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    So, my husband, like so many men, watches porn. Almost every day. Does it upset me? Yes. Although I know the reason is that I’m insecure with myself. He tells me I’m the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, the sexiest wife ever, he doesn’t wish I looked different…so why can’t I get over this? I know it has nothing to do with him not being satisfied with myself. Even after watching porn, 99 percent of the time he’ll wait until we’re both home to have sex instead of masterbate. I need help getting my crazy anxiety under control. Thanks all!


    Dear Dawn:

    You seem to believe that the reason you don’t like your husband watching porn, and watching porn every day, is because you are “insecure with myself”- but is it the reason?

    I mean, what woman does like her husband to look at other naked women, in their most (should be) private parts and moments, and then, do it every day?

    Perhaps there are women out there who are okay with it, probably are, but I never heard or read from such women.

    If being naked with your husband is a private matter for you. If the moments of physical intimacy you have with your husband are a private matter for you, then no wonder him watching porn bothers you, as the private in porn is not at all private. It is as public as it can be. Nothing to do with insecurity, I am thinking.




    Hi Dawn,

    Either he watches porn openly in front of you or behind you, guy is always a guy. We watch porn regardless openly, or sneakily. Even thought some day you might convince him not to watch porn, he will still watch porn behind the scene. Guys that told you they never watch porn is completely a liar.

    You will need to get rid of your girl’s logic in order to keep your crazy anxiety/insecurity under control;

    if he watch porn, you will start to compare yourself with the porn actress, in other words, you’re jealous. We man are programmed to have emotionless sex. Our sex desire can easily be triggered by visual or appearance, unlike women, they are based on “feeling”.

    So next time when you see your husband watch porn, it doesn’t mean they are attracted by the actress, the next moment they have sex with you, they already forgot what they have watched.

    This is a good video for you for your reference. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlZsGpWJmos



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