
Need suggestions on dealing with grasping and loneliness

HomeForumsRelationshipsNeed suggestions on dealing with grasping and loneliness

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    Thank you for writing, I send you relief and compassion. It has been difficult but learning weeks of my life. I have started to question about everything? The whole idea of happiness, marriage , relationships. The answers that I am getting are breaking my whole perception about reality and what good and bad is.

    I have been practicing meditation everyday and I will try to find a class for yoga. I will surely look into your journaling.

    I hope the your pain and suffering ends soon to.

    Good luck


    I am only going to address lonlieness. I am a total people person, and being alone, after being with people, is relaxing — be it work, outdoor activities with friends etc. What I find that helps me is if I have something, some event to look forward to. When I don’t have nothing to look forward to then, that is when I feel lonely. I always have something planned, and it just be a evening out with friend, or a play or a sport event. but have something to wake up to.


    Thank you Lucylou. I think I am to, a very social person. What I am trying to understand is why I feel lonely if I have nothing planned?

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