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August 18, 2021 at 7:44 am #384962
ParticipantOver the course of the past few years I was targeted and abused by a sociopath in my town. This was no normal break-up or relationship: this was a set-up for covert and insidious murder of my psyche and sense of safety in the world. He is a covert narcissist and a dangerous con man. Sociopaths seek women just like me: Women that are empathetic, positive, very forgiving, want to help others, and people who have been through this abuse before. He preyed on me at the most vulnerable time in my life. I had just found out my father who is a diagnosed sociopath was lying in a hospice bed when I met my abuser, and I was trying to accept that I would never have a father and never have closure there. I had spent my entire adult life overcoming that trauma only to find myself in a new relationship with another sociopath as my father lay in a hospice bed dying. All of the work I did on myself was taken from me as he abused me, and I regressed back into CPTSD because of the abuse I endured by him. I was broken at the end and desperate for closure and to have a voice and to understand what happened to me. I’ve had to wait till I felt it was safe to even speak up about this. I lived in terror of him. My life has almost been completely ruined, and I barely held on to life during this time. I cannot even begin to describe the pain I’ve been through and therefore how passionately I feel about this subject.
I never thought that I would date a person like this and that I could be duped like this. But this can happen to anyone, and it was the most dehumanizing, humiliating, crazy making, traumatic experience of my life.
Narcissism is descriptive and reflects a cluster of patterns and behaviors that hang together like entitlement, lack empathy, arrogance, dysregulation, anger, a need for control, a need for validation, superficiality, sensitivity to criticism, egocentricity, incapacity for empathy, insecurity, and manipulative patterns. He has all of these constellation of behaviors used to determine if someone is a sociopath. According to Robert Hare PHD, the foremost psychologist on sociopathy and psychopathy who created the psychopathy checklist, my abuser checks all the boxes on his checklist. I can give at least 5 examples of things he has done that are examples of each of the things on that checklist. There is a glossary of terms of at least 40 words for narcissistic abuse. I can define each one and give at least 5 examples of how he has acted in that way toward me for every one of those words. I endured hell for two years. I was mercilessly violated, manipulated, lied to, ridiculed, demeaned and gaslighted. My sense of self has been eroded, diminished. I was idealized and then devalued. I was replaced and discarded multiple times, only to be lured back into an abuse cycle even more torturous than before. My abuser thinks he is superior to other people, he has grandiose ideas, he feels entitled, he’s very controlling, manipulative, and deceptive, he gaslights and projects, contradicts, invalidates and devalues you, has zero empathy, is cunning and a con man, is extremely angry and violent, is arrogant, baits you and feigns innocence, pushes boundaries, has no respect for anyone or the law, gets pleasure from others’ pain and from causing it, shuts you down and changes the subject or projects onto you to avoid accountability, uses deconstructive conditioning to control and destroy, says extremely hurtful and terrible verbally abuse things, and he’s all about power and winning, and he plays a very good role as the victim pretending to be normal and charming and wears a good mask to hide all of this, but underneath is someone who cannot feel empathy and just does not care about others and enjoys exploiting others’ insecurities and destroying people for his own amusement.
These people are good at wearing a mask in public and convincing people that they are just like us, and they dupe their victims with that mask and by mirroring, love bombing, and future faking before the abuse starts, and it just gets worse and worse with each cycle (hoovering, devaluing, and discarding) of abuse. It is like the frog in boiling water metaphor. It starts slowly and gets worse and worse and before you know it, you’re in deep and it has broken you. My ex wore a mask and mirrored and love bombed and future faked me while courting me for three months in the beginning. He acted charming and like a gentleman and meek and kind. He was always accessible to me. He acted just like me. He was everything I ever wanted; I thought i met my dream guy. He lied to me about his life, he love bombed me and future faked me claiming I was the best thing that ever happened to him and that he never felt the way he did for a person like he did with me. I was shocked when he just changed into a different person over night and started hurting me. As soon as I became his girlfriend and things got serious and he had gained my trust and I had fallen and was hooked he changed overnight to a completely different person yet always kept me hooked with little glimpses of who he used to be when I first met him which gave me hope, the use of intermittent reinforcement which created a trauma bond, and with promises of change and that things would be different each time he hoovered me. I ended up under his control, constantly gaslit and lied to and manipulated and had no voice and all of my boundaries and my identity and mental health and self esteem got ripped from me.
When I called out his behavior in the beginning after he changed he said he didn’t have emotions, had never cried, did not feel empathy, has a drinking problem, destroys everything around him, and does not know how to get close to people. He claimed issues from his childhood were the cause of this. He begged me to tell him he could get well. He would look me directly in the eyes and say do you think I can really get better? I know I have these issues, and I should get therapy, and I don’t want to hurt you, I want to protect you from this part of me, and I really want to get better. I want to protect you from my alcoholism etc. It made me want to stay. He said that every time he hovered me back. It was manipulation though. Me holding hope that he would back to being who he was when I first met him and believing him when he said he wanted to get better made me want to stay. The intermittent reinforcement along with the contradictions, lies, manipulation, coercion, Intimidation, and gaslighting also made me confused and made me stay. Sometimes he was very nice to me and sometimes he would abuse me. I would hold on to the good moments thinking the abuse would stop and that he would go back to being the man he was when I first met him. I dared not bring up anything during the good times because i didn’t want to rock the boat. I was scared of how he would react. If i brought up anything he did that hurt me it would bring on his rage against me, and I would have to endure physical and verbal abuse or just plain ghosting me where he would just ignore me for weeks even months at a time. His mother (who he involved in our relationship) would not even listen to me when i tried to tell her what was happening. So I became a woman without a voice. I never had a voice. I was never allowed to express myself. And the abuse got worse and worse. He pushed all my boundaries, he debased me, he took away my mental health, he dehumanized me, and made me feel lost. I didn’t even recognize myself in the end. He had me so triggered constantly. I went from being a classy well put together relatively happy and healthy person after years of fighting to get over the trauma of being raised by someone like him only to find myself broken again by him and having to fight to get well all over again. I developed learned helplessness and was trauma bonded to him.
