespectful behavior. Our relationship, in general, is very positive and warm, so I’m choosing to find a way to minimize the impact of this negative situation. I appreciate the suggestions on lovingkindness meditation, and also find meditations on equanimity to be helpful.
July 20, 2018 at 9:48 am #217883alexa
ParticipantI’m at a crossroads in my life and I need help. I came across this site and was reading many stories that are very similar to mine.
My husband and I have been together for almost 10 years and are coming to our 2 year wedding anniversary. His parents have ruined everything from Day 1 of our proposal. If I would have understood the situation during the wedding planning I don’t think I’d be married today. To make this very long story short EVERYTHING involving the wedding planning they had something to say I’m saying everything; from the venue, bridesmaid dress, contract signing, everything under the sun. They didn’t like this and that. Now not realizing things at the time I’m thinking these ppl are crazy they need to relax and let us just plan our wedding. I’ll share one story, we were at our venue about to sign the paper and with all the drama I wanted my fiancé at the time and I do complete the signing without our parents in the room. And that was a big issue for his parents. His father and mother had plenty to say about that and wasn’t in agreement. His father stormed out which I now know is something he does regularly. Luckily my mother was there to support/defend me because my now husband stood there like a statue and said nothing the entire time. Nothing! With everyone in the room with us we singed our venue contract.
Now fast forward to being married. His parents are continuing to invade our space. They are talking negatively and complaining about me to my husband. They are talking garbage one day and then smiling in my face when I see them. If we decide to leave a gathering early because we have something to do or just want to leave that’s an issue. If we can’t go to a gathering at all or together that’s an issue.
My husband gets calls from his parents regularly and their yelling at him like he’s a child about the above. My husband is 36 years old! His parents are beyond verbally abusive and controlling toward my husband. And come to find out that they have been like this his whole life. Now that we are married they think they going to control me as well and our relationship.
I decided that enough was enough and I wasn’t going to continue to be treated this way and nor was my husband. Throughout the wedding planning and first 1.5 years of marriage we went to talk to them (Try to) on several different occasions to figure out what the issues are so we can move on. Every time we went to talk nothing was resolved. His father walked away and his mother sat talked but nothing was resolved. It has continued and it’s only getting worse.
So I figured if we can’t all sit down and talk like adults I’m going to email them. I sent this email which stated the truth. Sharing with them that what they’re doing is negatively affecting both my husband and I. They read the email and did not contact my husband. We saw them at a family gathering. The entire family knows about the email sent. I always felt uncomfortable at family gatherings because of the unresolved issues. But I have never felt that uncomfortable in my life! But I went supported my husband thinking maybe they’ll take the email for what it is. WELL, they didn’t. They ignored me that whole time. They spoke to my husband about the email but refuse to talk to me. Which doesn’t help the situation.
My husband and I have been in therapy since the winter because of his parents. And I thought we were getting somewhere. Our therapist suggested that my husband break away from his family so they know that were serious and that at some point we will get the respect were demanding. My husband has been telling me he can do it but he’s not willing to actually do it. He’s had several opportunities but hasn’t done anything. And I understand it’s hard. But he’s leading me on and expecting me to sit here miserable until he’s ready. There’s so much more involved. It’s sad. He’s a great guy but him allowing his parents to control his life. We haven’t been able to start our life yet and I don’t know if we will at this point because I can’t handle this mentally or emotionally. I have a history of depression that I was able to get myself out of naturally but I fell into a very dark place. I can’t allow myself to get to that place again.
The one thing I’m thinking of most is our future. What will our future be like if we just push it all aside like we’ve been? I don’t want him to resent me which I feel like he is already. He physically told me that he’s not ready to break ties from his parents. And sharing his true feeling about everything which is the polar opposite from what I was told initially. I don’t want him to do anything he’s not ready for. But I also don’t think it’s a healthy situation for either of us to just sit here miserable. I can’t seem to just move past it and talk normally. It’s been an issue and it’s never resolved by just ignoring it. I can’t ignore it anymore I want some type of resolution. I can’t imagine brining a child into this world with him and his parents. They would want to be around their grandchild and I wouldn’t want them near my baby. And that’s not fair to him as a father.
I very confused and I know the answer will come to be. I’m so shocked that this is where we are in our lives together and that it could end because of his parent’s behavior and his dedication to his parents/family.
I definitely have more to share but that would be very very very long!
Any advice???
July 24, 2018 at 12:34 am #218457Marisa
ParticipantI have been married with my husband now for 1 year 6 months. In the begging everything was great and fine but in reality I am the type od person who does not pick and chose or allow even attempt to allow the other half to pick and chose sides. I have bitten my tounge and held in a lot I raerely speak to my husband or say anything about how things make me feel anymore do to his family. They have went and had the nerve to go on my Facebook and to start sensing everyone one of my closetea friends and Family a message saying this ” We have not heard from J he married M sometime and we dont know if he is ok or alive I Am very concerned about him well being if anyone’s hears from M or J can you have J contact me or I will file a police report within 24 hours against M.” My other all time Favorite is this women dont all you to calm or talk to anyone I am your mother I dont know who she thinks she is but sje has another thing coming. Now granted this women is not even my husband real mom at all his family dont even know nor have they ever talked to me to judge me. So in all in all I get the blame for everything in every which way. I have goften to the point that I shut down so much I dont speak or say a word to mt husband anymore. He never backed me or had my back against his rude family. I have always had his back no matter what and I have told family off when they was in the wrong as well told thwm he is my husband if you can’t respect my husband then you dont need to be a part of my family circle which is my life with my husband. I hace always been brougbt up that once you are married or have kids that home becomes your family your new whole and others need to respect it or leave you alone and iys 50/50 not 75/25. I told my husband I dont carw if he talk to his family but they will respect me as well there will be no sneaking or hiding behind my back. This contniues to go on and has not stopped he has not seen how much his family has made me want to walk away from him and leave him I have gotten to the point that I have told him go be with those who won and you can ket them know I am divorcing you because of them. The words and accuai g has hurt so much that I don’t even want to take my husband with me on vications or anything because all I need is to have the cops arrest me for something I have not done I love my husband very much but I am to the end point that I am walking on eggs shells and I feel beyrayed by him and his family as well to the point I don’t believe him because he hide when talking to them and tells them not to talk when he is here at home. He is a grown man who does not need to check in with mom or family I dont know anymore what to think or say because I honestly feel if I take my husband with me anywhere I am to blame when he is the one who has told me he don’t want any ties with them because of all the bad things they have done. How do I get him to see and understand what they said has made a major impact on our marriage I am just glad there is no kids involved between us to that would be more he’ll but his family uses his nieces and nephews against him and blame me and he allows it still he has not seen hiw much hurt and pain this caused when I cant enjoy my life with my husband as us as one