
NOSTALGIA: and its role in life

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    Lately, I find I am very nostalgic. Connecting with friends I have not communicated with in years, reminiscing about an old girlfriend, reliving the early years of my marriage, visiting old locations that hold meaning , but all seems in vain as it does not fill the void I am trying to address.


    Nostalgia, the longing for home, pain for home.

    We can get lost in such longing if it becomes a escape into the past for the good old day’s.

    Often the time of nostalgia is a itch of the subconscious to re-remember a aspect of yourself that was perhaps lost and that the Self longs to reconnect with.

    When you visit the old haunts ask yourself what they meant to you then. How did you feel about your self when you were with that friend or in that location? How are you connected to those feelings, dreams, hopes now? Is their a part of yourself that you need to re-connect with?  Perhaps a ability of the imagination which we often ‘leave at home’ as we go out into the world?




    Yes, you are correct it is a sense of what is really missing now. Actions and decisions made along time ago were done with free will, both heart and  mind. But, with rose tinted nostalgic glasses then it may feel like you missed out on some possibilities that were there for the taking .

    The internet does not help , before events and people were distant memories but now it is possible to reconnect or see what they are doing now. This colours the “what if “ imagination.

    Also, in your youth life is full of options and possibilities. In your youth you believe you have time to change course and reverse . However, life marches on, and decisions made have consequences that frame your life . As you get older your options shut down , a good life leads to stagnation.

    Reinventing your self is key, expose yourself to new possibilities , new risks . The challenge is knowing where to start




    Quotes on Nostalgia that I like

    The past is a candle at great distance: too close to let you quit, too far to comfort you.


    Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.

    Memory believes before knowing



    I think people have different levels is nostalgia , some live ( and love ) in the past ….

    Great poem …
    NOSTALGIA by Billy Collins
    Remember the 1350? We were doing a dance called the Catapult.
    You always wore brown, the color craze of the decade,
    and I was draped in one of those capes, that were popular,
    the ones with unicorns and pomegranates in needlework…..
    Everyone would pause for beer and onion soup in the afternoon,
    and at night we would play a game called “Find the Sheep.”
    Everything was hand-lettered then, not like today.
    Where has the summer of 1582 gone? Brocade and sonnet…
    marathons were the rage. We used to dress up in the flags..
    of rival baronies and conquer one another in cold rooms of stone.
    Out on the Crazy dance floor we were all doing the Struggle
    while your sister practiced the Daphne all alone in her room…
    We borrowed the jargon of farriers for our slang.
    These days language seems transparent, a badly broken code.
    The 1780s  will never come again. Childhood was big them…
    People would take walks to the very tops of hills..
    and write down what they saw in their journals without speaking.
    Our collars were high and our hats were extremely soft.
    We would surprise each other with alphabets made of twigs.
    It was a wonderful time to be alive, or even dead.
    I am very fond of the period between 1816 and 1821.
    Europe trembled while we sat still for our portraits…
    And I would love to return to 1901 if only for a moment,
    time enough to wind up a music box and do a few dance steps,
    or shoot me back to 1923 or 1941, or at least let me
    recapture the serenity of last month when we picked
    berries and glided through afternoons in a canoe.
    Even this morning would be an improvement over the present……..
    I was in the garden then, surrounded by the hum of bees
    and the Latin names of flowers, watching the early light
    flash off the slanted windows of the greenhouse
    and silver the limbs on the rows of dark hemlocks.
    As usual, I was thinking about the moments of the past,
    letting my memory rush over them like water
    rushing over the stones on the bottom of a stream.
    I was even thinking a little about the future, that place
    where people are doing a dance we cannot imagine,
    a dance whose name we can only guess.

    why no just enjoy the now

    Funny … as the years drift by the old memories crystallise

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