
Problem with My Mother

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    I often read these postings and feel inspired by the answers.

    Hoping I can find some advice for a problem.
    My mother is a loving person who is a very important, cherished part of my life. She is also an extremely angry, bitter and destructive person. She is most of the time wonderfully loving, but there is a side of her just below the surface that would gladly burn her life down in a minute.

    She got into an argument with a family member the other day and proceeded to take pills to kill herself. My father took her to the hospital and saved her. She is extremely angry at my father for telling me about it. She is blaming him for everything wrong in her life. She refuses to get help. She only wants to blame, accuse and rage.

    I know I can only change my behavior, I cannot change her. Im debating going to see her when she gets out of the hospital. I don’t know if I should go. I don’t know what to say. I don’t know how to cope.

    thank you


    Dear friend,
    Sometimes, a certain relationship or life situation is so tough, there isn’t a clear answer.
    However, I do believe in the power of prayers. It doesn’t have to be a religious one, it can be a form of affirmation or positive intention. I used to get into heated arguments with my mom too and both ended up in lots of tears and days of uneasy feelings. What worked in my case was trying to understand why my mom was a certain way. People act a certain way according to what they know, their truth, their years of life experiences. Your mom probably had some really tough time at some point in her life. It’s the internal struggles acting out. I’d pray for her. I deeply believe that there’s a divine energy in each and everyone of us that can be slowly invoked and brought to the surface. But it would take a lot of patience. Gently acknowledge her pain. Sometimes, people acts out because they feel like no one cares, no one understands. In the case of my mom, she always thought that she’s not good enough and even I don’t love her, which is far from the truth. I learned to see her pain. I told her I love her, over and over again. I told her I am grateful for all the sacrifices she did for me. I told her her heart is like an ocean of love. I pointed out all the great things she did for people around her. Plus, when I calmed down, there was no fuel for a heated argument. So, yes, you can’t change mom, but your loving energy can be felt, and your patience with it will bare fruits and both of you will feel better. My love to you both.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by tinybuddha.


    I know how helpless you can feel in these situations, especially knowing the only person who can make a difference is your mother herself. My suggestion is, stop having a mindset of trying to do something to fix / help / heal her. You are setting yourself up for a lot of heartaches, disappointments, and feeling like a failure if you try to do what can only be done by herself. I know you want her to get better but that often makes you anxious and cloud your mind. As hard as this sounds, let that go for a moment and just go through the motion. Every second that she doesn’t want to kill herself is a success!

    About visiting her, I don’t know how long she’ll be in the hospital but if it’s only for a day or two, I’d wait till she gets home. Being in a hospital among strangers and unfamiliarity could create a stressful environment and makes her feel like being put on the spot. Basically, give her time and space to recover from her emotions as counter-intuitive as it might sound right now.

    Good Luck!

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