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June 9, 2015 at 7:37 am #77923
Because I used to not knowing myself at all, I had always had complicated relationships and was so lost I even ended up being violent with my ex and myself. After this last relationship, I spent quite a lot of time by myself, found myself, gained more confidence, took care of myself and was happy for the first time in ages.
It is then that I met my current boyfriend who I truly fell in love with, I could say it was the first time I was in love and not only feeling strong attachment and selfishly using him while doubting about his feelings but I wanted him to be happy and trusted the love he had for me. Obviously: I was able to love myself!
Problem is once the relationship has become more serious and lasted for a few months, my old issues came back to the surface. Indeed, I have started worrying about his female friends and made the big mistake of going through his computer, where I found he did have a weird relationship with a friend of hims. He cut contact with her as he agreed it was really unhealthy, regardless my jealousy.
Things went better and I kept developing trust in him. We talked about my issues and he said he wanted to help while I keep working on myself.
But even the tiniest thing brings back my worries and when I met his sister who talked about ‘his other gf’ (apparently meaning an ex) I couldnt help but go through his phone. There, I found a friend of hims sent him naked pics. Considering the fact that my self-confidence has gone a bit lower recently from putting on weight, I lost it and threatened him to leave if he wanted to keep being friends with her. He chose her. But he then said it wasnt for her but for the fact that he shouldnt have to choose. I understand him but cant get over the fact that he chose her (in my mind because she’s hot) and this girl thinks its ok to send these pics to a friend who has a gf and that he obviously wont complain about it. Still, we stayed together but I cant get that out of my mind and think he chose her.
I know I have to work on being more confident again but I feel like I’ll always worry about other girls as there will always be fitter or more confident around.
I have come a long way and now know I am not afraid of being by myself and dont need someone but it seems like, because there’s always “better” in some ways, I’ll always worry when in a serious relationship. I have this belief men are always attracted to several women and I’m having a hard time accepting that.
Now, I am trying to make things work but I get into excessive anger (I know it’s mostly about myself for putting on weight and such) once in a while, think about breaking up… And hurt him.
I know I am a lot less stressed out if single but have also been told by a psychologist I’ll never fully get rid of these issues if not in a relationship and it does seem like my bf is actually able to help me. I just really dont want to end up in toxic relationships again nor hurt him.
Should I actually keep trying although these issues really hurt me too or just go back to being single and losing the most important person I’ve ever met?
And if we do stay together, would it be fair to tell him to cut contact with that girl who sent him pics?Thanks for your advice 🙂
June 9, 2015 at 7:50 am #77924Flower
ParticipantHi Julie,
I just read your story, a few things stood out, the first main one was that he refused to cut contact with a girl who was sending him naked pictures… (im a woman btw) im sorry but thats really not on. only friends with no limits would do that. on the other hand perhaps he chose to keep her as a strength test for you. that is really testing your limits of trust. and i say good on you for sticking in there and trusting. but if it makes you uncomfortable (and rightly so) tell him she has to go, and not for not trusting him but who can trust their a woman who sends naked pics to a man with GF!!!
i think you need to keep working on yourself as you said you would and particulary on your self esteem, that cliche that says you cant love someone until you love yourself is 100% true. you need to be in the relationship happy, not co-dependent, you need to be confident and with enough love for yourself that is anything would take you boyfriend away from you, you would be ok. you would still be you, you would still love you.
i think one of the best exercises for this is being caring and create intimacy with yourself, staring yourself in the eye in a mirror for a few minutes a day, medidtate, be alone. reward yourself when you do good, make an effort to create some positive self talk within yourself. the more you love and care for you, the less you will be worried with your partner running off because you will be secure and sue in yourself that there is no one more wonderful and lovable than you!
I dont think you should end it because you have insecurities you can work on them while in a relationship and as you said this feels like mr right to you.
in terms of always something better, my ex acted like that and it was actually offensive to me! i chose him, no one forced me with him, he ticked all my boxes, i ddidnt need anyone taller, musclier or smarter i just wanted him, his insecurities ended up driving me away.
i wish you all the best and hope something of what ive said here is encouraging 🙂
xxxxJune 9, 2015 at 8:36 am #77928Anonymous
GuestDear Julie:
What an interesting post! Here is my input: I agree with the psychologist. You did great work after your last relationship ended, before you met your current boyfriend. There is work though that needs to be done IN THE CONTEXT of a safe relationship, work that cannot be done alone. If your relaionship now is safe, your bf trustworthy, loving and willing, if you are both in a win-win attitude about the relationship (both helping and being helped)- then it is the place to continue the healing work you have already started.Do apply EAR: Empathy, Assertiveness and Respect to all your communications with your boyfriend. Even when you feel angry with him- and you are not into feeling empathy for him, behave respectfully to him. All the time, not taking breaks from being respectful to him. That includes not being abusive to him verbally or physically. All this while you expect respect from him at all time: no verbal or physical abuse.
Regarding the naked photos: there are a few issues to it in my view: the sending of naked photos to his phone needs not happen again. He needs to let her know it is not appropriate to send naked, sexually suggestive photos to an unavailable man (or to any…). If she keeps sending such to him, he should cut contact with her because that would mean she doesn’t respect him. His unwillingness to choose between you and her may only mean that he does not want his FREEDOM taken away by you and I can understand that.
See, when he doesn’t want to choose between you and her may not at all mean that she is or could be more important to him than you are, but that he doesn’t want you to have this kind of power over him, that he is rebelling against being submissive to you. You may want to ask him why etc. As long as you ask him in a none threatening way, in an open way, he will tell you how he feels and thinks, I hope.
Continuing your healing in the context of this relationship is a great opportunity and I hope you take it. I hope you share with him your vulnerable self, your honest feelings and no matter how angry you feel- keep it respectful at all times (yes, at ALL times)- even if it almost… kills you to not express that anger abusively… don’t.
What are your thoughts about what i wrote here?
anita -