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June 10, 2016 at 7:26 pm #106903
ParticipantI recently had a blow up with my boyfriend . We started seeing each other a little over two months ago – im not really sure where to start but Im hoping that I can sort out what happened or get some feed back maybe some insight or something im blind to –
on Wed night I had a blow out with him the day started out with us running errands and getting pants for the new job i would be starting the following day ,
I got the job so that we could live together and I would have some place close to work . I have been unemployed since mid april . in the mean time he and I have spent a lot of time together already living with each other . I moved here for a seasonal position and was planning on moving back to California after the position ended but we met each other and ended up sticking together for most of the 2 months . He went to visit his family in Washington and met up with him after he came back and we have been together pretty much since then I did leave for a week and came back .
Anyway I had planned on going to California this summer to help on a sustainable living farm which is seasonal . Instead I got a job here and on Wed a friend called and said they would love if I came out a few weeks to help with things but it would only be temporary and I had already planned on it before I met him -I mentioned this and it had been an issue before .
Having this conversation led to us drinking – he got me a bottle of tequila and he drank beer I drank most of the bottle and a few hours later he suggested that we go to the bar while we were at the bar it was a little foggy we had two shots and two beers – but i remember I offended him somehow or so he says and we were kind of arguing – we got home its all a blur and then we argued and then i got so angry for some reason and tried punching him – i started throwing things and he kicked me out – i got my things and he followed me out to get his phone i threw his phones on the ground – he had my keys i had his phone i said where are my keys he said you can have your keys if you give me back my phone i gave him his phone and he gave me my keys i drove off and thought i left my purse – I guess while i had his phone i text his parents not sure what i said – so when i got back he locked himself in his room i banged on the door and then he wouldnt open it and then i left grabbed a wine opener and stuck it in two of his tires letting out the air – then drove down the canyon drunk to a friends and stayed up all night then next day it hit me what I had done – we have talked since then but it really scared me I did not beleive I would ever do that to him im confused about him – and why i reacted that way – i know I would not have done that sober – and I have not made the best choice in men I have since then apologized but im still very confused and dwelling on it .June 10, 2016 at 7:32 pm #106905Anonymous
GuestDear kiolabear:
What a drunken-drama story, the part of you driving drunk- bad, bad, bad- please, do not drive drunk!
What a story indeed. Best decisions are not made under the influence, of course, influence of alcohol/ drugs and strong emotions. In your case, it was alcohol and emotions and reason was nowhere to be found.
You didn’t ask a question; is there one? I hope you are feeling better… what is your next move?
June 10, 2016 at 7:42 pm #106906kiola
ParticipantI guess my question is – is it even worth trying to mend things ? he did message me a little yesterday and then today i messaged him but he did not respond i feel like im being impatient and I feel like I want to fix it fast but is that selfish ? I am staying with a friend now – i plan on not drinking and I have no job until the 22 of june and im broke –
June 10, 2016 at 7:48 pm #106907Anonymous
GuestDear kiolabear:
Well, if you plan to not drink then it is probably a bad idea to try it again with this guy because he is probably still drinking. And after the fight with him, really, really doesn’t sound to me like a good idea. I hope you can stay with your friend long enough to get money…?
I am sorry it didn’t work out with the guy. You wrote about a plan in California, was it… the friends that contacted you about working on a farm there?
June 10, 2016 at 7:57 pm #106908kiola
ParticipantThankyou – I am sad that it didnt work out as well im so scared that I was even capable of doing that it scares me still to think that I was that out of control – your right it probably isnt a good idea to even think about being with him again I dont even think it is an option in my messed up head I think that I like him enough to make it work and I want him to make it work I dont know why because in my head I know thats not possible but my heart wants it to its like i cant let it go or something because I made a mistake
Yes it was the same friend but – she is sort of flighty with her plans so i had always had it in the back of my mind but then that same day she text me to see if i was interested which made me want to entertain the idea with him knowing that she may possibly back out anyway but i wanted to run it by him to let him know how i was feeling – this was while i was sober – after i did that his face kind of changed and i think may have triggered the fight later on while intoxicated . yes my friend said I was welcome to stay as long as I needed .June 11, 2016 at 6:45 am #106924Anonymous
GuestDear kiolabear:
Regarding you being scared that you were capable of behaving that way, being out of control: unfortunately every person is capable of that and every person has behaved in regretful ways, out of control, unreasonably. Sometimes a person does that and there is no way back, as in dying as a result or in committing a crime leading to life incarceration… now these are scary. So we do our best to pay attention to what we are doing and prevent destructive actions.