I endured sexual, physical, verbal, psychological, and financial abuse including manipulation and gaslighting, projection, coercion, deception, contradictions, inconsistency, intimidation, and moving of goal posts that keep me confused and desperate. He put me through cycles of abuse where he would hoover me in, devalue me, and then discard me and not talk to me for months. He was a walking contradiction. Everything he said he felt about me, about the nature of our relationship, about the world, about various issues in the world, about himself, about his perception of reality changed constantly from one side of the spectrum to the other and everything in between. When I asked him why he constantly contradicted himself he said he did it on purpose to keep people from knowing him. He lied to me constantly. He would start fights with me out of nowhere. He would break up with me out of nowhere. If i called him out, I would get the silent treatment. He would be violent with me out of nowhere. He would hurt me any way he could. He told me I was his sub, and I had to do everything he said. He slowly debased me and made me feel helpless. He told me I was a game to him and that he never cared about me and that he destroyed me for his own amusement. He put a loaded gun to my head once. Once he dared and encouraged me to commit suicide in his backyard, and I took a bottle of pills and drank a lot of a box of wine and blacked out and he left me for dead. My friends came ( I don’t even remember calling them) and made me throw up over and over and kept me up all night to make sure i didn’t die. He wielded a bat and an axe against me. He tried to run me over with his car. He completely shattered my phone into pieces. He kicked out the headlights on my car, slashed my tires twice, and hit the back of my car breaking my bumper. I endured 1000s of dollar in damage to my car my phone and my house. He stole a lot of my possessions and still has them (including at least 7 pair of extremely expensive lingerie that he stole which is just plain weird), and many of the times I sought him out for closure, I was also trying to take back my possessions. Many times I came over and tried to claim them but he would not give them back. He still has my stuff. Once he made me have sex with someone i didn’t know claiming he would never touch me again because i was too innocent and naive and didn’t have enough experience with men. He ignored me for months only to say I had to go have sex with another man in order for him to ever touch me again and be my boyfriend until I finally did it just to make the abuse stop and afterwards he called me a slut. He took hundreds of dollars out of my wallet and burned it in front of me because according to him I was a garbage person that did not deserve to have money. He humiliated me in public on countless occasions verbally abusing me in front of people who could hear him. Once he paraded me downtown yelling at me the entire time and telling me to take off my sweatshirt that he had given me and said he wanted it back. I was wearing nothing but a bra a sweat shirt and a rain jacket and he was trying to take the sweatshirt off of me and make me walk around in my bra and a rain jacket. When i wouldn’t let him he dragged me into a store and said he would find the most retarded shirt he could find and make me wear it to show what a garbage person i am. When I broke down sobbing in the store he finally gave up. Whenever I would cry and ask him to stop he said I looked like a cow. In bed he would choke me and make me do sexual things I was not comfortable and once he forced himself on me. He would lie in bed naked with me and say I was ugly and that he wanted to fuck my best friend and her husband in the ass and that he wanted to fuck another girl I knew and was friends with because she was better in bed than me and prettier than me and let him choke her. He lied and told me she had cheated on her boyfriend with him before he met me. He later told the girl I knew she cheated and was stalking her and her boyfriend and had a mission to tell her boyfriend she had cheated. This was a lie. I never had that intention, didn’t believe him, and didn’t even know her boyfriend. He was triangulating us against each other. He was clearly targeting her next. She is just like me. She believed him and stopped talking to me. He would say he wanted to move to Thailand and fuck “ladyboys” until he got syphilis and died. I could not respond to any of this. If i did he would hurt me further. I was like his captive, trauma bonded and just hoping he would stop being cruel to me. The abuse started slowly but got progressively worse especially as he saw he could not control me and i was standing up for myself and just wanted to fix it and make it better and hope he would be nice again. He left me covered in bruises several times. Once when I went to try and get him to talk to me after triggering me he put his hand in my mouth and knocked my head into the wall and when i collapsed into a ball on the floor he dragged me by my hair across the floor. He pulled off my shirt in the process. Another time, he threw me to the concrete when I was begging him to stay and be rational and left me there bleeding and crying. Once he choked me and shoved me and later busted out my windshield as I was driving 70 down the interstate because I said no to having sex with him. He constantly verbally abused me calling me stupid, ugly, fat, autistic, undeserving of love, a garbage person, said no one liked me and everyone talked badly about me, said I don’t deserve love, I will never be loved, I am a stupid jew, said he hated my skin, the smell of my hair, said my hair is ugly, said my teeth were ugly, said my house smelled bad and was ugly, and that i have no personality and that i just copy others, said i was his little sub and had to do everything he said and made me do humiliating things and i was too scared to do anything about it, he told me i should kill myself deserved abuse from my dad, i am a garbage person, and i mean like hundreds of awful things all the time, and he hates my friends and this community and that we are all bourgeois garbage which is crazy because all my friends are solidly middle class but his family has a ton of money. He said horrible things about like everyone we know too, he pegged me against people by lying to them about me and lying to me about them. I haven’t been able to suss out all the lies. He has even made me get on my knees before and beg him to stop, and since i’d been completely broken down and was desperate, I did it. Whenever he could hurt me with words he did. He triggered me on purpose. He said he had total control over me and that I had to do what he said and that he was always 10 steps ahead of me and I would never win. He constantly treated me like a game he was winning which was confusing for me. I was never playing a game and I never abused him. He found my weaknesses and insecurities and used them against me to trigger me whenever he could on purpose to control me and the abuse just got worse and worse while all the while he would come back and apologize and say things would be different and I would believe him because i was already hooked and wanted to believe he would go back to being the person i first met. At first he even blamed me for the way he treated me and I spent a long time thinking I was worthless and terrible and didn’t deserve love before realizing he had gaslit me. I told him if he would be cool I would be cool and that I never had this problem with any other friends or any other relationship. He just said I was crazy. If i ever tried to have a voice about what was going on he would interrupt me, use word salad against me where he would just not stop talking and not let me talk and I would be trying to have conversation A while he would just not stop talking and the next thing i knew, i’d be in conversation J. He would just go and go and go and not stop or he would run away or he would seduce me and distract me with sex. I was never allowed to have that conversation or understand what happened to me and it was so crazy making.
