
Is there any way back from this?

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    I found out on Saturday a week ago that I am pregnant with my second child. I’d gained 15 kilos over the last 12 months with a further 5 since my last period in October, period was late so I’d naturally assumed that it would be late because I’d gained weight so quickly.
    I’d felt very tired just out of the blue during the week leading up to the pregnancy test. I was a zombie and was fighting bouts of nausea throughout. When the test turned positive my heart just broke.
    I have a boy already, he is 20 months old. All of the bad parts of his infancy came flooding back to me and this is when I realised that I am not ready to do it again, my brain cannot take it.
    When I was pregnant with my son, he cast a big question mark over my future but at the time I had the energy to be optimistic. The mind trick of “this will pass” is lost on me. When I’m feeling my emotions, I feel them to my very core to the point that I want to die to end the pain. Its like I’m in a tunnel in the dark and the only way out is through, but then at the end it’s like I take my resentment, anger and bad vibes, cram it in the box and leave it there until next time. It goes nowhere.
    My partner was in a bit of denial when I showed him the positive test. While I was slumped on the floor crying my heart out he assured me that there was no pressure to proceed with the pregnancy. We took some time for a day or so and then reconvened on Sunday after putting the kid to sleep. We were both on the same page; not ready for another child as much as we want our childbearing years to be over.
    I took steps to consider my options, went to the doctor, got all the tests in one day. Had to wait until Thursday to see a doctor certified to preside over medical terminations.
    On Wednesday, my partner had opened his mouth to his mum and sister. I was a little bit peeved but then I took a breath and realised that it was his child too and he might have feelings on the matter, he needs support too.
    I saw the appropriate doctor on Thursday, took the prescriptions with me to get filled on Friday. Both my partner and I agreed to have another conversation before I made my final decision.
    After he got home from work, he piss-farted around, taking literally forever to take a dump and have a shower, then he just put his shoes on and left in the car.
    I was so angry that he chose to run away instead of have the conversation. While I was feeding the kid, he send me a text message saying that he won’t stop me but he doesn’t kill things so I’d need to find someone else to take me to get the drugs.
    Since then he has been inconsistent in his behaviour. I went to get the drugs on Saturday but there is only one chemist in my city that stocks it so I have to wait until today (and even now, I am writing this to get it off my chest instead of heading off to the chemist). I just have this feeling that there is no coming back from this and I said as much to him. He has tried to assure me that it will never be mentioned again but he does not have a good track record for such things. He has the memory of an elephant and uncanny ability to recall every wrong thing people have done to him in his life.
    One of the reasons my sons infancy was so bleak for me is because I thought I had a hands-on partner. He was instead preoccupied with money instead of helping me. I felt like I was dumped onan Island and I cannot willingly do that again. One of the things I identified before my son was born was that I have problems asking for help. Whenever I’ve needed to escape for a bit, he has often “been too busy”, in the middle of something or has given me a smart assed excuse. It works for him 99 percent of the time until I fly off the handle that 1 percent and he backs down. I don’t want to have to make a habit of snapping at him to communicate my needs.
    This pregnancy has made me realise that I’m not happy and that something is amiss in my life. I don’t know what it is, all i know is that I’m miserable. My first step is a commitment to get myself out of this hole over the next year because I deserve better.
    One of my sources of despair is that my relationship is over and has been for a while, we are just going through the motions and just existing. I think this termination will be the final straw, even though it is 100% the best choice for me. Can someone please share their experiences or some insight?


    Dear thecrazywon:

    If I was you, I would proceed to terminate this pregnancy as soon as possible, as it is in a very early stage. After the termination, I would evaluate my relationship.

    The fact that your partner texted you that he doesn’t kill things and will not get the drugs to do so is quite horrific behavior on his part, in these circumstances, especially because he told you earlier that there was no pressure to proceed with the pregnancy. The fact that he TEXTED you about it is so wrong considering your state of mind. You needed his support, his honesty, his empathy, not a text on such a sensitive matter.

    He has not been supportive of you in the past either, according to your post.

    Please post anytime, with your thoughts and feelings. I will reply when you do.



    Dear Anita,

    Thank you so much for responding and giving your insight and advice.

    The course of drugs is over and I’ve had alot of bleeding so I hope that’s it and I don’t need any other procedures. Once that first tablet was down my throat, I felt so much better about my decision. Like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.

    Once the drugs were in my system, things calmed down alot between myself and my partner (let’s call him “M”). After there was no going back we were able to talk quite openly. He has not apologised for the text and I don’t think he quite gets how much of a kick in the guts it was.

    He says that there were more frustrations at play on that day and that’s why he reacted the way he did. I have been very irritable for a few weeks before the test, nauseous and tired the week before and then all of the above compounded with anger and self pity the week after the test. Looking back, I was incapable of doing much else rexcept for basic self care, care for the kid, cooking dinner for the 3 of is and going to work. Everything else would frustrate me.

    He has been picking up the slack around the house and I don’t think he likes it. I am the world’s anti-housewife anyway, always untidy and ever the procrasrinator but over the last few weeks shit has got really bad around here and we have devolved into almost unhygienic. When the reasons for my recent incapabilities became clear, I received no grace, no sympathy or even any understanding.

