
My Boyfriend Needs Space

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    Hi. I’m just going to start the story from the last time we saw each other. A little backstory though- We’ve only been dating since the beginning of January but we first met on bumble in October, he’s polyamorous and told me after about a week of us meeting that he was married (I knew he was in a relationship, I just didn’t know before then that she was his wife). It was February 25 and we wanted to see each other before he left town for Dallas for about a week. He came over and brought his dog and the three of us just lounged on my bed and watched Hulu. We ended up having to go to his house for a little while and on the way his wife called and said she was also on the way and he asked me if I wanted to meet her. I didn’t respond but later said that if she’s there then yes I want to but I don’t want her to feel like she has to meet me if she’s not ready and he told me she said she wasn’t in the mood to meet people. That was fine with me. He drove me home and we said goodbye. I later texted him and said that I had a good time and he replied saying he did as well and would talk to me tomorrow. I waited for him to text me and he didn’t but we’d had a previous issue with him not communicating when he was out of town so I decided to wait and see if he would. 5 days passed and I decided to text him. We didn’t say much and another week passed before we talked again. I told him I missed him and asked him to text me when he got a chance since I know he gets really busy. He didn’t reply and it wasn’t until March 9th that we talked again. I started off saying that I got the hint and I’ll leave him alone, but later told him that I’d actually like some insight into what just happened because we were in a good place not too long ago. He responded by saying that he was contemplating a divorce and he’s in a place where he doesn’t know where his choices will take him. He told me I was an amazing woman but that he needs to get his head straight. I completely understand that and I told him that I’ll still be here for him so he can talk to me any time. He thanked me and we haven’t spoken since. I felt completely renewed initially after the conversation because I thought there was still hope for a deep friendship between us but as the day went on I felt like that was less likely. Now I’m in a place between understanding his situation and complete confusion about being shut out and if there’s any chance of us being in each other’s lives. I don’t want him to completely disappear and I’m willing to give him space but What should I do?


    Dear Akowens98:

    You don’t know him for long. I don’t know if you identify yourself as polyamorous, and if he is still polyamorous himself. If he is contemplating divorce and “needs to get his head straight”, maybe he is reconsidering his polyamorous choice. I don’t know. Seems to me that in the short time that you know him, you don’t know enough about him, and what you do know may change.

    If you can handle the patience it takes, give him the time and space and inquire about him later, in a few weeks or so. But if you don’t have that kind of patience, send him a message, asking him to let you know if and when he needs you to listen to him and whatnot, send the message and let  go, stop hoping and waiting for him.


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