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  • #227133

    Hi all!

    Guys, I was hanging out with my coworker /friend for a couple of times 3 months or so we got intimate and everything in the beginning he said okay let’s go with the flow and see where’s this going to take us and after a while he said we better stop cause he does not see us as a couple or he sees no future for us. He said he likes me he said the attraction is there he said he desire me  but it better stop! What you guys think? Should I insist on this, or just let go?


    Let it GO. I know it will seem hard, but in the long-term it will be the best. If he is being open and honest with you about his feelings, leave it there.

    I just got out of a ‘forced’ relationship (well, great at first, but forced after about 6 months) and I can tell you that even if he did agree, it could work (maybe), but could lead to anger, frustration, and insecurity.

    Be glad he is being honest with you, and respect his feelings. Only if he brings up getting together again would I consider starting a relationship. Don’t pressure him, or nag him. Let it go, and if it is meant to be it’ll happen. If not, another person is out there that will be right for you.
    Hope this helps!


    Yah thanks things are hard but maybe it will be the best thanks for your help again!


    Dear Anna:

    You asked whether you should insist on continuing the relationship with him even though he doesn’t want to continue. I figure that the time to insist is at the beginning of a relationship, before getting physically intimate, insisting on getting to know the man and having him know you. That way, you don’t get hurt as much. It hurts more to be rejected by a man after physical intimacy than it is before, for one.



    Hi Anna,

    New Rules:

    1. No work romances

    2. Only be intimate with someone WHEN you’re in a committed relationship with him!

    You will find Life becomes much, much easier.



    P.S. Let this one go

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Inky.
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