When I finally tried to stand up for myself and demand respect and have any kind of voice and unmasked him realizing what kind of abuse I was going through, he took serious revenge on me. Dr Robert Hare says there are three types of women that get involved with a sociopath. One will walk away, one will become subservient and just lose everything that makes her who she is, and the other tries to stand up for herself and this kind of woman gets the worst of their wrath and vindictiveness and revenge. All I ever wanted from him was to have a voice, to stand up against the abuse and understand what was happening to me. In other words, I wanted closure. I am a writer, and I have a voice and to have that taken away along with my character and dignity was the most traumatizing experience of my life. Desiring closure and loving someone who cannot be loved was all I ever did wrong. I was desperate to understand and confused from the constant contradictions, lies, gaslighting, control, and manipulation. I called and texted and went to his house all because I just wanted closure, and I wanted the stuff back he had stolen from me. He didn’t like that I was trying to have a voice and stand up against him, and he took out an order of protection on me because I was demanding closure. Just closure! He even told the judge that. Besides not having adequate representation, I was terrified to be in such a situation as to go to court to defend myself against my abuser after being blindsided by being served after I thought this was just another typical discard situation that I had been through with him at least 7 times before. He had always come back after this and apologized and said things would be different. I thought it would be just like the last times. What I did not know was when I unmasked him and said I know he is a narcissist and begged him not to go down the path of a sociopath like my father it would be my final discard because he knew I knew what he was. The day I unmasked him, he said he wanted to meet my father to learn how to be better at being a sociopath. He even called my father! Now, the last memory I have with my father being somewhat awake and lucid is him talking to my abuser and thinking it was me! I thought it would be like every time before when he came back after months of ignoring me to say he was sorry. Instead, he slapped me with an order of protection for begging for closure. He knew he could not control me so he used the justice system to control me by telling lies and acting like a victim when he is actually the abuser. I had a panic attack that whole day in court, and I had not eaten, and I couldn’t emotionally handle what I was going through and therefore could not defend myself. To boot, his parents came to court with him and LIED for him.
He and his parents used at least 6 lies to make that happen:
1. He claimed we dated for two years straight and that when he broke up with me i just wouldn’t let him go. That is not true. I told him in the beginning i don’t get physical with a guy unless i’m in a monogamous relationship, and he said he wanted to be with me. As soon as i was intimate with him and became his “girlfriend” the abuse started. He broke up with me over and over, would ghost me, discard me and not talk to me for months, and moved the boundaries of our relationship and the label of our relationship and lied to me and others about our relationship over and over. We dated for a few months and after that it was all hovering devaluing and discarding me and not talking to me for months and then starting the cycle over again. He confused me about the state of our relationship constantly saying we were together, we were never together, telling people we were together, telling people we were not together, telling me he doesn’t use labels after calling me his girlfriend, breaking up with me at random for weird reasons and ghosting me and then apologizing and getting back together with me and even once when a friend of mine said to me he said he is dating me and I said yes we are dating he broke up with me for saying I was dating him. I honestly was in constant confusion about the state of our relationship. I really have no idea how long we dated or if we ever truly did. And its not that I wouldn’t let him go. I just wanted closure!
2.He also said i tried to run him over in a car but that never happened. But he tried to run me over twice when I came over asking for closure. When once he told me I was a game to him and he never cared and he destroyed me for his own pleasure he left, and I went after him in my car and begged him to talk to me because I wanted closure. I didn’t try to run him over. I tried to get him to talk to me. When I went after him and followed him, I passed him on the road, and he sped up and hit my car on purpose though, and when I entered the subdivision I stopped my car and got out and went to his car and begged him to help me understand why he was treating me this way and to give me closure, and I put my hand on his heart and said please have empathy and help me understand and you are hurting me, and he grabbed my hand and bent my fingers all the way back and he broke one of my fingers.
3. In court he said i broke my own finger. Obvious lie.
4.He showed a picture of me at his door and said I was breaking in. He snapped a screenshot of the exact moment I knocked and his parents opened the door and said I was breaking in, but what had taken place is that they open the door and I talked to them in the doorway for about 5 minutes and left.
5. He said I am an alcoholic but that is also a lie. He is the alcoholic, I am not, and he used to tell me he had a drinking problem when I first started dating him, but I never saw it until I became his girlfriend, and he would drink a shot of whiskey throw up and drink another shot and throw up again and so on and so forth and would say he was going to drink himself to death one day. He drinks everyday, and he knows he is an alcoholic.
