
Moving on- anger management and sense of security

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  • This topic has 63 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Dear Anita

    Thanks a lot; I am planning to look for psychotherapy indeed. I think this breakup has just stirred everything up, and this generalized depressive mood has been here for long. I am more concerned these days as I suspect myself of getting mild depression, because of the sleeplessness, low energy, losing interest in things etc.
    I think it can go as far as when I was in my early school years. I think that was at around 6 or 7 years old? I wasn’t able to control my bowel and I remembered losing control in class. Everyone could smell it, I was so ashamed and eventually my teacher found me. Get me changed. And I remembered her saying I should have told her. I was too timid and scared to raise my hands in class when I was young. It definitely has way passed the stage when I should develop my autonomy. It was a very shameful event, I couldn’t remember if I blamed myself, may be of not speaking out?but definitely it’s shameful.
    I also remembered at the age of 11 when my bag was lost in school, the class teacher requested everyone to stay behind until the bag was found. Eventually someone found my bag and no one stole it, it’s only in the classroom, but the whole class was detained because of me. I have never meant to suggest that the bag was stolen when I approached the teacher, but the classteacher made it as if I accused someone who did it. And the teacher said something mean afterwards? Probably something related to me not being careful. I can’t remember. But I remember feeling very guilty and eventually blamed myself. How could I not know of it. This is more related to the feeling of being punished, I think I deserve the punishment, although in retrospect, I dont’t think it was my fault. But I believed so at that time, because of everyone’s gaze and some accusation from the peers. I thought I was the one who created this, if I could be more cautious, this wouldn’t happen.
    I also remembered I was supposed to tell the classteacher that one of the classmates needed to go away from class for a while, but I was too timid to say it to the teacher. Eventually when the classmate found it out, she blamed me for not saying it to the teacher, and I also blamed myself.
    I have in general very poor recollection of my childhood, but these are out of the few things that I remember very vividly.
    I probably kept this self-blame pattern since childhood, if I recall it now.
    I don’t know how it can serve me, but it probably it’s a very automatic thought that I generated.

    Thanks Anita. Appreciate your respond and patience.



    Dear Chau:

    How I wish I could make you believe that you don’t deserve to be punished. You had a difficult childhood and that is probably why you remember so little of it. You were shamed, probably at home which is why you were so timid at school. If you lost control of your bowels one time, I am supposing it happened because you were too timid to ask to go to the bathroom?

    I was shamed many times as a child and therefore I know shame very well. It cuts deep inside. It makes us no longer be on our own side, no longer operate for our own benefit. Makes us punish ourselves for being so… shameful, so deserving of condemnation and ridicule.

    I am so sorry for your suffering. And I know you can heal because I am healing myself. You can too and I can’t wait for you to experience more and more well being. I think psychotherapy with a competent, empathetic (!) therapist, like the one I had for two years 2011-2013 will help you a whole lot!



    Hi Anita

    I was thinking of that too. the reason why I remembered so little was because I have an unhappy childhood.and yes i was too timid to raise my hand and asked for help.
    There are times when i feel i need so much love from someone else. Guess deep down i don’t feel worthy of love, although I have a good job and well educated, i have friends and family etc. There is just this tiny voice in my head that goes against it. And so i just go ahead into relationship even when i see red flag.and i think i don’t love myself enough.
    Thanks for your kind words. I sometime just want to dodge away from it, from all the emotions and the thinking. my head is very heavy these days and am quite stuck.
    I did try a counsellor but I think his style doesn’t match mine, i need one which is more non-directive especially I am dealing with such delicate emotions.
    Wish me luck in finding one.



    Dear Chau:

    I wish you luck in finding a competent, empathetic therapist, one who will not be directive but help you build confidence in your own ability to think and figure things out. And the therapist needs to be sincerely empathetic, can’t compromise that because you need to have faith that the therapist is interested in your well being, that is, being on your side.

    So interview a potential therapist, look for her/ his views on homosexuality, for one. Pay attention to her/ his response as you ask this or that question.

    You were timid as a child to ask for help because I am guessing you were alone a lot of the time, alone with your feelings, with your need for help, guidance. Maybe you were even punished or somehow discouraged from approaching a parent with your needs. So you were afraid to do it in the classroom as well.

