
Intercultural marriage

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    I have been married for 31 years now and my husband is from India. I am Caucasian with European ancestry. I am Catholic and he is Sikh. We have been separated three times and have three grown kids. It has been a marriage of bittersweet love, compromise and constant struggles to get along in spite of our major differences. We have survived by the “grace of God” and I thank Him for His presence in my life. I always wanted to help others out with my experiences, using my faith as an example to overcome the many obstacles in my life and marriage. There was some abuse, both physical and verbal but it seems that each time I left, he would come after me, realizing that I was a good person and never giving up on me. People could say there was some co-dependency on both sides but I have been to counseling and I see that we do depend on our spouses for certain things, but it is standing up for myself and what I believe that became the main issue for me to conquer. He did change and started believing in his religion (Sikhism) and literally got down on his knees and prayed for his family and for forgiveness for what he had down over the years. Now that our kids are grown and two have moved out, we are at the stage in our lives where we have to rebuild our love for each other, letting go of the past and starting over. We moved from CA to WA and are closer to his family in Canada. It is a new chapter for us as we face our golden years together. Our youngest is going through a divorce now and has moved back in and we are here to support her through the many challenges she now faces. With the divorce rate the way it is, I pray for this generation, that they would love more and compromise more and not just give up after putting some effort into their marriages. It is hard work and I can testify for that! God or your Higher Power is there for you and I am a good example of His loving mercy and grace.


    That is great to hear Marilyn , I am so happy for you and your husband and that you have a whole new chance to fall in love all over again , sounds exciting ! It’s people like you , who make us have hope in love , life and God. Hope everything works well for your daughter I’m sure you’ll help her get through this 🙂

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