6. He tried to paint me as some kind of sex fiend by showing texts of me begging for closure and saying please just have sex with me. It was humiliating! He knew it would be! I only asked him to have sex with me as I was begging for closure because I thought if I gave that to him he would be nice enough to me afterward to let me have that conversation. He used sex to control and debase me but after he had sex with me he would be nice to me. So I thought if I asked him to come over for sex, I could get him to talk to me and help me understand what was happening. I was desperate!
I did not have adequate representation (an acquaintance who didn’t handle that type of law agreed to represent me for free). I didn’t get to show any evidence because the lawyer didn’t tell me to timestamp my photos, I didn’t get to show his abusive texts because my abuser objected and said verbal abuse isn’t grounds for an order of protection, and I told the lawyer say its harassment, and he didn’t say anything! I didn’t even get to give a testimony! I couldn’t talk! I could barely keep myself together that day especially after I saw I would not have any evidence and it would just be my word against his and had heard all the lies he and his parents said. I was still confused from the abuse anyway, and I collapsed and couldn’t say anything and the lawyer didn’t prompt me or anything!
After the order was placed on me, I endured an even more traumatic smear campaign and then bullying from people who believed his lies. A girl I thought was a friend who was with me in court believed his lies and spread them around our circle of friends. She never asked me for explanation, and I was so broken on the day it happened I just wanted to die. She ended our friendship that day and I was never able to talk to her and tell her what really happened. Our town is small and rumors spread fast. People turned their back on me. Because I was emotional and broken by the abuse they used that to justify the rumors and say obviously i was the crazy one. I would walk into public places where I had been going for years never having done anything wrong and be told I was no longer welcome there. I have been banned from 6 places. I was approached by people I didn’t even know who would say is it true you are a dangerous stalker who runs people over in cars and breaks into peoples houses. His mother threatened me twice with losing my job if she went to court, and the day of court I lost my job. Coincidence? My whole life was destroyed. I was suicidal for a long time. I couldn’t work. I lost numerous friends. My mental health collapsed and I lived in fear that at any moment the cops would take me away. I didn’t know what he was capable of, and I didn’t feel safe in my house and i didn’t feel safe in public. My nervous system was fried, and I was constantly exhausted mentally, physically, and emotionally and constantly feeling intense pain. I still get bullied from time to time a year later. I don’t have an order against me anymore, but I have to avoid most places I used to go and live mostly isolated except for a small group of friends who have supported me. I still suffer very bad depression, a loss of faith in humanity, I cannot trust people at all anymore, and I still have bad CPTSD symptoms in general. Now he is even fucking a 50 year old man who is also a known narcissist in town (though I don’t know how long this will last and it may be already over) and that guy has begun to bully me whenever he sees me.
This man had used a law that is there to protect me to further abuse me just because I stood up for myself and called him out as a sociopath and demanded respect enough to have closure. He never felt like a victim but someone who wanted control over me, and he and his family violated the justice system to do it in order and further abused me. That is over now though and please understand I don’t want revenge. Also, I am legally safe now and I want to stay that way. I have no contact with him now. I doubt he will try to make amends or give me closure which is sad but I guess he is not capable of it. He wants that power and he knows I know what he is and doesn’t want to be confronted with that. So there is no danger of me being abused in the future.
Now, I know narcissists never give closure but their victims most often need it badly because of how confusing and how much of a mind fuck the abuse is and how they are left with more questions than answers. The order is off me now though but now my dad has recently passed. I am starting to heal kind of, but I feel so helpless. I cannot understand why his parents would not only be so cold towards me and not show any empathy but also enable him and lie for him. I cannot understand why they don’t apologize for their son. Why will they intervene to hurt a victim but they won’t to get their psychopath son help or make him take responsibility for his actions? I wish there was a way to get through to them that they helped to destroy an innocent girl’s life. I wish they would read this. I wish they would know I don’t want revenge. I wish they knew I am just an innocent victim and I only want to be treated with respect. I want apologies and answers. Will that never happen? Will they never reach out to me and apologize or anything? I am in so much pain and they don’t even care? How could they just coldly destroy someone’s life?
Is there nothing I can do? I know better than to try and approach my abuser. I won’t approach him call him text him or go to his house. It is too dangerous. I know he will probably never give me closure, but what can i do? I can’t try to find answers? I can’t clear my good name? All I can do is walk away from this without ever getting any kind of apology from him or his parents and just move on with my life with this huge wound? There is no avenue I can take that leads to any kind of respect from him or his family? Nothing I can do? There is no making amends, no empathy, no closure?I don’t understand how people would treat someone this way. I tend to be idealistic and perhaps naive. I guess I just need someone to tell me they won’t ever do the right thing and all I can do is move on and try to heal. It just all makes me feel so helpless. Is there truly nothing now except to move on and work to heal with none of the respect and apologies and understanding I deserve?
How do i fully heal from this without any answers or closure or respect and after my good name has been dragged through the mud and my life has been nearly destroyed? I feel lost and helpless and just do not know how i can fully heal. Any help and advice is appreciated.
August 18, 2021 at 9:04 am #384963Anonymous
GuestDear MKnox:
I am sorry that life has been so difficult for you so far, and that you suffered as much as you have. I hope that you do recover and experience a better kind of life.
You mentioned that you’ve been suffering from CPTSD (Complex PTSD) as a result of abuse by your father. Would you like to elaborate on it?
August 18, 2021 at 10:05 am #384968MKnox
ParticipantThat is not quite it. I know it was a long post.
I had CPTSD when I was younger from abuse from my father who is a diagnosed sociopath. I recovered. There were maybe little things I still needed to address in time and still making sure all of those small issues were being worked out, but I was mostly recovered and living a healthy and happy life as an adult. I was not in crisis. I had friends. I got my degree. I was teaching. I was in the last stages of recovery.
