- This topic has 8 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 7 years, 8 months ago by
June 30, 2017 at 7:37 pm #155888
ParticipantHi all! I am bran spanking new here. I need some advice and hoping someone has some advice for me. In order to undertand my question i feel as if i should tell a little bit about myself. When i was young my mother developed a severe drinking problem, like needed beer to live or she would get really ill. She started beating my siblings and i, i am the oldest of the four kids so her and i fought the most. These fights were prety bad, and always ended up in me running off for the night. Shortly after i turned 14 i went to rehab and my mother left, turns out she had been cheating on my dad with any guy she could, even online when the internet finally came out. I got out of rehah and i becaume wild, drinking, doing losts of drugs, i was never home and i traveled a lot. By 16 i went to an all girls group home 8 moths later i ran away, by then i was 17 and the state cold no longer help me, 4 months later i met my now husband and we were wild together, we partied and traveled, then we became pregnant with my oldest son, right after i had him he had to go into surgery, he was diagnosed with hydronyphrosis (fluid in the kidney) surgery went well and he is okay now. then my husband and i fought and fought and fought, this fighting broke me, pushed me further than i thought i could go mentally, i started turning to spirituality to help, i was as low as i thought i could be. My son meanwhile had turned into a wild child, i took him to a specialist at 5 and he was diagnosed with Sensory Processing disorder, ODD, ADHD, and High anxiety. My husband and i broke up when i got pregnant with our second daughter and i moved out for a year, after that i moved back in and i was 19 when i had her. She cried nonstop day in and day out. My husband and i had since worked things out and we bought a house and got married and had our 3rd child 5 years after my second daughter. Things seem to be great now, accept i lost myself, or maybe i didnt know myself. I want to find my lifes purpose, but i have tried several things including life coaching and none seem to fit. I feel like maybe i need to share my story, but i dont know how, i want to help others but i dont know the path i need to take. Any advice as to how i can find out?
July 1, 2017 at 4:56 am #155902Anonymous
GuestDear larissa:
You wrote in the last few lines of your post: “i lost myself, or maybe i didnt know myself. I want to find my lifes purpose… i dont know the path i need to take. Any advice as to how i can find out?”
My advice is that your opportunities to know yourself, to find yourself, your life purpose, these exist in your very life as-is, presently. Let’s look for a few such opportunities in your very post:
1. “When i was young my mother developed a severe drinking problem… She started beating my siblings and I… her and i fought the most. These fights were prety bad, and always ended up in me running off for the night…” What is the nature of the current relationship with her? Depending on your answer, there may be an opportunity there: if the current relationship involves fighting, still, it might be time to end that relationship and that will benefit you. It will be you taking a stand against fighting and turmoil.
2. “I got out of rehah and i becaume wild, drinking, doing losts of drugs… i was 17… i met my now husband and we were wild together, we partied…then we became pregnant with my oldest son, right after i had him he had to go into surgery… my husband and i fought and fought and fought, this fighting broke me.” Are you still drinking/ doing drugs, maybe from time to time? If so, this is an opportunity to evaluate the affects of drinking on your relationship with your husband and the quality of your parenting.
3. “My son meanwhile had turned into a wild child, i took him to a specialist at 5 and he was diagnosed with Sensory Processing disorder, ODD, ADHD, and High anxiety.”
You wrote later: “You wrote: “i want to help others ” well- your son is suffering a whole lot. This is your opportunity to help him more than you already are, what greater value is in helping an innocent, very distressed little person that you brought into this life? (More than anything, your son needs a peaceful home, a safe home, no fighting between parents, between anyone).
4. “My husband and i broke up when i got pregnant with our second daughter… i was 19 when i had her. She cried nonstop day in and day out.” There is this opportunity for you to think about having or not having future children (following your third), so that it is not something that just happens, but instead something subject to pre-thinking: is it for the benefit of a future child to be brought in to the circumstances of your life? Will you be providing a peaceful home for that child?
Why was/is your daughter crying a lot, how is she doing now…? If your son’s troubles and your daughter’s are caused or aggravated by anything you are doing or allow to happen, these things need to be looked at and both children need to be helped.
5. “My husband and i had since worked things out… our 3rd child 5 years after my second daughter”- you are currently then 24. Continuing to have a working relationship with your husband is a lot of work that still needs to be done. Improving communication with him, improving your cooperation as parents, all these are opportunities for you to choose and so to get to know yourself.
The spiritual path, I believe, is made up of the thoughtful choices that we make. When we think before we act, when we choose from awareness (instead of impulsively, automatically, habitually), we walk the spiritual path. The path is in the quality of choosing. Thoughtful choosing is getting to know yourself, finding yourself.
