
My fears are coming true?

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 9 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I’ve recently realized that the things I would never want to happen to me, are actually coming true one by one and I fear what the next one would be.
    My boyfriend and I broke up because he cheated with a good ‘friend’ of mine and he is now going out with her.
    We don’t talk anymore and it’s been a week because we argued on our last conversation
    I think he forgot about me now and everything we had because he doesn’t even try to communicate anymore. It’s barely been a month
    It went from talking all day and all night to nothing at all and I feel like I’m the only stressing over his texts or phone calls.

    All of those were not things I truly obsessed about but I remember thinking about that before once in a while and thinking ”wow, this looks tough I really hope this never happens” or I would listen to a song that describes one of those situation and I would think ”I really hope I never go through this. That really sucks”. So these were basically in my list of things I really did NOT want to happen to me.
    Now each of them is happening and I really don’t know what to do? Nothing is getting better.


    The law of attraction states that we attract what we think about. If you think about what you DON’T want…then unfortunately you attract t because you are thinking about it and vibrating frequencies that attract that type of thing. If you haven’t heard of this it sounds far fetched. But I’ve found it to be very true in my life.

    Accept those things that have happened so far as learning experiences and setting you up for whatever comes next.


    Dear sara:

    If you would like, can you restate what you fear, it is hard for me to follow your post above.


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