
Relationship Anxiety issues. Can anyone relate to this?

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    I have been with my girlfriend now for soon to be two years. I am 35 and this is my longest relationship by over a year. I really struggle with relationships. Until I hit 30 I didn’t really think much about being with someone. Now i have an amaxing girlfriend who is kind,caring,supportive and I really like her a lot. However I find at times I say to myself when think about relationship I don’t want this or what if she is not the one for me. When think about the future I freak out inside and get anxious and nervous and have like mini panic attacks. These periods can last a few days and then inside I suddenly go back to how was feeling before all happy. When I am looking positive on things we are great together and we have so much in common and have lots of fun but it is like an inner evil voice that puts a seed of doubt in my head and that grows into a big issue which I struggle to control making me feel not great.

    She currently lives with me a lot of the time but I have not got her to move in permanently as it fills me with fear. Think this is more the fact to me that is a massive step and it is not like 3 weeks later I can ask her to go away for a while. As I said before this is my first serious relationship.

    The amazing thing is she knows all my fears and worries and supports me fully which at times i expect her to to get frustrated but she doesn’t.   Everyone who sees us together says she is perfect for me and lots of the time when i just live for the moment things are great it is when I over think everything starts to change and it makes me struggle as I’d inner voice saying end it now which I fight against as I know ending it would be a big mistake.


    Need some advice. I think I have relationship anxiety and this is making me try to escape and run away as thats th easier thing yo do but i really like her so stick at it. Don’t know what to do as have thought I could see us together in future but that scares me so much leading to me wanting to run away from it all.


    Dear Uncertainty81:

    Reads to me that your current relationship anxiety is based not on a problem in your current relationship but on a significant problem you had in a previous relationship, one with a parent or parents. In that relationship you were very hurt and scared. Am I correct in my understanding?



    Hi Uncertainty81,

    I understand and can relate to you alot about anxiety as I suffer from this too. I am most likely alot older than you, and have struggled with this since my teens. I also have panic attacks, although not quite as debilititating as once, as I have a great Psychiatrist, therapist and 12 step support program.

    I believe my anxiety developed from a very traumatic childhood from a severely abusive Alcoholic mother and dysfunctional home. Unfortunately, this has crept into my adult life, and plagued my friendships, relationships with bosses, authority figures, and relationships, where I would get scared, and go one one relationship to the next. My first relationship and true love was when I was 20, I was deeply in love, but had no idea what I was doing. I was immature, “in love, with being in love” and unfortunately we broke up a year later after much drama, chaos, instability and fighting..mostly..my fault. I did not deal with my issues. He was much better off without me, and he did try to get back with me, but I knew he could do and derserved better. I wanted to “party” go out with friends bar hopping and he was wanting to settle down. Today, he is married with children and granchildren.

    Unfortunately, things did not get better for me, as I really did not know who I was, or what I wanted from a man. All I knew was I did not know how to really love another person as I did not receive this as a child. I just knew fear, rejection, “not being good enough” abandonment, low self worth, poor impulse control, poor identity and coping skills. With medication and years of Psychotherapy, I am finally turning things around.

    Did this anxiety happen before you met your girlfriend? What was your childhood like? When do you first remember feeling anxious? It sounds like you have a wonderful girlfriend, and I would do whatever it takes to get this issue resolved, whether it’s self help books or workbooks, quality therapy, medication, etc. Are you anxious in any other situations such as social anxiety? I do hope you post again with your thoughts or comments.



    Tha is for replies Eliana. Yea i have the best girlfriend ever who knows about my feelings and anxiousness. Many would leave a relationship like that but she sticks by me all the time. At times the relationship is amazing and have so much fun but currently there is something eating away at me telling me.its not what I want and she is not the one but then is times feel very close to her.


    I had a great childhood.and great family life. With my last gf I felt the same as do.now. one minute all felt amazing and then few days later I wanted to escape from it all. That shows me it is commitment issues and whoever i am with il go this way so less about her and more about me.