As soon as I opened the door to let new friends in, though, at the end of 2018 I met my ex boyfriend who is also definitely a sociopath and his parents are serious enablers. I went through 2 years of traumatic narcissistic abuse from him, and I regressed back into CPTSD symptoms I had long ago recovered from.
Now because of my ex boyfriend, I am suffering from CPTSD again.
Also recently my father (original abuser) has died which is its own terrible thing.
My ex boyfriend met me right after my father was placed into hospice and was dying. This abusive relationship with my ex boyfriend is bracketed by the decline and death of my father who originally narcissistically abused me. My ex boyfriend knew all this was happening. He met me at a vulnerable time in my life.
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
August 18, 2021 at 12:39 pm #384975Anonymous
GuestDear MKnox:
I read your long original post when you first submitted it in your thread of 2 days ago. You shared that a man whom you dated, or not (“I really have no idea how long we dated or if we ever truly did“) stole your possessions, shattered your phone, damaged your car (slashed the tires, kicked out the headlights, and more), tried to run you over with his car, knocked your head into a wall, threw you to the concrete, choked you, put a loaded gun to your head, wielded a bat and an axe against you, encouraged you to commit suicide in his backyard, and after you swallowed pills, he left you for dead- in his backyard.
Following all that and more, he filed an order of protection against you. You attended court but were not able to present evidence of the crimes listed above.
Here is what I recommend: go to the court that processed the case against you, and ask to see a health care professional who works with the court, or who is associated with the court(a medical doctor or a psychotherapist). The health care professional should be familiar with the court case, and he/ she will be in the best position to direct you to the appropriate help.
August 18, 2021 at 8:51 pm #384992MKnox
ParticipantI really just need answers to the part at the end:
I cannot understand why his parents would not only be so cold towards me and not show any empathy but also enable him and lie for him. I cannot understand why they don’t apologize for their son. Why will they intervene to hurt a victim but they won’t to get their psychopath son help or make him take responsibility for his actions? I wish there was a way to get through to them that they helped to destroy an innocent girl’s life. I wish they would read this. I wish they would know I don’t want revenge. I wish they knew I am just an innocent victim and I only want to be treated with respect. I want apologies and answers. Will that never happen? Will they never reach out to me and apologize or anything? I am in so much pain and they don’t even care? How could they just coldly destroy someone’s life?
Is there nothing I can do? I know better than to try and approach my abuser. I won’t approach him call him text him or go to his house. It is too dangerous. I know he will probably never give me closure, but what can i do? I can’t try to find answers? I can’t clear my good name? All I can do is walk away from this without ever getting any kind of apology from him or his parents and just move on with my life with this huge wound? There is no avenue I can take that leads to any kind of respect from him or his family? Nothing I can do? There is no making amends, no empathy, no closure?I don’t understand how people would treat someone this way. I tend to be idealistic and perhaps naive. I guess I just need someone to tell me they won’t ever do the right thing and all I can do is move on and try to heal. It just all makes me feel so helpless. Is there truly nothing now except to move on and work to heal with none of the respect and apologies and understanding I deserve?
How do i fully heal from this without any answers or closure or respect and after my good name has been dragged through the mud and my life has been nearly destroyed? I feel lost and helpless and just do not know how i can fully heal. Any help and advice is appreciated.
August 19, 2021 at 1:59 am #385001Tee
ParticipantDear MKnox,
I am sorry you’ve been through all this. He has hurt you badly and treated you in despicable ways. Your biggest mistake was that you sought closure from him. Instead of leaving as soon as he started abusing you, never to turn back, you went back and sought explanations, and then sometimes he would give you false promises that he would change, but the abuse would continue.
You said you went through at least 7 cycles of being horribly abused and then reconciling with him (I thought this was just another typical discard situation that I had been through with him at least 7 times before.) The last time he discarded you, you went back, followed him in your car, tried to overtake him, he then hit your car on purpose, you then both stopped your cars, you got out, went to him and put your hand on his heart begging him for explanations and closure. And then he grabbed your hand and twisted your fingers, resulting in one of them breaking:
When I went after him and followed him, I passed him on the road, and he sped up and hit my car on purpose though, and when I entered the subdivision I stopped my car and got out and went to his car and begged him to help me understand why he was treating me this way and to give me closure, and I put my hand on his heart and said please have empathy and help me understand and you are hurting me, and he grabbed my hand and bent my fingers all the way back and he broke one of my fingers.
The judge discarded his violent actions, he only took into consideration that it was you who was following him and “harassing” him. His parents confirmed it and testified against you.
I understand your bitterness and the sense of injustice, however you made a mistake of seeking closure and explanation from a sociopath like him. And now, you seek the same from his parents. But they understandably want to protect their son and won’t show any empathy towards you.
That is over now though and please understand I don’t want revenge. Also, I am legally safe now and I want to stay that way. I have no contact with him now. I doubt he will try to make amends or give me closure which is sad but I guess he is not capable of it.
It’s good that you are legally safe now. It’s also critically important that you don’t pursue him any more, trying to “seek closure” because you might get into legal trouble again. You’d need to understand and accept that neither he or his family will make any amends to you. He isn’t capable of it, and his family is protecting him. If they would apologize for their son, they would be admitting that he abused you, and they obviously don’t want that – they don’t want him to get into legal trouble because of his actions. So they will probably never apologize and never admit that he did anything wrong to you.
You need to give yourself closure. And you can do that with the help of therapy. You probably were susceptible to this man due to your childhood trauma with your sociopath father. You sought a similar man and tried to make him love you. Your father didn’t give you closure before he died, and this man cannot give you closure either. You need to heal and give that closure to yourself.
