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February 25, 2016 at 2:14 am #97177
ParticipantI broke up with my boyfriend of a year and a half 2 days ago 🙁 He loved me so much and was so amazing and caring to me BUT there was something missing. I had this horrible uncertain feeling all the time that he wasn’t the one for me. I just feel like we are on different wavelengths in our life. I am quite ambitious and want the best in life for myself, but he is not…and that is something that doesn’t sit will with me. I also feel like we both need to be alone to sort our lives out too, I am doing to grad school to do dentistry which is my dream and I want to focus on that. He needs to get himself out of debt and move out of his parents house and he can’t do that if he keeps insisting on spending money on me even though I always tell him enough is enough. He’s so self-destructive! My family didn’t like him too, which is a bit of a deal-breaker for me but it wasn’t the reason I left him, just something in the back of my head.
Also as he is a little bit older than me (I’m 21, he’s 27) I feel that we are in different stages in our life. He wants to move in with me, start a family etc but I am just not ready for that yet and won’t be for a few years. I want to establish a career and a stable relationship first before I think about that and although he says he wants to wait for me, I know deep down he resents that. It’s not fair on him to expect him to wait, when he can move on and have that family with someone else who is more ready.
I feel so awful and guilty about this break-up, I am constantly second guessing my decision. What is he was the one for me? What if I never find someone again who will love me the way he did??? I could be fully myself around him and I’m terrified I won’t get that with someone else.I have broken his heart and and it’s killing me. He’s blocked my number and he’s blocked me on every social media platform so I have no way of contacting him even if I tried!
I keep telling myself that I made the right choice and my mum always tells me if there’s any degree of uncertainty in a relationship, it won’t go it will just get stronger. I try and tell myself this constantly but it doesn’t stop the pain. I honestly feel like I’ve lost a limb, he was my best friend and I love him. The thought of him being with another girl enrages me which I know is unreasonable and selfish of me to say but I can’t help it. Will these feelings ever go? Have I made the right choice in the grand scheme of things???? I don’t know.
I don’t handle break-ups very well, I just don’t know what to do with myself. I just want to know that he is okay, I want him to know that I didn’t mean to hurt him but there is just no easy way to do this kind of stuff!
What do you guys think? Did I jump the gun and break it off too fast?
(Sorry if I’m rambling)
February 25, 2016 at 2:42 am #97179Matty
What do you guys think? Did I jump the gun and break it off too fast?
I’m sorry to hear about your break up. Although i have never been through one, i do know what’s like to second guess yourself, to make decisions that you really wish someone else made for you so you could direct your anger outward. I don’t think you jumped the gun, you have made it clear that you two were on the same road but with two different destinations. There are a couple things i hope that i can write that help you understand your decision and overall help you move forward:
1) I believe that love can be broken into two categories = Right timing vs. bad timing. Love is as much if not more about timing than anything else. You can love someone, but unless you are both going towards a similar destination, the relationship will not survive. Of course, this is not to say your love for another won’t diminish or extinguish. In fact, right now your still in love with your ex-partner. You could go back, try to start afresh if you are able to contact him, but at the end of the day, the destinations are not the same. The relationship won’t survive unless someone sacrifices what they want. You weren’t prepared to sacrifice your goals, and there is nothing wrong with that. Any partner or anyone who cares for you wants the best for you. Your feeling guilty because your decision has affected another, affected him in a negative way. But if you were honest, if you were truthful to him about why you felt the way you do, he should respect your wishes (even if he doesn’t agree with your choice)
Will these feelings ever go? Have I made the right choice in the grand scheme of things????
2) You went with your gut. If you have to blame your gut, though it may not talk back… just warning 😉 But you can’t go wrong, no matter how painful, in following your inner feeling. This feeling doesn’t manifest itself because it wants to. It’s the ‘brakes’ if you will, it’s purpose is about survival, and it felt that the relationship was going to undermine your future. We don’t know that, and we never will. But you shouldn’t dwell on what could’ve been. Because in your current frame of mind, it will always morph your perspective. In a week or so you may be hurting, but the feeling of regret will start to slowly seep away. Regret what you have lost, but do not regret nor pine for what you did not have. You are feeling guilty over a future that may or may not have been. You have lost a friend and a lover, something anyone would and should experience, and it will be hard, you will struggle with your emotions and choice, but remember your future is unwritten. You never know, maybe in years to come you two will meet again and start a new. The end of a relationship is nothing more than the chapter coming to a close, it’s not the epilogue. The thought of another woman making your ex happy should not make you feel bad, although, granted it could make you jealous. Jealous that someone else is on his road with the same destination in my mind. It’s hard, but you should be happy if he is happy and vice-versa, if he loved you the way you feel he did/ does, then he will be happy for you too. And you should both be thankful for meeting one another, after all you now know what you love about another person, if only the timing was right. Remember the love, don’t forget experiences you had together. Now let go, let your road take you to your destination, let it be.
