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September 22, 2018 at 3:19 pm #226711
Participantmy guy and I were together for about two years. Both of us are in our 40’s, previously married and he has 3 kids and I have 4. We both had felt we met eachother right at the perfect time of our lives. He was everything I wanted in a man, we had fun together, lots of laughs and adventures. Our kids all got along well and his loved me and mine loved him. We were even looking at places and figuring out logistics with moving in together and all the kids were excited. We got along great and other than normal relationship issues, we had a really good relationship.
Then about 6 months ago we allowed a wedge come between us and eventually we broke up. Unfortunately it wasn’t a sit down and talk and come to the break up conclusion it was 6 weeks of him saying “I don’t know if you really want to move on with your life with me, but I don’t know if we should break up or not” after this wedge came between us. And eventually I went to get my stuff from him and we sort of just stopped txting, calling and seeing eachother.
So it’s been 6 months. It was completely devistating to me because we had built our life around eachother and then all of a sudden I had scramble to find a life with out him and his kids. I really feel like I should be moved on more but I feel worse. My raw emotions have healed but I feel more lost and more sad for the life we were planing. Time seems to make things harder. I’ve always been able to get over BF’s fairly quickly but not this time. I feel like I miss him more each day. It makes me feel silly or that something’s weing with me!
Anyway thanks for letting me share
September 23, 2018 at 4:29 am #226763Anonymous
GuestDear Fierygator:
You wrote, “We got along great and other than normal relationship issues, we had a really good relationship”-
I think that those “normal relationship issues” were the ones leading to the break up. If you would like to share about those issues, please do.
September 23, 2018 at 6:56 pm #226865Fierygator
ParticipantSo the biggest one would be this. We spent a lot of time camping throughout the year. He had a fantastic group of people we camped with. Me and mine got along with them. There was a lot of night campfires and he was famous for his “Irish goodbyes” meaning he’d get up to pee or get another drink then go to bed with out anyone knowing. That’s totally cool except a lot of times he wouldn’t tell me. I told tell him it’s ok he does that but just let me know because it hurt my feelings that he didn’t say goodnight. Once he knew that he would sometimes tell me and I’d be ok with it then sometimes he wouldn’t and it’d bother me.
September 23, 2018 at 6:57 pm #226867Fierygator
ParticipantAnd I mean say good night to me. Even if he just snuck and whispered it and no one knew he was about to go to bed. I felt like I should be important enough to at lest let me know
September 24, 2018 at 4:36 am #226933Anonymous
GuestDear Fierygator:
“about 6 months ago we allowed a wedge come between us”- that wedge then must have been significant, leading to the breakup, while the “normal relationship issues” in your case, weren’t significant. What was that wedge, I wonder. Was it insurmountable, nothing that could have been resolved?
September 24, 2018 at 12:31 pm #227287Fierygator
ParticipantThe wedge was that my ex husband decided to put a trailer to live in on my property in spite of me telling him absolutely not but because the house is in both our names there wasn’t any thing I could do to stop him legally. My guy ended up deciding because I “didn’t do enough to prevent it”, in his eyes, and he came to the conclusion that I really didn’t want to move on to the next step with him and backed off. And no amount of words would change his mind. In spite of me looking for jobs in his area, (oh also we live about 2hrs from each other), looking for houses with him, changing all my dentist, doctor stuff to that area, etc. To me it is something resolvable because I knew my ex husband would be leaving as soon as he could (he left after two months and while he was there he only stayed in the trailer when it was his time with the kids).
My conclusion was that he felt insecure about how I felt about him and rather than talking about it, he bounced before he got really hurt. But apparently it was a bigger deal to him, something that wasn’t resolvable. Of course that makes me feel like he wasn’t as “all in” to the relationship as I thought. It just sucks because we went from happy couple excited about our future to him thinking I didn’t want to be with him. Which couldn’t have been farther from the truth.
I just hate that it’s been half a year and our separation/break up is still as fresh as it was when it happened. I’ve never taken this long to get over someone. Even the thought of going on a date with someone else gives me anxiety.