I am a writer, and I have a voice and to have that taken away along with my character and dignity was the most traumatizing experience of my life
Your voice is not taken away from you. You can still write about your experience and help other women who may be in a similar situation. You can claim back your dignity, but not by begging him or his family to give it to you, but by healing your wounds and understanding that you don’t deserve to be treated like that.
He told you you deserved abuse from your father. Well, you’ll claim back your dignity when you no longer believe that you deserved that abuse, but you know and accept that you are worthy of love.
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by
August 19, 2021 at 9:55 am #385010MKnox
ParticipantThank you. This was helpful, Teak. It’s just rally unfair. I just want to be treated with respect. They teat me as if I am not a human. It is dehumanizing. I know i have a long journey of healing in front of me while he just gets to continue and hurt others. I wish i was strong enough to leave instead of being susceptible to his manipulation. 🙁
August 19, 2021 at 9:57 am #385011MKnox
ParticipantI want to believe in the good in people so badly. I wanted to believe he could get better, could do the right thing, that his parents could do the right thing. It is hard to accept that some people – even whole families – are just utterly rotten to the core. 🙁
August 19, 2021 at 12:43 pm #385003Alex
ParticipantI’m sorry these things happened to you. Please strongly consider going to therapy and/or joining a support group for survivors of abuse. In many places, there are also support groups for survivors of narcissists. You can use the website Psychology Today to help you find someone. ❤️
August 19, 2021 at 12:46 pm #385021MKnox
ParticipantThank you, Alex. The worst part is the smear campaign. People keep bullying me and saying how many places have you been banned from and if i try to explain i’ve never done anything at those places it only fuels their fire. I am only now learning of the complete fabrications my bullies are using in order to ban me and it hurts so bad that i cant do anything about this and that I am not believed on top of being abused. He ruined my life. 🙁
August 20, 2021 at 1:04 am #385033Tee
ParticipantDear MKnox,
you are welcome. I understand your bitterness and disappointment in people. You say:
I want to believe in the good in people so badly. I wanted to believe he could get better, could do the right thing, that his parents could do the right thing. It is hard to accept that some people – even whole families – are just utterly rotten to the core.
You wrote earlier:
I feel so helpless. I cannot understand why his parents would not only be so cold towards me and not show any empathy but also enable him and lie for him. I cannot understand why they don’t apologize for their son. Why will they intervene to hurt a victim but they won’t to get their psychopath son help or make him take responsibility for his actions? I wish there was a way to get through to them that they helped to destroy an innocent girl’s life. I wish they would read this. I wish they would know I don’t want revenge. I wish they knew I am just an innocent victim and I only want to be treated with respect. I want apologies and answers. Will that never happen? Will they never reach out to me and apologize or anything? I am in so much pain and they don’t even care? How could they just coldly destroy someone’s life?
I will make an assumption here, it’s just an assumption and it may not be true, but could it be that what you are hoping to get from his parents (empathy and understanding) is the same you were hoping to get from your own parents, specially from your mother (and the rest of your family) who perhaps didn’t have empathy for you when your father abused you?
I had similar thoughts when I was much younger: like, how is it possible that this person doesn’t like me?? I couldn’t believe they don’t like me! Much later I realized that it’s not so strange that someone wouldn’t like me, what’s strange though is that my own mother behaved as if she didn’t like me. That’s kind of incomprehensible.
In your case, it’s kind of understandable that his parents don’t have empathy for you (since they are protecting their son). Your surprise and outrage at them might stem from your own family having no empathy for you – which is truly incomprehensible and enraging.
Does this sound true to you?
August 20, 2021 at 10:10 am #385059MKnox
ParticipantHi Teak,
Honestly, no. This is about human decency and respect and being able to have a voice. There may be a small part of me that is extra driven to want respect and to have a voice because I didn’t get it as a child from either parent and yes my childhood sucked but i went through recovery for that. This about fighting to heal from a lot of shit already and now having to start all over again because of a sociopath.
Think about this: When Larry Nassar was in court for the horrible things he did to those female gymnasts, ALL of those gymnasts were allowed to come forward with letters and statements to Larry in order to speak and have a voice and get closure. I am NOT allowed that and on top of it I was made to look like I was the problem and he was somehow the victim. My whole life has been ruined because of this.
I feel I need to STRONGLY yet respectfully disagree with your stance that what his parents are doing is understandable because they are protecting their son. Some of this stance may be because I have not fully explained, though.
For example, the last time I saw my abuser, he told me to sit and talk to him and said he wanted me to have everything I ever wanted and was sorry and wanted to give me the closure I had been so badly needing. While I was waiting for him to pay his bill and leave with me to talk, he then begged me for sex, said my mom is a cunt, that I am a stupid jew, that he never laid a hand on me, etc, and when I said no I wont have sex with him because he will just be putting all his hatred onto me, he laughed and said I know. You are right. And then leaned his head back and laughed maniacally and said I won I won you lose and pointed at me then he grabbed me by the throat and choked me, and when I finally got his hand off my throat, he shoved me HARD. He was kicked out of the establishment but begged me to follow and said he was sorry and he would just talk from now on. As soon as we got in my car and headed on the interstate, he begged me for sex again saying i’d never have it as good as him and put his hands down my pants and up my shirt while I was driving and saying no. I finally said you don’t have consent really loud and said you promised you’d just talk, and he sulked. Then put his feet on my dashboard and said you know you really have an ugly car, and I said what and he said yeh a really ugly car and then he kicked the windshield and i said stop and he kicked it again really hard and busted the ENTIRE windshield while i was driving 70 down the interstate. I asked him why and he said because I can! We could’ve died! Then he called his mom and said i’ve made a mistake. I grabbed the phone and told her what happened and that I was dropping him off on the side of the road, and she insisted I bring him there. His dad pulled him out of the car when we got there and called him a dumbass and dragged hi into the house, and his mom told me she would make sure he pays to have my windshield replaced. He replaced my windshield the next day. We talked. She KNOWS what her son did. She knows many things her son did to me that was abusive.
