
LTR of 2 yrs – still waiting for an “I love you”

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    My partner and I have been together for 2 years. I said I love you a year into the relationship and it wasn’t returned. I didn’t worry at the time but as the days pass it’s weighing on me. I want a future and any serious conversation is brushed under the carpet or ignored, I’ve tried to ask subtly but she doesn’t answer and I’m fearful of pushing it, I want it to be said out of love not obligation . We always enjoy each others company and care but is the lack of return “I love you” a warning? My friends have been saying by now it should have been returned and she has just got comfortable and is enjoying the relationship for what it is and not necessarily in love or envisaging a future with me, which is not good as I want to marry her. I’ve tried to broach it in a subtle manner like what does love mean to you etc but she is just cagey and laughs. I’m worried I’m in love with someone who deep down knows she doesn’t love me. I don’t want to let go but this past year the negative emotions are just seeping through and making me uneasy. Anyone been in this place or got advice?


    Dear Sam:

    “My partner and I have been together for 2 years… I want to marry her. I’ve tried to broach it in a subtle manner like what does love mean to you etc but she is cagey and laughs”- reads to me that two years into a supposed intimate relationship would relax a person enough to.. not be cagey when serious topics are brought up.

    She is cagey, in a cage… makes me think of a person in jail, being stuck in a cage, or a cell. How can you interact with a person who lives in a cell? Visitations on Sunday. What I am trying to say is that the only relationship you can have with a cagey person is a very limited relationship.

    You want to marry her, she is cagey: it is a very uncomfortable situation for you, and when you try to resolve your discomfort by figuring out what she wants from the relationship, she gets very uncomfortable.

    Maybe a couple therapist will be able to relax your girlfriend just enough so to get her to express herself honestly. Do you think she may be open to the idea?



    Thanks for the reply. There is no way she would consider therapy. Even when I bring it up carefully she makes it seem like I’m the strange one or with the problem. I guess I am as to me by now she should have said I love you. My friends who have  seen our relationship always comment we are good together but even they now think that she may have just been enjoying the ride for what it is and not really into the idea of a proper committed future with me. She keeps saying I don’t want to think about it and so forth. I keep going a long and being patient because I do love her and want a future. Have I set myself up for a fall? Anyone else been in this position?


    Dear Sam:

    You are welcome. I haven’t been in your particular situation. I hope members who have been will reply to you.

    When your friends have told you recently “that she may have just been enjoying the ride for what it is”, did they mean that she’s been enjoying you taking her out to restaurants, the movies, you giving her gifts and such?


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by .

    Hi Sam,

    I am in a VERY similar situation. My boyfriend and I have been together about a year in 4 months. I “kinda” told him I loved him a few months back? We were saying goodbye at the car and I was telling him how much he meant to me and what a wonderful Christmas I had with him and I could see him getting uncomfortable, knowing I was about to say the big words and because I saw him pull back, I decided not to say it.

    I asked him about it shortly after and he was honest about it and said he tries to show me he cares deeply for me daily but is uncomfortable with saying the actual words because he grew up in a home where that was never said. He has also never told an ex girlfriend he loved them, even when he did he told me.

    At this point, I know he does love me because he shows me by his actions (does things to make me laugh when I have a bad day, cleans up for me when I am tired, supports me in big decisions, is there for me when I need him the most…). If he decides to tell me one day, of course I will gladly accept it but for now, I chose to give him patience and understanding as well as learn acceptance that I may never hear it….but it does not mean that he doesn’t.

    Think about what your lady DOES for you instead of what she SAYS to you. Think about how she looks at you, how she helps you be a better person, how much fun you have together. Have you done anything big together? (take a trip, move in together, have large family gatherings) If she is introducing you to her family/friends, is with you a lot of the time happily, smiles and laughs with you and does things to make you happy without thinking of herself, she may be in love but afraid to say the words in fear of possible rejection. Maybe dig into her past a bit too. If she is not willing to open up, ask her close friend or even family member. I grew close with my mans mother and one day I asked her subtly about my mans lack of verbal affection. She ended up telling me he has always been that way and he shows love/care by doing rather than showing. That alone helped me gain some perspective on why he is the way he is.

