
Negative Energy

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    I am feeling frustrated because I am trying to find a permanent position but it seems that there is something (I don’t know if it’s me) that is hindering me from doing that. I have a healthy self-esteem. I do not react to fear as a form of control or manipulation. This seems to be the method of choice from the corporate industry to control their workers. I feel as if I am attracting negative energy. Below are descriptions of my previous experiences. Maybe someone can provide some clarity on what I can do to in order to accomplish my goal of finding full time work. Should I change something?

    I was a temp worker for this clerical position. Two women who would break into my e-mail after I have left for the evening, to see if they could find e-mails that could be considered inappropriate and basically just looking for “dirt” on me. I learned that they were doing this because a male co-worker told me. He and I had history of attending the same Catholic high school so he was kind enough to let me know what was going on behind my back. Later, someone stole money from my wallet while the company was having a cookout. They let me go because I had to get the police involved.
    Five months later – I was hired in to a company after working as a temporary worker. I was then let go because a woman who had been there for 5 years sabotaged me to my boss.
    Four months later – Working as a temp worker – let go because my supervisor had control issues. I recognized the turning point to be: She did not like the way I took initiative. This was nothing big – it had to do with moving a file – a problem solving method she previously suggested I use.
    Three months later – working on contract – let go because my co-worker sabotaged me to my boss, she trained me in this position. She has been working on this project for 7 years and has not been able to transfer out. I have a BA degree, she does not. I sensed that she was jealous of me for many different things. A month after I was hired, she joined a weight loss program. I am 5’0 and petite; she is not. After a while she started to dress like me. For this company, though they require a high school diploma as the least requirement for an applicant, I have heard from professionals working for this company, that they require a college diploma from applicants and current employees.


    Thank you 🙂


    I don’t really know how to work this site, so i guess i will post my question here. I am in a bad place in life. Its my freshman year of college, i had to drop a class due to my grade, i have had a car for about 5 or six months and i have gotten 3 tickets and have gotten it towed, work has been extremely hard and takes up most of my time, sleep has been a struggle and i am having problems with my family because A: i got kicked out and had to move in with my grandma which is not all that easy, and B: i came out to my family as a lesbian in February and my moms side of the family is not all that accepting. (That was a very large run on sentence oh well.) I don’t know why all these are happening to me i am gnerally a very poitive person and see the bright side of most things. The only thing in my life that ever seems to help is my girlfriend and music and between her work and school i dont get much free time

    I was wondering if there are any tips you could give me to help create more positive energy in my life?


    Hi Elle. Sounds like you are going through a transformational phase in life. I am not an expert but I recently learned of a possible way to change negative experiences to positive ones. Write down the bad experience on a piece of paper. Feel everything you went through as your write it, and then burn it (be careful with this part – don’t hurt yourself. Do this in a cooking pot outside, preferably not during windy weather). Watch the smoke rise and disappear. Feel yourself letting go of the hurt as the smoke rises and disappears. Then, write down in a journal how you would like to see the experience occur as a positive and loving experience for you and everyone involved. Good luck.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by rasasvada.

    Thank you Rachelle! I will try this tonight and let you know how it works out 🙂 i would be willing to try just about anything right now.

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