The thing is I think they KNOW their son is a sociopath. I think they KNOW he abused me horrifically. I have tried to tell his mom so many times how her son was abusing me. Considering she is a WOMAN and the whole MeToo thing how could she know her son is so abusive and is abusive a woman and STILL lie to further traumatize a victim of abuse!? Its plain disgusting! That is not protecting their son. That is abuse! And that is enabling their sociopathic abusive son! Enabling a sociopath will only make them a better abuser! If they want to protect him, they need to get him into treatment! They say they cannot because he is a grown man and its out of their hands, but yet they come to court to lie for him?! They should protect the victim not the abuser! They know what he is!
To further illustrate, when I first met my ex he told me he wanted me to meet his parents. He said I would love his dad and he is great but beware of his mom. I asked why but he would not elaborate. When I first met them, I felt SERIOUS tension in the house. Looking back, I realize they were probably nervous that he had a girlfriend. I think he has done this before! I think they know!
Later, he told me (and I don’t know if this is true because he lies a lot) that when he was a kid his mom was a “bitch.” He said she was controlling and demanded perfection and nothing was ever good enough for her. He said she gave hi everything he ever wanted but was never there for him emotionally. Overindulgence and emotional neglect is the recipe for narcissism by the way. By his description, she sounds like a narcissist or at least someone with traits, and the way she raised him made him one. It could be but there is also a genetic component. He could have been just born this way and was lying about his childhood. Either way, though, they know! If he was born this way and is a psychopath, there would have been a childhood conduct disorder that they saw early on. If he was made and is a sociopath, surely they recognize how their parenting failed him.
From my interactions with his mother, she DEFINITELY does not have empathy and lies. It is probable she is a narc too. And they both were his flying monkeys to enable him to abuse me. This is not protecting a son! This is making him worse and a woman letting another woman be abused and the further victimizing her legally which is disgusting and in my opinion should not be enabled or diminished by saying they were just protecting their son.
Narcissism has a family dynamic. It is probably they know what he is, she made him, and she has traits too, and yes maybe they thought they were protecting him, but that is not protection nor the right thing to do. These people have blood on their hands. The blood of an innocent girl whose life was destroyed by them. They should know better and what they did was wrong.
I am terrified to reach out to them because i think they would hurt me again in some way. I also think they wont talk to me because they think I want to get revenge and am looking for evidence to use against them, but that is not me at all! I just want to have a voice!!! I just want to be able to say the truth of what happened like all those gymnasts were able to do with their abuser. I just need answers! I want respect! It is highly destructive to my wellbeing to be treated with such disrespect and have my voice taken away and not have any answers. Its like I am being told I deserved the abuse. It makes me feel worthless and like I should just die.
I am not projecting my parental issues on them. I am simply wishing for what I need to heal. Does that make sense?
August 20, 2021 at 11:17 am #385067Tee
ParticipantDear MKnox,
His dad pulled him out of the car when we got there and called him a dumbass and dragged hi into the house, and his mom told me she would make sure he pays to have my windshield replaced. He replaced my windshield the next day. We talked. She KNOWS what her son did. She knows many things her son did to me that was abusive.
I see. So they know about this concrete incident and perhaps some more. When I said they are protecting their son, I meant protecting from legal charges. They don’t want him to go to jail. Simple as that. That’s why they cannot – even if they had some conscience – afford to admit that he did anything wrong to you. I am sure they know he’s problematic, but probably they don’t know even 10% of what he did to you. And even if they do, they might have spoken to him in private, but will never admit it to you.
The problem is that when the abuse was happening, you never reported it to the police. He on the other hand reported it that you were harassing him (the incident when you followed him with the car), and you got a restraining order. It was your word against his. You unfortunately didn’t have anyone to testify on your behalf, and he had his parents who were willing to lie to keep their son out of trouble. Another problem is that in the case of Larry Nassar, there were more women who testified against him. Here, you are alone, or at least you don’t know about his other victims.
I agree that his parents probably contributed to a lot of his behavior, and it can very well be that his mother is a narcissist. If so, the chances that they would admit their son’s offenses are even smaller. A narcissist will never tell the truth but will try to keep the pretenses. There is no way that a narcissist would admit something incriminating to either themselves or their family (whose good name they are trying to protect). So perhaps they too participate in the smear campaign, because they need to make you appear as the crazy one, so their son would seem innocent. That’s despicable, but maybe they are capable of something like that. Your ex is probably leading the smear campaign, for exactly the same reason – so he can wash the dirt off himself.
You would need to accept that you won’t get any satisfaction from them.
I just need answers!
I am afraid the only answer you will get from your ex is “because you deserve it” (when he abused you). Or “because I can!” (when he smashed the windshield with his foot). You can’t get valid answers from neither your psychopath ex or his enabling parents. He did it because he is mentally disturbed.
I want respect! It is highly destructive to my wellbeing to be treated with such disrespect and have my voice taken away and not have any answers. Its like I am being told I deserved the abuse. It makes me feel worthless and like I should just die.
You have the right to be respected! But they won’t give you that respect. That’s why you need to start respecting yourself. You definitely didn’t deserve abuse. That should be 100% clear to you. You didn’t deserve abuse – even if your psychopath ex says you did. Can you accept that?