And regarding making mistakes, again, everyone does, oh, I wish there was a way to no longer make mistakes!
So we have our reason, logic and we have our heart, emotions and of course the two are not always of one mind. Wisdom is about combining the two: the logic and the emotion, figuring out what our emotions mean and how to proceed. You missing your boyfriend means you are lonely and scared, maybe, and not that it is good for you to be with him. So if you figure this, you can get comfort maybe from a friend, so to calm your fear and ease up your loneliness while not getting back with him.
I am so glad your friend said you are welcome to stay for as long as you need! Take advantage of this generous offer and be wise.
How are you doing today? Please do post again.
June 11, 2016 at 10:14 am #106952kiola
ParticipantLast night he messaged me that he wanted to get his things and then it turned into a three hour back and forth messaging . at the end of the message he said he had to break up with me which i thought was already a given – this happened until three in the morning – i just met him a trader joes to give him back the broken phone his title to his car and a hat that i took . he gave me back my things i asked where my sunglasses were and he said everything is in there and i gave him his things and he just walked away and i got back in my car and drove away with one last look at each other .
i cried then i was mad that he would just let me go so easily it made me feel like i never meant anything to him but i dont know that – then i just got angry and then my car started overheating and i didnt even know if i would make it back with out my car breaking down . !! HA ! what a day and of course its raining . I just want to leave Utah now I came here to ski I met him and I stayed for him .
Yes I am so lonely and im REALLY scared …. the biggest slap in the face is that my actions got me here … but i talked to a friend yesterday and she just reminded me that I am blessed I think I am just in pain right now – im sad i hurt him and im sad i let myself down .June 11, 2016 at 10:18 am #106953kiola
ParticipantI dont understand how people can come in and out of each others lives so easily – im still like why didnt he want to try and work it out he said i did things that i cant remember like call his mom – i threatened him – but not to justify I have heard people argue like this and move on or not take things so literal – I just dont get why he is taking everything i did so literal and not aknowledging the fact that I was completely out of sorts why did he let me drink so much and then take me to the bar why did he let me drive down a canyon mountain road beligerant i know it doesnt help but i feel like maybe he never even cared for me .
June 11, 2016 at 10:27 am #106956Anonymous
GuestDear kiolabear:
You are experiencing strong emotions right now and it will be a while before you feel good again. But feel good- you will. Soon enough the pain will weaken and you will feel hope and joy again. You will see.
The two of you chose- without much awareness- harmful talk and actions that night. There are lessons to learn from this:
* No drinking and driving.
* When you say something, it can- and often should be taken literally. When you say something, you can’t unsay it, so give it some thought before you speak when angry.
* Drinking in moderation- it is supposed to make you feel good, isn’t it? Not destroy a relationship, so…Do you agree with the above lessons and are there any other?
June 11, 2016 at 11:03 am #106961kiola
Participantyes i agree with all of those – thinking before i speak and meaning what i say is a good lesson and i did not even take that into consideration .
June 11, 2016 at 11:22 am #106965Anonymous
GuestDear kiolabear:
Like I wrote, you will feel better, sooner than you expect. You are going through a difficult time. If you learn what you need to learn from the experience and practice what you learn…
And if you endure the difficult feelings you are experiencing without reacting and making your situation worse-
If you make your situation better, step after step, regardless of how you feel-
Your life will be a good life.
Please do post any time.
June 11, 2016 at 2:47 pm #106967kiola
ParticipantI am grateful for this forum and for your words this is such a great thing …. yes it hurts but im am willing to live what i have learned … i am sad and i am lonely but i do have faith that things will work out thank you !
June 11, 2016 at 5:27 pm #106973Anonymous
GuestDear Kiola:
You are welcome. And anytime you feel sad and lonely and have no one in person that can comfort you, come here to your thread and post. Anytime I see a post from you, I will respond. Take good care of yourself!
June 13, 2016 at 5:40 pm #107173kiola
Participantthis is hard – im going to stop messaging him but i have been beating myself up for this any suggestions to not be so hard on myself .
thanksJune 13, 2016 at 6:59 pm #107183Anonymous
GuestDear kiolabear:
In that drunken night with him and I am sure before and after, the two of you did regrettable things, what happened between you and him, you are only responsible for 50% of it; the other fifty is his responsibility. It was both your doings. And I am glad it is over. I suggest you accept it is and should be over. Let it go and leave it alone best you can, give up on it and on him. Let it be done and over with and look forward to a better chapter of your life, the one starting … now.