
My Story: Sexual Abuse and Enlightenment

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    Lotus Flower

    Hello everyone!

    Two years ago I came to this forum in a deep trouble: I was through the period of my life with so much suffering that I cannot describe… I had remembered I was sexually abused by members of my own family and I just couldn’t deal with it. I was trying to find relief in spiritual teachings, especially one whose leader based a lot of his teaching in Buddha. That’s how I ended up learning about Buddha and eventually found Tiny Buddha’s foruns.

    I wrote about my suffering here and I received a lot of comfort, empathy, words full of kindness! By that time I took the decision to write a blog about my own experience, but I was in the middle of so many self-sabotaging behaviors that I couldn’t write no matter how much I tried… but now I can!!!

    Lotus Flower

    Unfortunately, I lost my user name of that time and cannot remember who were the kind people that talked to me… I hope they can see this somehow and know this (and this message is for everybody else too):

    Yes, sexual abuses are terrible but it’s possible to put an end to the suffering… yes, enlightenment exists and it was through this very state of conscious that I was able to overcome all that suffering!!

    I want to share my experience to show that this is all possible… I share my experience hoping it can comfort so many women and men who passes through such suffering and my think they don’t have a way out, but there is a way out!

    From tomorrow on there will be one post per day… I’m not writing a short version of my story because I truly want to write all my path… everybody is welcome to comment and/or contact me =)

    Thank you all, especially the kind hearts!!!
    My blog’s url is theflowersididnotsee.blogspot.com

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