
Looking for ways to use journaling to process emotions

HomeForumsEmotional MasteryLooking for ways to use journaling to process emotions

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    I used to journal all the time in middle school and high school and then stopped. I would like to get back into it to help me process my emotions, especially to help with my constant anxiety, but am not sure how to start. Do you have any advice for getting back into journaling and making it a regular habit? Also, what are your suggestions for using journaling as a way to work through emotions? For example, are there prompts you recommend or books on journaling you’ve found particularly helpful?

    Thanks so much!



    Dear Kimberely:

    It might help you to journal right here on your thread, to type away your thoughts and emotions, and you can make it a regular habit. If you want input from members reading your journal entries/ posts, you can ask for input and if you don’t want input, you can ask for no input, stating you are using your thread as a journal and that you are not interested in input.

    My potential input to a journal entry you may post could include a question about what you shared, and my question can function as a prompt to your next entry.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by .
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 7 months ago by .
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