
My bisexual boyfriend

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    i knew my boyfriend was bisexual and had also been into swinging when we met. We talked openly about it and when said I didnt want to take part in any groups sexual activity he agreed and also said that his bisexuality was not a huge part of him and that being with me was more important. He told me it was more about the sex, rather than fancying other men. We’ve had a great year, really good sex life and I thought he was my best friend.

    Just recently though, he started taking his phone everywhere with him, spending a lot of time on it and getting up about four each morning, because he couldn’t sleep. I thought this was due to work stress. My intuition though kept nagging and finally, while he was at work, yesterday, I looked into the browsing history on his tablet. It’s synced to his phone but doesn’t show messages just Internet browsing history.nitnshowed he’s been visiting swinging sites and personal ads online through another site looking for men and make masseurs.

    I am broke by this and don’t know what to do. We have only just moved in together and I was looking forward to outlives together and now it’s all been blown apart. I feel if I comfront him he will get angry, defensive and I will have nowhere to live if the relationship is over.


    Dear Anita:

    Did I understand correctly: you “will nowhere to live if the relationship is over”?

    Can you elaborate on it, on not having a place to live in if you don’t live with him?


    *anita, the respondent, is not the same person as Anita, the Original Poster

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