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November 16, 2017 at 7:52 am #178329
Participant<I have been separated from my ex for a little over 1 year now. He and I were together for 6 months.
I still think about him and miss him everyday. I no longer talk to him or look at photos or social media. I only mention him when my friends bring him up on occasion (I guess they think I don’t love him anymore).
I love him now just if not as strongly as I did before. Too bad I did everything wrong with breakups that I could have done. Cried, begged, over texted, drunk texted, sent a letter, drunk cried, “bumped into him”, blocked then unblocked then blocked etc….So I know that he is long gone. He never tried to reach out to me either.
I am not sure what to do. I want to start dating as I know he isn’t coming back to me and even if he were to pop up that is not something I should be waiting for. I know I can’t up my life on hold for him.
There are days when I am okay and then there are days when I just cry.
Like a year to the breakup date, I cried while masturbating. I hated what I was doing, because I thought about being with him instead, his hands, his kisses, not this lonely act. I hated myself right then because I know he is not doing this right now. He is out, and about, achieving his goals, meeting women and I alone, crying…
I am not attracted to many men (that a whole other can of worms that I can post about later) so whenever I try to date I just can’t get myself to. My ex unexpectedly ended up being the first person I was ever sexually and emotionally attracted to. Sometimes I compare them to what I used to have and I get bored (which is even harder when I am not attracted to them. I’ve tried to be more open minded in dating people that I am not attracted to, so far it hasn’t worked)
How do people just move on or meet someone new in a few days, weeks or months??
It makes me think there are different levels of love and I just fell into the deepest one of all.November 16, 2017 at 10:55 am #178381Anonymous
GuestDear HiCrunchy:
You wrote: “It makes me think there are different levels of love and I just fell into the deepest one of all”- there are different levels of emotional attachments, yes. Reads like you were very attached to him and still are. Attached to the idea of him, at this point.
And it reads to me that you otherwise avoid becoming attached to men, maybe to people, men and women. Not surprisingly, because you know how much it hurts to separate or be rejected when one is attached.
Some people get to feel better when they quickly replace the object of their attachment. You are not in the habit of doing that.
I hope you post again with your thoughts and feelings.
November 18, 2017 at 9:19 am #178591Tia
ParticipantDear HiCrunchy:
I read this story and had to stop to think, almost wondering if I wrote it myself. The technicalities of what happened on my journey with my first love is exactly yours word for word, down to the timeline, the length of the relationship, the begging-blocking. I say technicalities because obviously, I was not in that relationship so I did not have your memories and moments. But I can offer some perspective. Perhaps it’s due to kismet that I chance upon this page.
Letting go is not easy to do. And truth be told, one must reconcile that there is a part of you that may perhaps never be able to let of go of this man at all.
The silver lining of all that is happening to you is this, that you KNOW now what it means to love someone. You know that what you had was real. And of course while that might bring pain because you are not with this person anymore, you must understand that this is a path on your journey in life. EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON, cliched as that may sound. I like to look at the people who come into our lives and leave it, and the pain that happens to us as goalposts. Goalposts or checkpoint stations in a marathon, where you might, pick up a bandaid, replenish your energy with a Gatorade or granola bar. And on this marathon of life there is no true destination or finishing line. You must keep chasing it. We are consistently chasing our next station in life. If it didn’t work out, if you are being tested, it is because the Universe, or if you believe, God, has a higher plan for you. I truly do.Recognize the impermanence of all things—time, life, and love. When you can see this truth, you will be able to realize that you must release yourself from the burden of loss. Live in the NOW. Thank your former lover for the lessons, for showing you what it means to be in love.
We must instead live in the moment while it happens, exist in the present, appreciate the occurrence for what it is, not what it will become.
We cannot choose the pain that happens to us in life. But we can choose whether or not to remain suffering.
I noticed in your writing that you wonder how people are able to meet someone else, or get over the loves of their lives.
Are you trying or thinking of meeting someone new in order to fill a void that is left behind by this man? Ask yourself this question very honestly.
I fell into that trap myself. Attempting to date for two years, and nothing, no one quite ever matched up. Eventually I realized that I was relying on someone’s love to heal my soul. And so one day I snapped, I picked up my bags, packed hiking gear and went across the country away from the city to the wilderness and mountains of the west, and spent a summer just exploring the beauty and vastness of this world. Eventually it became a journey of self-discovery.
So what is my final point?
You must fill that hole with yourself. Only you can do this. What brings you joy? What are your goals, your dreams? Self-love, self-care, self discovery. Those are things that will heal you. You must be whole to love another. And you must be whole again. And I have faith you will be.
Good luck, and best wishes in life.
August 4, 2018 at 10:57 am #220323Faith
ParticipantIt has been a while since OP. Hope you feel better, and less attached to your ex.
It will soon mark one year after my breakup. I google the missing ex after one year, and feel this op was me. I don’t know if I actually accepted this breakup, because I miss him a lot and I haven’t completely killed the idea of seeing him again.
He never wanted to hear from me or meet me. I guess he is the kind of people who will just move on like I never existed, they didn’t invest, they may have gone on dates with us, but they never opened their heart to us, we were merely playmates, companies to them. When they got bored, they turned dry and cold to us and the relationship came to an end, such that they can have fun with their next playmates.
I feel stupid to fall in love with the man I didn’t really know, I should have dated longer before becoming exclusive or dated more than just him at the time.
March 26, 2020 at 10:22 am #345446Caroline
ParticipantHi! I know this is over 2 years later, but maybe you’ll see this. I have never read anything more relatable in my life. Everything you said was exactly how I feel and how I’ve acted. Idk if there’s a way to talk to you through this, but either way I just want you to know that I get it. I understand the pain and the lengths we’ll go to when we miss them.
April 24, 2020 at 2:12 pm #351334David
ParticipantYes! Everything you said I get I live everyday May will be a year since this happened and casually I had to pretend I’m okay at one point put on a fake face put on a fake show hide my emotions so people don’t know I’m crazy or think that I’m obsessive for not being able to move past something they’ve allready moved past. If anyone knows online support groups where we can help one another through this! I need to do something different then being sad or turning to alchool to get past this