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September 2, 2017 at 7:26 am #166658
ParticipantI’ve been with my boyfriend for a year now, and from about 3 months in, the relationship began to get rocky. We argue at least once a week and it usually results in me saying I no longer want to be with him. I know this sounds excessive, but in the heat of the moment, I really do feel so infuriated that I do not want to be near him or see him again. I do know he loves me and I do feel as though I love him too, but over the smallest things i just get so annoyed and feel as though i don’t want to be with him. I’d like to give some reasons why i feel i act in the way i do:
– He is as not physically affectionate as me and this is the way he has always been in his life. He did not have any intimate relationships until his late 20s whereas I’ve been in a lot of relationships from my teen years. I’m a highly tactile person with a high sex drive and always have been like that with previous partners, especially with my last, longest relationship which was heavily based on sex, even 2 years after we broke up.
I’ve flagged this to him many times and he has started to become more affectionate but it still isn’t to my level. There have been numerous times over the last year where i’ve tried to kiss or cuddle him or try and initiate sex with him and have been rejected. I feel that this is one of the main reasons i now reject him.
– His sense of humour is quite witty / dry and sarcastic. To me it comes across as he’s being rude. Sometimes its funny but a lot of the time i wished he would put more energy into complimenting me instead of making jokes about me. When i have raised on occasions that the jokes aren’t funny, he says “i’m joking, why are you so serious” and acts as though i’m the crazy one. Note: this is his sense of humour quite generally and he is like this with all his friends. He also has a tone to his voice where its like I’m the most annoying person ever i.e. if i ask him for help with something or get something wrong he will huff and puff like its a massive chore for him.
These two factors have caused several arguments between us over the last few months. My responses to arguments have not been proportionate to the issues posed, and i understand that. Things i’ve said over recent months include:
– My life was better before i met you
– This is why you’re alone and have no one around you
– I don’t think we’re compatible
– I hate you
– I’ve had more adventurous sex with other people than you
– Its getting to the point where you’ve rejected me so much i’m not physically attracted to you
I’ve also screamed at him, walked away from him in public and went home, hit and kicked him out of bed shouting and screaming. Despite all these horrible things I’ve done said, my boyfriend never says anything of the kind back. Instead, he insists we give things another go and we move forward, but then what occurs is that the same patterns emerge and again, he’s not affectionate and being rude. And then i flip out again… and the cycle continues…
I’ve asked him about this and he told me that he can’t just be like that overnight, especially in light of the things i have said. He says i need to “be more patient” but i don’t know how long this will take….
I’m really at a loss as what i should do. He is a great guy and when were having fun he’s amazing. My dilemma is whether i should try and “be patient” and see if it changes (even if it means putting up with him being off with me for however long it takes) or to just nip it in the bud?
Background on me: i have suffered with an eating disorder for over 10 years, was terribly bullied at school, am a highly anxious person (and negative at times)and also suffer from bouts of depression. I had a long term relationship for 4 years with a guy who was the love of my life, who cheated on me whilst i was pregnant. After we broke up, we continued to sleep with each other for 2 years on and off but on his terms and he was extremely rejecting towards me, eventually getting a new girlfriend and leaving me high and dry. I stopped sleeping with my ex in March 2015, and met my new boyfriend in September 2016.
Thanks, and looking forward to some great advice from you all.
September 2, 2017 at 9:53 am #166702Eliana
ParticipantHi Amaya,
This is a very unhealthy and toxic relationship. The person, you need to work on is you. Until you get you fixed, no relationship will work out. You must get into professional counseling and/or anger management to work on your verbally abusive and physically abusive issues. A relationship won’t fix you, more sex won’t fix you or make things better. You have to begin by loving yourself, only then will you be complete in order to fully love a man. This may begin with Psychotherapy, if you have any unresolved issues from your childhood, making you lash out verbally and physically, cognitive behavior therapy as well. But unless, you change and work on these issues, nothing will get better. Nobody deserves to be verbally humiliated, emotionally and physically abused and kicked or hit.
September 2, 2017 at 9:57 am #166704Anonymous
GuestDear Amaya:
You wrote: ” i wished he would put more energy into complimenting me instead of making jokes about me”- I would like to understand this better, and so I ask: can you share an example or two of jokes he made about you?
I would like to comment further, following your response.
September 3, 2017 at 10:07 am #166774Amaya
ParticipantThanks so much for your response Eliana. I agree with you fully he doesn’t deserve it. I do feel like I need to love myself more and not seek his validation so much but sometimes he can be so rejecting and I really struggle…
anita – jokes will be something like, if we go out to eat and I start eating first he will say something like “gosh calm down it’s not going anywhere” or recently there was a video of me dancing, and he said “you actually look like you dance in that video, for once in your life” ….. stuff like that just riles me!