    My sister was talking about her anger style and how she bottles everything up. I’m the same, as is with my other sister. She was saying that her and her partner had a fight over the weekend that went for hours but they both felt so good afterwards. I think both M and I need that.

    I hate fighting with him because it’s like when he starts on me, all of my feelings about his behaviour are instantly replaced with my own feelings of inadequacy 100% directed at myself. I am so caught up with what he said to me that I never get my parts out. I feel like a conditioned, battered wife.

    Another thing about our fights is that when I am sufficiently riled up enough to assert myself, he rejects it. All of it.

    He confronted me earlier this year about an issue that happened at dinner with my family and how apparently I’d made him look like a bad guy. At the time, I was going through therapy and was in fact mapping out all of my thoughts and feelings toward him as suggested by my therpist, at first, I wanted to avoid it but then I realised that all of my points were right in front of me and I could use then to get back on track, so I engaged. I’d told him how I’d felt abandoned and unsupported after the baby was born, how I felt I’d lost myself, how I felt trapped, how it seemed like his life hasn’t changed, he still gets to do all the things that make him happy and how I was so miserable and depressed that I just prayed that I’d die in my sleep and not have to live in this misery any more.

    All I remember of that was that was that he was offended by the notion that he was unsupportive. That instead of having one person needing looking after (baby) that now he has got 2. He rejected that my life hasn’t changed and that I still take the time to do nothing and watch TV. And perhaps the worst was that he rejects depression as a condition and that I should just power through and get on with it. He asked several times how he could “fix” it. I tried explaining that there is no solution to it but it was like he wouldn’t hear of it.

    In the wake of the termination, I think things may have changed already. The walls are up on his side. Not sure if it’s the relief of it all or the bottoming out of pregnancy hormones but I’m looking for closeness and intimacy, my protector and my rock. He’s just turned into this brick wall.

    We have always had problems with sex, too. I feel like I’m in the mood at certain times of the month (ovulation, clearly) and we might have alot of sex around then for a week, maybe 2 but the rest of the time I could live without it, my mind is focused on other things. It’s not that I don’t enjoy it, it’s just that my switch for it is either on or off. He sees my answer of no as the deepest of rejections and I have lost count of the times that I’ve heard him say how I don’t love him, that he has suggested that if we start with foreplay I might change my mind. I’ve had sex with him out of guilt somene times that it’s not funny. That guilt has made me feel angry -why can’t he just accept no for an answer- that I eventually started having pain before, during nand after sex.

    I had a conversation with one of my dearest of friends yesterday and that conversation reminded to come back here to talk. She has a 3 month old son who she has been trying for for 4 years and has been seeking help recently for anxiety. I told her about the termination and my advice for her is to just take precautions if she doesn’t want another one yet. She shared with me that she hadn’t stopped bleeding since her son was born and so was therefore unable to have sex yet (and how also, as usual for a new mum, he sex drive was in the gutter). She said that her husband 100% respects her body and never pushes her to do anything she doesn’t want to. He takes care of his own urges as he requires.

    I wished so bad for this to be me and M. It’s about respecting your partners body and respecting their decisions and that no should be the end of it. I have never been one for being jealous of other people or their relationships but I could not help myself.

    As stated earlier, I get no grace, no sympathy or understanding when I don’t want to have sex. I get the opposite.

    In fact, right now I am feeling that everything is turned back on me and I am being emotionally abused and manipulated.

    One of my drama-queen acquaintances tried to do this to me a few months ago and I totally, 100% stood my ground and I’ve cooled off the relationship indefinitely. She is also mentally unwell and I cannot bear that burden as well as my own.

    My mum did say to me after the fight I detailed above that he will always find something wrong with me. If it’s not my untidiness, it’s the fact that I smoke, if it’s not that, it will be something else.

    Anita, I totally appreciate your support and I think you’re right. I need to cool it off and spend some time evaluating my relationship, like I’m doing with the drama queen acquaintance.

    I just don’t know which way to go about this. How do I do this while living with him? I really don’t want to take our son away with me (away from him) but I feel like I might have to to get some distance, clear my head and move forward.


    Dear thecrazywon:

    You probably have an appointment with the MD that prescribed the termination drugs soon, to check and make sure that the pregnancy has been successfully terminated, and that you are well, no longer bleeding and stabilized. This is still number one priority.

    Next, if you don’t want to have sex with your partner, don’t. Don’t give in to that kind of guilt. It is a matter of respecting yourself even if he doesn’t by pressuring/ manipulating you.

    Separation is a possibility that you are already considering, be it temporary or permanent.

    For me, without the couple psychotherapy I attended, my relationship, now seven years and going, would have been over six years ago. One principle our therapist taught us was EAR, standing for Empathy, Assertiveness, Respect. These three are necessary for a good relationship. When you say no, he has to Respect your no. Saying no, is being Assertive. When you expressed to M your feelings earlier in the year while you attended therapy, his responses were not Empathetic.

    EAR has to be practiced by both parties, of course. You wrote that he is like a brick wall recently. Did you talk separation with him? I wonder what he feels about it. If he is very uninterested in separation, he may be motivated to improve his relationship skills ASAP, starting with EAR.

    I will be glad to share with you all that I learned in couple therapy, those valuable interpersonal skills.


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