
Living a richer, more meaningful life based on values

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    Bobbi Emel

    Ooooh! This is a great topic because it has to do directly with a journey I’m on about learning to live a more values-based life. My readers and I are taking that first step and it started out with this post on my blog, How to live a more meaningful life: An open invitation.

    Are you in?

    Ken Wert

    I do a lot of writing about values and character because I think such are the building blocks of a happy and meaningful life. We can pursue all kinds of goals and dreams, but if at the end of the day, the person in the mirror isn’t a very decent person, we’ll feel it deep down in our bones. Happiness will lack some of its luster, or be absent altogether and life will be relatively stale.

    Who we are matters so terribly much. And yet so often we seem to get around to working on the person at the core less often than all the outside trappings. So I appreciate the work your doing learning to live a more values-based life.

    I’ve told the story of my dad’s cancer and how that cancer reminded me of moral or character cancers that ravage our lives here. Now I’m going to follow your link over to see what you’re saying about the topic, Bobbi. Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.

    James McWhinney

    I think the best way to determine your values is to journal the following questions:

    If my life had absolutely no limits and I could have it all and do whatever I wanted, what would I choose to have and what would I choose to do?


    What would I stand for if I knew no one would judge me?

    If you had only one wish, what would it be?

    These questions will help you to discover who you are at your very core.




    For me personally, a search for a richer life started with these questions: How do I define success or a good life? What are my values, choices and experiences? But the most difficult mountain to climb has been and still is to learn to watch the mind, accept/let go of emotions, fears and doubts. I think to live a rich life, we need to be true to ourselves and make most out of the present moment.

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