I hope this was helpful, i hope the very best for you and your ex,
MattyFebruary 25, 2016 at 5:44 am #97184Inky
ParticipantHi Tilly,
On behalf of everyone on the internet, I hereby declare that you made the right decision. Please drop your Guilt in the Guilt Bin on the way out.
1. You are going to dental school. Any time anyone goes to grad school or med school, they need to focus 100% on that if they want a degree. You cannot take care of (even just emotionally) a man-child.
2. Him wanting to start a family ~ when you are not ready ~ and even when HE is not ready ~ is not fair to you, him, or any other being/s you bring into the world.
3. An ambitious person in their early twenties and a non-ambitious person in their late twenties is not a good mix ~ personality or age difference wise.
4. A mature person would NOT block you on all social media, etc. True love never dies. The Right Person (or any Right Person) would say, “Catch ya later when you’re a dentist and I’m debt free!”
February 25, 2016 at 8:28 am #97190Anonymous
GuestDear Tilly:
My comments on your post:
You wrote: “I am quite ambitious and want the best in life for myself, but he is not…” You mean materially, correct? And he is in financial debt, living with his parents, so that is not at all attractive to you. It is unattractive, isn’t it? You value being independent, debt free, making a good living, living comfortably in a house and such… and you don’t see him contributing to your valued life style.
And then you are 21 and going to grad school, very much in the beginning of things, too young and not ready to have children. Understandable.
The fact that he loved you so and that you were so comfortable being with him.. in my experience, this is hard to find. This is why you feel that you lost a limb, isn’t it?
Your mother told you that if you have a doubt in a relationship, it is going to get only bigger, the doubt that is. I disagree. Through honest communication, there can be growth of the two individuals and the relationship itself and a new clarity you didn’t imagine before.
Thoughts, feelings?
February 25, 2016 at 9:04 am #97197Tilly
ParticipantHi Anita,
Thank you for your comments.
I don’t necessarily mean materially. I mean in the sense of ambition, I want the best for myself in my career and I want to be with someone who wants the best in their own career and ambitions. I feel that this is important in a relationship? I know it’s not a massively important thing but I feel that if I stayed, it would create an imbalance, as he wouldn’t fully understand my dreams if he has none himself. The problem is not that he is in debt, he has been in debt for most of our relationship and that hasn’t been a deterrent for me. I wanted to help him out of it and make him more comfortable but he doesn’t help himself by spending all the time 🙁
You are right I feel, in the sense that it is hard to find someone that you can be yourself 100% around. This is what saddens me the most. I really do miss him 🙁 But I have made my decision now and must stick with it, whether it was right or wrong. If we are meant to be together, hopefully destiny will bring us together again in the future.
Thanks again for your response Anita 🙂 x
February 25, 2016 at 9:13 am #97199Anonymous
GuestDear Tilly:
You are welcome. I understand that you and him have different values. As long as that is so, then how can it possibly be a match? There is a loss, as you know and experience it. This is what makes some choices difficult: there is a loss either way, so you compare the two and accept the one that is less of a loss in the overall scheme of things… It is possible for you to meet a man who will love you a lot and who whose values will be a better match with yours. On the other hand, it is close to impossible to change the values of a grown person. So it is a matter of probabilities and comparison of losses, present losses and losses expected, projected into the future, that is.
If you find value in posting here, please add to this thread whenever you need to. I, for one, will respond.
February 26, 2016 at 4:27 am #97309Tilly
ParticipantHi Matty,
I have read your response over and over again and it has honestly made me feel so much better about everything.
Thank you so much for your kind, honest words 🙂