
Materials about letting purpose into your life

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    I’ve spent the last 19 years of my life doing some work (IT related), which used to bring in enough money and which I did good enough. I wasn’t passionate about that kind of work and did it only, if

    1. either I was paid well for that or
    2. doing this work brought me closer to some goal (was a means to an end, which was important/interesting/fun to me).

    But I never was really successful in that field. When I look at those, who are, I don’t want to become like them.

    I spent the last 6 years (at least) looking for something else, which would give me

    1. enough money to survive,
    2. was better aligned with my skills and interests and
    3. give something meaningful to the world.

    Now, I think and feel that I have found a business idea, which satisfies all three criteria. I will test it by building it and I have people around me, who help me with that.

    One thing, which I’m worried about is that I’m not used to happiness. If I become successful with this idea, I will enjoy most of the things I do (even the boring ones), because I’ll be implementing my mission. I’m not used to long periods of happiness (my record is approx. 14 days and that was 5 years ago). I’m also not used to having enough money (enough for having a guaranteed shelter, food and being able to provide for people, who depend on me). During the last 10 years, only in 2 of them did I have enough. The other 8 were a fight for survival.

    Therefore, I need to modify me and to accept the fact that living a happy life (without doing a job exclusively for the money) in relative prosperity is a normal thing.

    The other thing, which I need to change is to accept the fact that my mission is more useful to other people than what I’m doing now for a living. Now I’m working on an assembly line and my world-improvement potential is very limited. Even if I invest a lot of time and energy into improving it, I’m not sure that anyone will notice.

    My newly discovered mission, if it works as planned, will be useful to much more people. When a worker from the assembly line goes to a child, awakens his interest in technology (for example) and then the child becomes a master in some field because of that interaction, then the worker’s impact is much greater than anything he could have done on the assembly line.

    My primary spiritual task in this situation is this: Not to screw it up. It’s like starting a relationship with the man/woman of your dreams. Being too eager (or too lazy) can destroy it.

    Therefore my question: What quality materials are there about

    • accepting daily happiness, incl. adequate material rewards for that,
    • accepting (for real) that my purpose here is more than just work for survival and
    • that the universe (or whatever entity you believe in) needs me to be alive, healthy and with my basic needs (shelter, food, money for people, who depend me) covered to fulfill that mission in the best possible way


    I want to read something, which will help me accept a better life.

    Thanks in advance

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 6 months ago by Geek.

    Hi Geek,

    When I was asking existential/life quality questions like this ten years ago, my friend told me to read The Bhagavad Gita. Read one with good commentaries! It’s about being content with living and living in your nature. But of course, spiritually it covers much more than that! Read it and tell us what you think.




    Dear Geek:

    You wrote so clearly. “I’m not used to long periods of happiness (my record is approx. 14 days and that was 5 years ago).”

    Will you write more about this sentence- what state/s of mind are dominant in between the rare breaks of happiness? When did it start? Why…?



    Thanks, Inky!



    Thanks for your answer.

    During those 2 weeks I kept a state of happiness by doing intensive meditations (as far as I remember, at least an hour every morning, saying a certain mantra several hundred times). I also lived in a place that I like and worked in a way, which I enjoyed.

    That happiness was the result of a purposeful effort.

    what state/s of mind are dominant in between the rare breaks of happiness?

    The dominant thought is “I have to get out of here”, i. e. change the place of living and my job to something more suitable for me. The consequence of that thought is that a day/hour, which I don’t spend on improving my life, is a day/hour wasted.

    Best regards



    Dear Geek:

    You care a lot about having a purpose for your life beyond mere survival. You care about having a mission, something meaningful to motivate you, to bring passion to your life, something to make life more than mere survival. You mentioned your “world-improvement potential” and you wrote: “When a worker from the assembly line goes to a child, awakens his interest in technology (for example) and then the child becomes a master in some field because of that interaction, then the worker’s impact is much greater than anything he could have done on the assembly line.”

    That interaction you wish to have with a child is the interaction you wish another had with you when you were a child, isn’t it? You wish that someone older than you would have removed you from the Assembly Line kind-of-life you had, a life where you were nobody special, and lead you to a life where you were someone special?



    Hello Geek – as Inky mentioned above, the Bhagavad Gita talks a LOT about 2 things: Dharma and Karma. Dharma refers to your noble mission, the inner guidance to do what you came on the planet to do. Does your newly discovered mission feel like you’re following the path of YOUR Purpose? The thing you came to the planet for? If so, don’t worry about happiness – what will come is fulfillment, a satisfaction of seeing your mission in action, a meaning to your life and living.

    “It is better to live your own Dharma imperfectly, than to live an imitation of somebody else’s life with perfection.” -Bhagavad Gita
    Also check out – 5 Paths to Discovering Your Dharma: http://www.mindbodygreen.com/0-16692/the-5-paths-to-discovering-your-dharma.html

    As for some reading materials for accepting daily happiness, I recommend Byron Katie’s “Loving What Is”
    And for more reading about Purpose, I loved “Callings: Finding and Following an Authentic Life,” by Gregg Levoy

    I hope this helps.
    Namaste, Saiisha

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