August 20, 2021 at 11:52 am #385068MKnox
ParticipantHi Teak,
Thank you again for your response. I understand what you are saying now. You are right. I did not follow through and go to the police. He would always apologize and ask me not to. I wanted to believe he would change. I think it was a big mistake unmasking him in the end and trying to stand up for myself and demand the respect of being able to have a voice and receive closure. Its not like I go around psychoanalyzing all my relationships. I was just so confused and didn’t understand what was happening to me. In relationships you always can put a picture together from all the puzzle pieces of that person and you and your dynamic together and what happened in the relationship. With this relationship I have no picture, I have no understanding. Its all lies and contradictions and manipulation and gaslighting. I can never truly understand the truth and it drives me mad that i cannot yet i was vulnerable to this man and intimate with him and I take that kind of bond seriously. It makes me feel so horribly bad. When I could put my finger on what happened and finally say this is it, You are a narcissist or worse a sociopath or psychopath I at least had some understanding and logically I can know this is the truth but emotionally i just cannot understand.
I wish he could tell me he regrets hurting me and is sorry he destroyed me. I wish his family would sit me down like human to human and respect me enough to let me have a voice and say I am sorry my son did this to you and we are sorry we had to protect him as we did and we did not know how this was going to affect you. I wish they would hug me and tell me they are truly sorry for my pain and that they know what their son did was wrong and show me the love and respect humans deserve. I need all that so bad. I just cant understand how people would treat a person this way and not care about how much they suffer because of it. They could’ve driven me so suicide!
You just cannot know how bad the pain is. I feel like I am a ghost of myself. This almost killed me. I was suicidal for so long. Friends had to come over in shifts and even sleep in the bed with me to protect me from myself. I would wake up screaming in the night from nightmares. I would go whole days with panic attacks. I had to stop working. I was so depressed that I cried all day everyday. I could not get off my couch. My finances are still fucked. My house became a total wreck. I gained weight. I was in physical pain everyday. I had insomnia. I would break down and cry over and over each day sobbing and scared. I was constantly terrified. Constantly triggered constantly in emotional flashbacks. I was bullied constantly. I would have to tell myself over and over your safe your safe like a fucking mantra. I had to tell myself over and over you can do this you can do this just to get off the couch and take a shower or get a minimal amount of work done or even use the bathroom or cook some damn food! You have no idea! I would sit for an hour on the couch psyching myself up just to get up and do the smallest thing to keep me alive. My dad died also during this time. I lost so many friends. My nervous system was fried and i was always in a state of hyper vigilance and fear and terror. I ave no more trust in people and a total loss of faith in humanity. I blamed myself and thought myself worthless and unlovable and that I should die, I felt hopeless and helpless, I couldn’t regulate my emotions, i disassociated a lot, i kept reliving the traumatic events that occurred, i couldn’t stop obsessing about my abuser and wanting closure. All of these are symptoms of CPTSD and I still suffer from all of these things. My life is a nightmare. I don’t even recognize myself anymore. I don’t know how to move forward. I feel like I have made small steps in recovery but i have so much more to go. I am 42 now. He met me at 39 after i had spent years rebuilding my life and healing from my birth parents. He took away my opportunities to go out in the world and meet a real partner while i was still relatively young and healthy. I don’t know if i have the fight to heal this again and even if i do i will be so old by the time it happens and i don’t know if i will ever be able to fall in love or trust anyone ever again because of what they did. Just think about the possibilities in life that have been snuffed out because of this. How much suffering I have to endure. And I was the victim not the abuser. What if i cant heal this time? What if i never get to have love and family? What if i can never fall in love now? He took so much from me including my innocence and even if I do get well i will never get those precious years back. I live in intense pain and feel so helpless. How could someone do this to another person and just not even care? Much more i think he WANTS to destroy me and gets pleasure from my pain. Its just so devastating.
I know I didn’t deserve the abuse. I know i need to learn to love myself again and respect myself again. I can accept that. Its just such a long and uncertain road of recovery. I know if they did the right thing, it would make healing a lot easier for me. I know it! I need that faith in humanity back. I need to have a voice so badly! I need to understand! I need the respect. Closure not a thing you can give to yourself. Closure involves both parties being on the same page. Closure is having that full picture of what happened in the relationship and being on the same page together about what happened. Apologies and forgiveness are there and both can move forward knowing how to grow from it. All I can do is give myself understanding and information and learn to heal from this and it will take so much longer and leave more wounds than if they did the right thing.
I will never have closure. I need to just work hard on healing as best I can. I can accept that. its just so hard. And it all hurts SO much. 🙁
August 20, 2021 at 12:34 pm #385069MKnox
ParticipantI think I will just wait a couple of weeks to show I have let this go and have given up desiring any kind of closure and then write a carefully crafted letter for my abuser and for his father and then wash my hands of all of this and move on with my life and leave all this in the past.
My friend told me to give him the letters and won’t tell me what they will do with the letters, but I kind of think he will end up sending them to them. He has told me he wants me to have a voice in a way that keeps me safe and that if anyone were to question them they would make sure people knew i had nothing to do with it.
Anyway even if I sent them a letter myself I dont think it is grounds for further legal trouble especially if im saying i want no more contact and am moving on with my life and just wanted to have a voice and give myself closure. And i dont think they will retaliate because they know i have evidence now that can get their son in trouble and am far enough away from the abuse to truly stand up for myself should they try.
And god if your the kind of person that would read all this and hear the victim say they just want to forgive and have a voice and have closure and move on and be done with this and still try to hurt them then youre a truly evil person and i dont think thats true. esp of his father.
This reply was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by