    Take it easy on yourself, as easy as you can. You are overwhelmed. Placing any kind of pressure on yourself when you are overwhelmed is counter productive. Rest and relax best you can.

    And post again and again, I hope.



    Hi Anita

    Yes I was very alone when I was young. While other children are socializing with each other I just sat on my own, during recess or lunch hour. I remembered I dreaded the free time after lunch, since that means I would loiter on my own in the playground.
    It didn’t change until I was almost a teen.
    And I agree I should take good care of myself and be at ease. I have been very analytical on my own problem and been jumping to conclusion. I realized the problem is, I know what is happening in my head and have been convincing myself. i.e. to move on, it’s over etc. and that actually stresses myself, even more.
    I would try to just let these go and see if I can feel everything, however scary it can seem. i think that’s the way that I can align everything together again.

    Thanks Anita
    Appreciate your respond and support all the way



    Dear Chau:

    You are welcome. Yes, don’t put any pressure on yourself. Treat yourself as if you are that same scared, lonely girl you were in school. In a way, you still are that girl. A lot of you is that girl. So be empathetic to her. Imagine her alone in school, scared, sad and comfort her, that is, comfort yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Be kind to the suffering little girl. She deserves a relief, comfort, a break from thinking, from that … mental noise. Post anytime, and I would be glad to reply to you every time.



    Hi Anita and all

    I hope all is well!
    I am just trying to come back and let everyone knows I am sound and safe 🙂
    It’s been quite sometime after this breakup, and I do feel a lot more energized at this moment.
    I have come to terms that these two people have left my life,and I don’t victimize myself anymore, I actually feel good that I have learned so much about myself through this.I am re-prioritizing things in life, and am spending more time taking care of my parents and myself.
    I have having been refraining myself from contacting my ex, and last week, I finally did. I had this urge for a very long time, i know i have to do it. I was still wondering previously if she was thinking of me, but didn’t contact because she was scared to hurt me.

    But since I have initiated the contact, there was no reason why she would withhold herself if she wants to talk to me.Unless, she doesn’t want to contact me at all.
    We talked very briefly on non-personal things. and that’s it.

    So that’s the conclusion, she doesn’t want to contact me or care for me at all.
    That’s cleared my query.

    It’s a pity, knowing how much she thought she wished to marry me previously. But this infatuation is too fragile to stand. While she could just leave me when she thought i mistreated her and belittled her, to minimize the hurt. She chose to secure herself with someone else before she left, ignoring the agony that she has put me through.

    I didn’t know how i get cured. It’s just like i wake up day by day, and suddenly realized i am not that bothered.
    I also feel very blessed, especially when I realized there are other people who has gone through trauma, yet didn’t have the resources to get better.
    Some lose their job if they slack off, some need to take care of their children/families, some don’t have that many friends to accompany them. some don’t have the previous resources or strength that I have built up along all these years, to sustain till now.
    I have none of these burdens.

    I work with people who have emotional problem, and having gone through a period of depression(I kind of self-diagnosed since I am in the mental health field), I gained tremendous understanding of how helpless it could be when you were depressed.and i finally understand what these people are going through, that kind of emotional understanding is rare to get.

    So I feel very blessed and grateful in the end, and that I can see who is really good to me, and who actually just walk all over me.

    And thank you the tiny buddha community, it’s so great to be heard and receive so many insights from it.

    Take good care everyone



    Dear Chau:

    You are welcome and I appreciate your almost monthly update and I welcome your posts anytime.

    I like this very sentence in your last post: ” I can see who is really good to me, and who actually just walk all over me.”-

    This is key: when you are able to determine who is good to you/ for you and who is not, my goodness, this is key. So many people, including myself in my past, do not have this ability or do not trust it.

    Good job, Chau, says I!



    Hi Chau,

    I have just signed up to this site only a few minutes ago so please forgive me if I am not following usual protocol or responding out of turn etc. Anyway, here goes….