    Don’t give up just yet is my advice. Have you heard of the 5 Love Languages? I would suggest taking the quiz as both you AND her. Take the quiz as yourself first to find out which love language you are. Then, take it again but AS her. Put yourself in her shoes and answer the same questions as if you were her – think and answer the way you think she would. Then, you can compare.  My top love language was of course, Words of Affirmation”. Guess what his last one was? Yup…words of affirmation. However, we both tied #2 with Quality Time. He was willing to take the quiz with me (because it was really a fun quiz to do when we were bored one day) but it helped bring clarity to how we each show love and affection.

    Now a days, I look at more what my man does for me and focus on how I feel when I am with him, how happy he is when he is with me, I focus on things we do together that make each other happy. I realize he may never say the words, but I believe when someone shows it, it is more important.

    The last piece of advice I have for you is to try and have an in depth conversation with your lady. We did this as well, which is when he told me how he feels about me in other ways (I deeply care for you, you make me happy, you are amazing, I am lucky to be with you) and we also got to talk about the future plan – we both want to move in, get married and have kids one day just not right at this point. Try and find out if you want the same future and are on the same path together. If you have that, then focus on your time together, her actions toward you and try to know that actions will always be more important than words.

    I hope this all made sense and is helping to guide you.


    – Linlin

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by LinLin.

    Hi Linlin,

    Thank you for sharing your story. But unfortunately this isn’t just a case of my partner has trouble to verbalise it. She is reluctant to put anything into action. It is starting to feel she enjoys the non committal nature of our relationship and does not want to progress it forward. The honeymoon period wore of long ago,  naturally you’d want to move onto next steps but she is happy seeing me when she can, she cares but it’s no different to a friends with benefits. I want more. I want to marry her yet she can’t even put anything concrete down in terms of future and avoids or gets cagey about discussion. I find it odd that she says I love you to her friends and family is an affectionate person but can’t say it to me after 2 years. She’s actually not met any of my closest friends she has never made the effort to or asked and I enjoyed spending our time together so didn’t push it but even my friends are questioning our relationship. I have tried being patient and asking in different non confrontational ways but she always changes the topic. Do you think deep down she is already aware that she doesn’t love me? She is simply enjoying the company on her terms whilst I’m the mug who has fallen in love?


    Hi Sam,

    I am sorry to hear she is not really putting in the effort you hope for. It sounds like deep down you already have your answer and know what to do. Being a female myself, if I am in love I will either say it or show it. If she is not doing either, then it’s likely she is not in love with you. Especially not having met any of your friends in 2 years? That is odd to me.

    You seem like a genuinely good person. A very caring, romantic person. Don’t you want to share that with someone who gives the same to you?



    She cares for me and we enjoy each others company and have a great time together but it hasn’t moved any further. She doesn’t want to even consider moving in. I’m in love with her, I really love her and can see my whole future with her. Deep down I think I know, my fears that she cares but doesn’t love me the same way and doesn’t want a future with me are starting to make me feel really negative but I keep thinking maybe with time it will come. I haven’t loved anyone like her and I don’t want to. What do I do? I’m scared if I broach the topic she will leave me, she has been close to doing it before when she felt pressured so I steered it away and continued as we were but I know I’m not fulfilled like this but don’t want to let her go. Everyone is saying I deserve better but why can’t I see it?


    Only you can make this final decision whether you want to wait it out longer or put a stop to all of this now. You say, ” I’m scared if I broach the topic she will leave me, she has been close to doing it before when she felt pressured so I steered it away”.

    In order to be completely happy in a relationship, I believe both parties should be free to express their feelings no matter what. You should not be afraid to bring up topics that are bothering you. If she is threatening to leave you and you are scared to upset her, then you are just doing things for her but not yourself. I can understand that you love her, however she is showing you that she is not on the same page. 2 years into a relationship is more than enough time to decide where the futures goes. If she is not speaking of it, not showing it and threatening to leave if you talk about serious topics, does that sound like a healthy relationship to you?

    You also say, “Everyone is saying I deserve better but why can’t I see it?” – You cannot see it simply because as the cliche states, love is blind. You said you friends are warning you as well that this is not right for you. It is hard to picture life without the person you are in love with, it really is. I have been there myself and left several relationships before where I have been in love but deep down, I knew it had no future so I decided to leave. And as a result, I found myself in a better, more committed relationship.

    I am not saying you should 100% leave right away, but look at the pro’s and con’s of your situation. Follow you gut. What does it tell you?

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