    I do want to sort this as at times I have like.sickness feeling in stomach and feel my head pushing me to end things but I don’t as she is so good for me.and I feel I don’t appreciate what I have.

    At times it scares me too as we have beem together almost 2 years which is a really long time and if I didn’ have feelings for her we would not be together after this period of time.



    Hi Uncertainty81,

    Yes it is the inner voice that is creating all the trouble when things are going beautifully well on the outside.
    So then what to do in such situations? “Never take your thoughts too seriously”.
    See for yourself if you are the thoughts or are you the one who is thinking those thoughts. If you are the one who is thinking those thoughts then it means you are separate from your thoughts, which indirectly means you are not your thoughts. They are just a lie. So don’t believe them. So separate out this instant from that inner voice. Dont allow it to come to your head and disturb your inner peace. Even if they come and if they become bothersome, then dont get frustrated and push them too much. Be with them and see them as passing fog of clouds on a clear sky. Catch yourself as they arise by saying – “Ah, there they are back again. There goes my monkey mind trying to create troublesome thoughts”. Don’t engage with, or entertain any of those thoughts. Don’t give them any energy. They will die. What makes a thought feel real is the attention we bring to it. So don’t give them any attention. Soon they will be dissolved.

    “Worrying or overthinking is like creating a mental script of the outcome even before it has happened and then using the same script to scare ourselves.”
    Make sure your head is not creating that mental script. If we let a thought be nothing, then that’s what it will be… nothing.

    Please feel free to post if you would like to.






    Dear Uncertainty81:

    You wrote that you had a “great childhood” and a “great family life”, and yet you never had a relationship with a woman long enough where you didn’t struggle, and your current girlfriend is wonderful, no complaints. So why the anxiety about staying with her, I wonder, what is fueling your felt need to escape a relationship with a great girlfriend who loves you and whom you love…

    I think that the answer is in that “great family life” you experienced as a child. If you would like to entertain this possibility, will you describe the relationship between your parents as you were growing up, how did they treat each other?

    And then, how did they treat you?



    Hi Uncertainty81,

    Normally I tell people to go with their guy. If something does not feel right, then perhaps it is not. If you feel sick to your stomach, maybe something, (a force, higher power, the universe) is trying to tell you, that this relationship may not progress further. On the other hand, it could just be fear of the future, thoughts of uncertainty. Two years is a long time. Maybe you could jump right in..walk through the fire, and propose? Why not? If you love her and see a future with her, perhaps proposing will help lay your fears to rest, and make you think that things are not as bad as you are thinking they are.

    Anytime a negative thought comes, don’t give it the satisfaction. Use a positive thought instead. Like how much you enjoy being around her, laughing with her, etc. Have you shared these fears with her? Sometimes just getting it out with the one you love helps you feel better, who knows, maybe she is feeling fearful to. Just try to concentrate on the present and not worry about a future you can’t control. However, if you still have these nagging thoughts day in and day out, maybe something is telling you, that the relationship will not progress further. I hope it all works out.


    Correction to first line of post, should read “normally I tell people to go with their gut”.. Sorry about that.


    When thinking about the future I get anxious. When think about going on a long holiday together I get a bit panicy. It is like i obsess about my feelings all the time. When I don’t think about things and just live for now  all is good but when thought gets into my head it’ a seed that escalates making me worry about us.  It is like I can’ stop myself questioning things even when things are good.


    Hi all, I feel for you and can massively relate.

    Ive a similar situation but not quite the same.