September 3, 2017 at 10:33 am #166782Eliana
ParticipantHi Amaya,
Have you ever heard the term “passive aggressive” behavior? Basically these are “verbally abusive insults, descized as “jokes” by a chronically unhappy person (your boyfriend) as a way to make you feel bad about yourself or belittle you. Then when you confront them about it, they will say “I was just joking!! You are overreacting! (another put down in a form of emotional abuse). Or, if you ask them them something, they will say “whatever!” or “I’m not mad” or they will try to place the blame on you, making you look like the bad guy.
This happens everywhere. In the workplace, in frienships, families, etc. There are excellent self help books on Amazon or library/book stores on how to deal with passive aggressive behavior, and verbal abuse. I do feel the best thing is to take a break from each other and work on these issues, or go into couples counseling together. But that is only if you and he want to change. x
September 3, 2017 at 10:38 am #166786Anonymous
GuestDear Amaya:
Those jokes are not funny, as far as I am concerned, not at all. I would be offended by them if I was you and seems like you are offended as well. His joke about your eating is particularly offensive and harmful, because of your eating disorder. As one with lots of disordered eating history myself, I would be so very much troubled by this one.
You wrote: “He is a great guy and when were having fun he’s amazing’- well, his jokes are not such that a great guy would say.
Don’t you think that he needs to acknowledge this behavior and change it immediately?
September 3, 2017 at 11:18 am #166792Amaya
ParticipantThanks for both your responses, i really really appreciate it.
I feel i’ve exhausted all avenues if i’m honest. I’ve politely told him that his jokes offend me. I’ve screamed and shouted and broken up with him about it. I’ve tried to stay calm and ignore it. A year in a and he still does it. He makes me feel even more pathetic for bringing it up by saying I can’t take a joke and then throws in my face that “i’ve said worse.” I really don’t know what to do.
Anita – you say: Don’t you think that he needs to acknowledge this behavior and change it immediately?
How do i do that? I’ve mentioned it so many times in such a range of different ways!
September 4, 2017 at 7:53 am #166856Anonymous
GuestDear Amaya:
I re-read your original post in light of recent posts. This is my understanding of the relationship:
1. Regarding the issue of physical affection, you being significantly more tactile and sexual than he is: if you are choosing to be in a relationship with him, then this is something you have to accept about him, no longer trying to change about him (patiently or impatiently), no longer complaining to him about it and, no longer mistreating him over it by saying “I’ve had more adventurous sex with other people than you”. It is not his fault or his wrong doing, not being as tactile or sexual as you are, and so, it is wrong for you to behave with him as if he was doing you wrong.
2. Regarding the issue of aggression- it is practiced on both sides, in both directions. You screamed at him, kicked and hit him. And he is aggressive toward you with his repeating joking and with his tone of voice. These jokes are verbal acts of disrespect and mistreatment of you. They are not “the smallest things” you referred to. The fact that he jokes in a similar way with all his friends only means that they too are willing (and shouldn’t be willing) to be mistreated by him.
In your last post you asked how do you make him stop this joking. You can offer him what I call “a zero aggression policy” in your relationship: no aggression on either side. No overt aggression and no convert aggression, no aggression hidden in a brand of humor and no aggression as audible as shouting. None.
If the two of you cannot maintain such a policy, better end the relationship.
September 4, 2017 at 10:06 am #166876Amaya
ParticipantHi Anita
Thanks for your advice. I do feel like I haven’t been able to see any changes in our relationship because I haven’t made changes from my end. I’ve listed thing after thing wrong with my boyfriend and have snapped when I haven’t seen the results I have sought. I have spoken to my boyfriend and we’re both planning to make more of an effort to work on how we communicate with each other. He has said he is aware that he is rude to me and will work on this.
What im planning to do is have a period of 6/8 weeks where I am making active changes from my end and instead of snapping at every little thing, and threatening to leave, I’ll try to be calmer. If by the end of this period I feel that he is still being rude to me and treating me in a way I don’t like, then I will end the relationship. From my perspective I understand that the constant threat of me breaking up with him has made him colder and less trusting towards me (hence the rudeness) and I have allowed this to continue with my cycle of abuse and breaking up with him. If I can have a prolonged period where I’m taking positive steps from my end, and the problems persist, I will feel more comfortable about walking away as I know I would have tried my best to fix things.
September 4, 2017 at 11:01 am #166886Anonymous
GuestDear Amaya:
Reads like sensible thinking and a sensible plan on your part. The abuse in the “cycle of abuse” you mentioned needs not just to be worked on, as your boyfriend suggested regarding his part in it. It needs to be stopped altogether on both sides. I hope you post again regarding the execution of your plan. I hope good things happen.
September 4, 2017 at 11:46 am #166900Amaya
ParticipantThanks for great advice and for being non judgemental – I’m glad I came here!! Will give you an update in due course
September 4, 2017 at 12:27 pm #166906Anonymous
GuestYou are welcome, Amaya. Looking forward to your update.