September 25, 2018 at 8:26 am #227425Anonymous
GuestDear Fierygator:
you wrote: “we had fun together, lots of laughs and adventures.. We spent a lot of time camping throughout the year… There was a lot of night campfires..”
At one point you looked for jobs in his area, two hours away, looked for houses with him, changed your dentist, doctor and such so to move in with him, things got serious, more serious than the fun camping, laughs and adventures. Maybe he got scared about the expected change, of you and your kids moving in with him and he backed off, using your ex husband’s trailer issue as an excuse. What do you think?
September 25, 2018 at 12:18 pm #227485Fierygator
ParticipantOh for sure! That definitely was a thought that crossed my mind. Then projected his fears on me rather than owning them. Saying I was the one that didn’t want it. I just want the constant thinking about him, missing him and feeling abandoned to go away! If he doesn’t want to be with me then my brain needs to get over it already! I just hate feeling like this!
September 25, 2018 at 12:31 pm #227495Anonymous
GuestDear Fierygator:
You wrote: “if he doesn’t want to be with me then my brain needs to get over it already”- you wrote if, meaning you are not sure it is over, correct? If you are not sure it is over, no wonder you can’t get over it being (maybe) over.
* I will be back to the computer in about 15 hours.
September 25, 2018 at 11:04 pm #227551Fierygator
ParticipantThat is a very good point. I didn’t even realize that’s how I phrased it. And I guess if I’m honest l, my heart wants to have hope, my brain however is realistic. So there’s a lot of back and forth. Like I’ll catch myself having conversations with him in my head about how things went down or my opinion on his or my behavior. I try to me mindful of that and acknowledge what I’m doing and change the subject in my head. What really helps me is my work. I have two fantastic jobs that I only recently got and working all day then coming home and momming it up with my kids helps so much. The weekends kind of blow because the kids are with their dad and I’m alone. My friends who live by me do Kid sports and other family stuff so a lot of times I just hang out by my self. It doesnt help that I live in a remote area so there’s no meet up kind of activities I can go to and meet new people. I mean I could go to the local bar but I’ve been giving my liver a break. (As they say when the heart and brain fight, it’s the liver that suffers). I don’t need to bring myself down farther!
I know I’m gonna be ok, it’s just the missing and omg the dreams! I have dreams about him, like doing normal every day things and I wake up all discombobulated. So yeah I still cry about it from time to time. Ok now I’m rambling! Ttys
September 26, 2018 at 10:01 am #227629Anonymous
GuestDear Fierygator:
I didn’t read that phrase before, “when the heart and brain fight, it’s the liver that suffers”.
“The heart wants what the heart wants” is a saying that comes to my mind. Regardless of logic, that is, even when we don’t know in our mind what it is that the heart wants, it still wants what it wants. And what is it that we want?
If I may answer my own question: it want love, to-love-and-be-loved-in-return. It is like the sun shining pleasantly, coming out from behind the clouds, isn’t it?
October 1, 2018 at 12:20 pm #228477Fierygator
ParticipantYes it is. I’m just so sad still. I don’t just want any one, I want the one I love to love me back. I hate that time isn’t making things better. I think I’ve cried every day for the last two weeks. I hate that I believed him when he told me how he felt about me. I hate that it ended up all being untrue. And I hate that in spite of that I still feel the way I do about him.
October 1, 2018 at 12:47 pm #228493Anonymous
GuestDear Fierygator:
Maybe he told you the truth about how he felt about you at the time he told you. Maybe he felt fear when it came to living together. Fear scares love, it pushes out feelings of tenderness and love.
I do hope you feel better real soon. I wish I could write something to make that happen.
October 1, 2018 at 7:24 pm #228527Fierygator
ParticipantAnita I really do appreciate you taking the time to answer each time I comment. It really means a lot that there are caring people that will help people they don’t even know. Friends are kind of hard to come by for me at the moment and I’m glad you’ve helped me feel better by talking with me.
October 2, 2018 at 7:07 am #228581Anonymous
GuestDear Fierygator:
You are welcome. It is my pleasure to communicate with you, and I will be glad to continue to answer each time you post.