    I was in your shoes about a month ago and what I did helped quite a lot. Unfortunately, this situation is one of those things in which time truly is the best healer but a few things I did really helped. Also I appreciate that this advice might not be for you personally but you seem very insightful and intelligent so you will surely decide if it is for you 🙂

    The first thing I would recommend is to completely eliminate the ability to ‘keep tabs’ on your ex and her current – delete her on facebook and completely erase her phone number so you couldn’t contact her even if you tried. Whilst this may seem viscous or immature it is merely a technique for eliminating that insecure feeling that is created by a mixture of hope (to re-kindle), uncertainty and overthinking (in my opinion). I will forewarn you that this is going to be really tough for anywhere up to a week but I promise that you will feel better much faster than you would if you don’t do this.

    My next suggestion would be to pick something to devote your time to each day. I am not aware of your current working situation (student, full time, part time, etc) but take an hour ideally each day to do something which requires you to use your focus for a different purpose….some suggestions might be to learn the guitar, exercise, play some video games. listening to music usually will not help because you are still able to think and fantasise about the situation. Again I understand this isn’t for everybody but something great to try is martial arts, this is because it does wonders for your self esteem but it is very very difficult to be anywhere but there (to be in the present moment). Meditation is a great technique, as is journaling. I sat down and for about an hour just wrote down in my journal everything I was feeling, anger, resentments, how I see the future, what I want to happen, etc….writing it down makes the abstract (thought) become tangible so you can develop more objectivity.

    Finally (sorry for the long post), I believe that you need to do two things. 1) be happy for your ex and let go of anger towards her current, 2) let out some anger via catharsis in order to feel the underlying emotion of sadness.
    You can do the former by having compassion for your ex and being happy that she isn’t suffering, that she is happy…after all, don’t all humans deserve to be happy? I used to wish ill on my ex because why should she get to be happy when I wasn’t? believe me that this attitude is only hurting you and whilst it is tough, forgiving her and being genuinely happy for her will help drastically. pick something you admire about her current and list qualities that you like about him – this is tough (because the ego is usually in the way) but you will feel better; maybe even send him a message wishing them both well 🙂 as for the ‘catharsis’, you can remove your anger by hitting your bed, shouting, hitting a punchbag, etc….really let loose and let some aggression out (do not aim this at anybody or hurt anybody please) and you will find that shortly after you will feel depleted and you will probably cry….anger is our cover so we don’t have to feel our grief.

    I really hope this helps, like I said, I have been where you are my friend and it isn’t nice but these things really helped me. Mindfulness meditation is so great for these matters.



    Hi Anita and George

    thanks for the reply!
    Good to hear from both of you.
    As I gain my right mind I am objectively(try to ) evaluating the relationship.
    I know I did something wrong too, and my ex did smth wrong too in the end.
    But I am trying to accept this flawed self of mine as well as my ex’s.

    And i do wish her happy, when she said things were better on her side, I didn’t feel rage or anything, I genuinely hoped that she was fine. And i guess that’s why i didn’t further pursue the conversation, didn’t ask her about her current(if there is any),if she wanted to find me or tell me, she would do so without prompting.

    I don’t even feel too much anger on her betrayal. I think she had her own issue to sort out too. Cheating is just a ineffective way to escape and avoid facing the real issue, and i think she has some work to do on her own.

    George, I agree that the first two weeks(actually for me it’s like two months), was terrible. But since I knew i would just hurt her by contacting her, i put everything up on my own.
    I did cry last night, when I self-talk(i imagined talking to her actually) , and I didn’t realize i still had so much to cry. But it’s not that overwhelming cry, it’s just saddening that this has ended up like this.
    Thanks a lot for the suggestion! I think they make perfect sense. I am sure I will follow some of your suggestion. And thanks for writing in such a detailed way.

    Anita, I am trying to update you to let you and everyone know i am better =) I think you helped me a lot and i think you would be happy to know the progress, especially this seems to be a positive one so far.

    Have a nice weekend everyone



    Dear Chau:

    And indeed I am happy to know your progress, your healing. Looking forward to your next update, anytime. And have a good weekend as well.


