
Paranoia got the best of me

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    Not too long ago, i started realizing a lot of things about myself. Not so good things, and i’m not sure to what extent these new found truths were actually true, but i started to feel really low about myself. And I began to think that everyone knew all these things about me and were only pretending to like me. This ruined me. I was thinking things like,

    “I can’t believe i thought people liked me.”- i started to think that everything nice anyone has ever said to me was sarcastic remark, i was just too daft to realize it. I started analyzing every memory of the relationships i had with others and my brain brought forth all these things people has said to me in the past that now some how was seen in a different light.

    I became so paranoid, taking everything people say in a very distorted understanding. I doubted everything. Myself, the most. Around this time, i recently dropped all my friends, (not that there were many) but the few that were close to me, cause i found a new guy. And we got really close and i started spending all my time with him and only him. But when this paranoid, negative thinking started, i doubted him too.

    I made up this elaborate story in my head that he has been with me for just sex, and did not really like me. He has close connections to my circle of friends, however ive never chilled with him and them together before. So i thought they all told him of me and he knew me, for “who i was”. Everything he said, i took it wrongly, but i didn’t break up with him. I was in this constant switch between trusting him and knowing 100 % that my fears were true. I was subconsciously searching for proof in his actions and in the things he said that proves my theory right.

    If i were to write in detail the stories i created in my head, the crazy, illogical story lines, i would truly make it seem silly. Because how could I even think such a thing to be true? How could everyone i have ever met, be so cruel and mean? But my rationalization was, it was i was the one who was horrible and insensitive first. They just reacted accordingly.

    The result of all this was i shut off completely with the outside world. although, weirdly enough, i was still living with my boyfriend. but i just could not function around him. i was anxious and fearful, but somewhere deep deep lost in me i knew i couldn’t leave because i knew this wasn’t right, i guess. but the more i tried to be normal around him, the more i couldn’t. i got frustrated, i got angry at myself, i couldn’t eat, i slept a lot, i had no conversations with anyone for the longest time. i became so scared, had many breakdowns, but i couldn’t get out of it.

    It’s important to note too i guess, that i was on chemicals, more than ever before. I’ve stopped after my last breakdown and ive redirected my fear to figure out a way to work on all the things ive realized about myself.

    like being self centered, not being honest, being shallow and not being loving. most importantly though, not putting effort in everything.

    even though things are a lot better with my boyfriend, i’m still afraid of meeting with my old friends. and i’m afraid things might fall apart again.


    hello, ive been feeling like this too i know how you feel, ive been desperately looking for help for something that can bring me back from this awful and terrifying spot im on, there are good days in which im sure i can make it in which i totally believe in the power i have to take me out of this, maybe we can help each other its good to know there is someone who can understand you, please write to me if you feel like it ; sandoval.mary20@gmail.com

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Marylaura.

    I feel you as well.
    i have recently began to admit a lot of things to myself. accept that i have regrets and that i have done bad things. that doesnt mean i am a bad person but sometimes its impossible to realise that. i feel like anyone i condsidered a friedn was fake because seriously who could like that monster???
    when self loathing sets in its horrible and a huge pit to fall into. but you can scramble out. i personally like to write myself out of it. i start by just writing waht is on my mind – why the hate. then through different methods i have found on here and other sites i coax myself out. i start to sort the feelings into the places where they belong and then to also recognise why they are there, why they are allowed to be there and how to then deal and leave them behind.
    sometimes when i really cannot get out of the black hole i just make myself write what in my life is good and what i am grateful for… then how did it get there – because i work hard, my family loves me because i show them love, why do i have a functioning brain and body because i look after it (now) then from there i really can get up into why i am better now for realising the bad things.
    there will always be the fear that things will fall apart, and they probably will but you have the tools now to get back up. and people are accepting, you said you had a few true friends if thats the case they will accept what you have been through and if it rears its head again will still be there when you sort your things out.
    you have a wonderful man who has supported you into this and out of this and for that you are truly blessed.
    feel strong be strong and let hapiness in 🙂

    also MARYLAURA if you just need to talk there is a website google 7 cups of tea and you can just talk to a stranger… its helped me soooo much!


    Thank you so much for taking the time to reply this, love. This meant a lot to me, to know that someone else too is facing the same thing. One thing that has kept me going is that I know I can’t live in the past, i can only work on my self moment to moment, making sure i am no longer that monster in the now.

    I’m grateful for all that i have, and being grateful has helped a lot. What ive realized is, we can only feel one emotion at a time, and i have the power to choose which to feel. Because often, my mind is creating false stories, energizing the fear. And then i am trapped in a vicious loop.

    But meditating has helped so much, and this website, and sharing, and loving.

    Thank you again. <3


    Not living in the past is the hardest part.
    because beleive me without the past i have and the stupid choices i have made and even the way i have treated people i would be in a much better place right now
    i guess i need to work on self-forgivness but it seems impossible for now.
    yeah this website is a great pick me up

    All The Best

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