    I have been with my boyfriend for well over three years now and it’s my first serious relationship; we met when we were young (he was 17, I was 16). He kind of swept me off my feet and things were good on the whole, some tough times, but we prided ourselves with our ability to communicate and work through issues. He was my first for everything, and he’s definitely my best friend and I’ve never felt closer to someone. We’re both at uni now, a couple of hours train ride away from each other, and see each other almost every weekend. It’s tough being apart but we make it work. Second year of uni has been really stressful for me and I’ve developed intense anxiety and panic attacks. He’s wonderfully supportive and patient with me, even though I’m a complete wreck, and I can’t thank him enough. Lately (and this hasn’t really been the first time) I’ve been having some serious doubts about our relationship. I’m wondering whether my anxiety is caused (at least in part) because I know deep down I’m not happy with us. It’s exhausting because one day I’ll seriously question whether it’s him as a person that I love or just the company (the “having a boyfriend”), I can’t stand him, and I find myself musing on what being single might be like. I get irritable and impatient, cold and sarcastic – the ugly side of my personality is brought out which I absolutely hate. Then a few days later I’ll be with him and I’ll feel so happy- I wonder why I ever felt so unsure. It just goes round and round. Slowly, I’ve had this sickening feeling creeping up on me that something’s fundamentally wrong and when I try to put my finger on what it is, I honestly can’t tell whether they are legit reasons or just my mind playing tricks on me by blowing things out of proportion. I care about him so much but I’m not sure if I can see a future with him, because we are quite different, and at this age if I can’t see a future then what’s the point? I may as well end it sooner rather than later and enjoy uni life with a bit more freedom, right? Or maybe, my relationship doubts are an effect rather than a cause of my anxiety, so… oh how do I even tell which is which? If it’s an effect of my anxiety then I should seek help to sort it and not make any rash decisions about this relationship. If it’s the cause… then I suppose there’s an obvious but infinitely difficult solution. I really really don’t want to hurt him or regret losing him if it really is all in my mind. But I just can’t tell whether my feelings are justified or all part of the irrationality that comes with anxiety. The sad part is, we’ve nearly split a couple of times and I sometimes find myself wishing that we had split then when there were more concrete reasons, compared to now when it’s all so vague. I can’t tell whether I’m undecided, or whether I know what to do but am just too scared to do it. I’m a complete mess. I’ve never felt so low. Just so miserable because I can’t stand the thought of breaking his heart when I know he’s very happy in the relationship. And I’m not even sure if thats the right decision anyway. What do I do?





    That sounds so similar to me Dani. At times it is like my head is really messing with me. When we chat about these low.times where I am.attacking my feelings my gf is amazing about it and wants to help me. She loves me a lot and at times I wonder why she doesn’ see this as a major alarm bell in our relationship.  It is  the fact that these feelings of just end it are so strong and they happen regularly even when  I feel so close to her it is like a switch is flicked at the inner voice is saying some nasty things like end it you don’ want this. It takes so much effort to push awqy thqt negativity.


    We are to go away in a few days together and I can picture us having a great time away but I know this will be determined by what my head is saying. I can’t seem to just focus on the here and now.


    It really scares me how I am putting myself under so much pressure but as you said if we split I may be free from all this pressure but I could end up losing out on being with someone who I have so much in common with and we get on so well.


    I would like to hear from anyone else who suffers in this way. I know it is like being obsessed with a thought that is trying to destroy something that has the potential to be amazing but I can’t seem to  stop these thoughts and it does wear me down a lot as is hard to try and stand up to the inner voice.


    Hi Uncertainty81,

    Yes I do suffer this way. In fact my head feels a thousand thoughts per minute and I do a few things to overcome this problem.

    I have responded to you a few posts above. Have you taken a look at it OR were you in your thoughts and skipped it?

    This is what you need to do – more in the physical world (for what is happening in the present moment) than in the mental world (for what is in the past or the future)

    Take a look at the post and tell me what is your opinion on that?


    Warm Regards,



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 1 month ago by VJ.

    Thanks VJ for that message I did read it before. I am just scared how my positivity towards the relationship keeps being stopped apart. We chatted a short time ago and as we chatted i fepy warmth towards her  but then almost the minute she was away i felt that voice inside pushing my emotions away from happiness.  I just cant seem to stop these obsessive negative thoughts that are clearly trying to destroy something which is great. It is hard to just acknowledge the thoughts and push them to one side as they are so strong.


    Also VJ is this happening in your current relationship?


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