    Keep working it Chau


    Hi Anita, Brie and all

    Hope all is well!It’s another month of my recovery.
    i bumped into her the other day, she was going back to her place by herself, i went up to her, and we talked a bit. she told me she just had dinner with that friend, the friend who cheated with her on me.
    After we parted, we had a conversation via whatsapp, i have always imagined what I would say to her if I see her again, I just hoped it wouldn’t be as evil/wicked as the one we had when we parted. So told her i was grateful for her effort made during the time when we dated, and that i took my responsibilities for whatever i have not been doing well, those accusation that I made, I was mean and harsh at times etc.I also mentioned briefly that i was depressed and angry at everything in this world for a period of time.
    She said she was feeling guilty and at the same time angry, angry at herself and me for not breaking up on the first time we said we should,so that this wouldn’t happen.
    We did talk about some trivial things some days later, and eventually I said I tried to come back to give closure/answer/reconcile, but I sensed a wall that she built, and if that’s the case there was no point in trying. She quickly said she appreciated my goodwill but was not ready to talk, wishing me happy mid autumn festival and quickly closed the convo.
    I finally managed to completely block both their facebooks, cleared all whatsapp messages and deleted her from my phone book, no checking if she or my friend was online whatsoever.
    I haven’t heard from her for months and I have been giving her the benefit of doubts, thinking she might at least want to make peace? Acknowledged the effort we made and we did have some good times? And eventually what I heard was that she was angry with me. I might not love her enough, I might have done something wrong, but angry with me after months of calming down, while she was the one cheated? If I could take responsible for hurting her during the time that we were dating (which I think all relationships involved some kind of hurt inevitably, deliberate or non-deliberate), why couldn’t she?
    And now, after handling the hurt of betrayal, the anger, the self-doubt(which all still exist from time to time), I am dealing with the end of this relationship, there is no room for misunderstanding. She has gone for real, and I think I am mourning it these days since when I recalled those happy/sad moments, I can go into depressed state.
    And that can get me quite down at times. And from time to time, I was so afraid of getting back to when I was seriously depressed, I could sense that it was still here, I could cry in the office in the morning when no one was watching, and I yelled and shouted and cried last night when I was finally able to be alone.
    Sometimes I can’t even figure out why, and what it is, it’s been months and it’s still haunting me.
    Any thoughts or sharing? Helpful to hear some objective opinions.

    Thanks for all the support, appreciate!


    Dear Chau:

    I am glad you are back for another update, almost a month since last. Does read to me that the relationship with your ex girlfriend is indeed in the past where it should stay. I also think that you have a difficulty placing it in the past because of your self doubt: still struggling with who-did-what-to-whom, that is: who is the guilty party. Sometimes you think it is her; at other times you think it is you and so the conflict is ongoing and prevents you from moving on.

    Unfortunately you cannot get that conflict resolved by communicating with her. She is angry at you (and at herself, she told you) and that gives credence, in your mind, to the belief that you are the guilty party. You remind yourself that she is the one who cheated on you, and that gives credence to your belief that she is the guilty party.

    Is my understanding here correct? And if it is, how do you think can you indeed move on, that is, how can you really leave this relationship where in reality it is: the past, over and done with?



    Hi Chau, (and everyone reading this!)

    I have just read your previous threads, and genuinely feel sorry about what you have gone through but also touched by how you have coped with it. Well done for coming so far. I’ve previously posted on TinyBuddha too – and I was surprised to find that our stories are somewhat similar. It was a 5-year long same-sex relationship (although in my case the relationship is secretive and NOT acknowledged as a romantic one) that ended with the other person leaving me for someone else. It happened around 2.5 months ago and even now, I’m still weirdly obsessed with the thought of her being with someone else – although I am quite certain I am gradually letting go. Some days are ok but some days are worse. Since it was a secretive relationship I never had the chance to speak to any of my friends or family about it, and had been having counselling sessions. And this forum too has been my go-to place when I feel vulnerable and weak facing my own emotions. Do keep us posted – like Anita, I’d love to hear more from you. You are not alone in finding this past event still haunting you after a while. I myself try to go about my daily life as normally and productively as possible (I am a university student) but there’s a constant cloud of heaviness in my heart/head, and sometimes the thoughts keep me from concentrating on what I do. Do share more about how you feel if it helps you relieve your stress and unwanted feelings.

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