July 1, 2017 at 11:26 am #155932Judi
I can empathize with you in the feeling lost and want to help feeling. I have been there myself. I would like to suggest something that helped me at the time my son was diagnosed with oppositional behavioral disorder and ADD. I joined a group of moms who were experiencing the same type of child issues as I was, and I found the group to be very supportive. We talked about our experiences and how we handled issues, family dynamics and how to try different approached to the behavior. The biggest thing I got from it was that I am not alone. It makes a difference when there is a support system behind you. There is usually a local group in the communities. See if you could find one that would fit with you and your family.
July 2, 2017 at 10:07 am #155992Eliana
ParticipantHi Larissa,
I don’t know if you have really lost yourself. But all you knew is turbulance, instability, fighting and chaos in your childhood, and if left unresolved, it wreaks havoc in our adult lives, as we relive the chaos in our adult lives since that is all we know, then we hand that down to our children, who then hand it down to their children, and on it goes. It’s an unfortunate viscous cycle.
We did not have the love and nurturing we needed from our parents as children, so we have no foundation when we go in adulthood. We try to get out unmet childhood needs met through chaos in our relationships, through our children, friendships, even bosses and co-workers.
I too had a very turbulent, neglectful, abusive childhood, constant abandonment. I think what has helped me most is Psychotherapy, to get to the root of these issues, 12 step support programs, Post traumatic and co-dependent support groups. I have had many free support groups where hospitals have them for free, when I didn’t have insurance. I’m sorry this happened to you, and hope things get better. Keep us posted.
July 3, 2017 at 6:03 pm #156244larissa
ParticipantAnita- I should have said everything is better and calmed down now. We did get help for my son, We worked things out in our relationship, my mother has been gone for a long time now and i have came for not only forgive her but understand how she could become this way, through learning about her child hood. I am better now myself concerning the issues that came with that. The problem is, I have no idea who i am, what i like and dislike, and it is a confusing journey to be on. I also feel like i want to share my story with others who have been through the same thing to help them through it. Although i know i can not really help them, but more or less guide them and tell them to listen to their intuition and gut feelings. I was there, and i wish i had some guidance through those dark times. The problem with that is nothing FEELS right. I thought about writing a book maybe?
But as for discovering who i am is there any advice you could give me on where to start? Thank you for your reply.
July 3, 2017 at 6:06 pm #156246larissa
ParticipantJudi- I live in a village of 300 people so unfortunately there is none, however you may be on to something, maybe i coul start a support group here of some sort! Thank you for your reply!
July 3, 2017 at 6:12 pm #156248larissa
ParticipantEliana- There is nothing to be sorry for. I have come to terms with it and know that i was delt this hand to learn something from it and grow as a person. I was very restentful as a teenager but as i grew older and i delved more and more into spirituality i have learned so much from it and everything that has happened to m. In a way i am thankful for it, because had i not gone through any of that, i wouldnt be as wise and understanding as i am now.
The only reason i thought i had lost myself is because when some one asks me a hard question about something i like, or asks me if i like something, it takes me a while to answer them. Or when i think i find something i enjoy, such as gardening, i am all for it at first, then it becomes mundane to me. Thank you for your reply!
July 3, 2017 at 9:15 pm #156258Anonymous
GuestDear larissa:
I want to come back to your thread in the morning (8-10 hours from now) because I am not focused enough right now. It will help me when I am back if you elaborate on “I have no idea who i am, what i like and dislike” (I got the gardening example, need more…)
July 4, 2017 at 7:54 am #156306Anonymous
GuestDear larissa:
Regarding you wanting to share your story so to help others, you are welcome to share more of it here, on this thread or you can start a new thread, choose its title and write it thoughtfully, share your story thoroughly, include in is what you learned from it so far, share the understanding you have now (“i have learned so much from it and everything that has happened to me…. i wouldnt be as wise and understanding as i am now”)
Regarding not knowing yourself, not knowing your likes and dislikes, the way to get to know yourself, your likes and dislikes, I believe, is through paying attention (the practice of Mindfulness) and experimentation. For example, gardening- focus on a task, pay attention to how you feel doing this particular gardening task, and how you feel doing another task; what in a particular task is pleasant and what is not. Maybe it is more pleasant to work in the sun, maybe better in the shade. Maybe it is easier to weed after the rain, maybe better at this angle, or that. Experiment and pay attention.
And make thoughtful choices (the theme of my first reply to you on this thread). Use every opportunity to make a thoughtful choice. The more thoughtful choices you make, the more you are being yourself. Avoid automatic, habitual behavior when thoughtful, new behavior is more effective. Try new behaviors and see how they work for you.