
Relationship OCD/Anxiety or denial?

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    Hi. First of all, forgive me but my english could not be as perfect as i want. I come here to talk about my experience regarding my OCD and my relationship. In the past, i have passed through a very hard time dealing with hypochondriac obssesions before having any real relationship. I used to do blood tests and all, and constantly researching about symptoms. Also, later, in the middle of my actual relationship and before my OCD attached to it, i used to obsess over a friend of mine who has HIV. She is my best friend and it was hard for me.

    Before my actual relationship, in my first one, i suffered a lot. My ex cheated on me with countless guys, almost 8 months before i realized that she actually was that type of person, extremely sexual. I idealized her to the point i could not even doubt about her faithfulness, and when i saw a hard proof that i was being fooled, it resurrected my old OCD monster like never before, and it was like entire months compulsevely spying her and trying to know everything she used to do. I realize that was sick and i even realized that in that moment. I finally ended that relationship without so much suffering, just the pain of what i have lived. I used to have a trauma associated to the cheating thing, because of my childhood and parents problems.

    Now, everything it’s different. My actual girlfriend is a wonderful person. I met her not so much time after the first relationship ended (which always spiked me, because i used to think that it was just because i felt alone), but i knew then that she was different. I dated other girls and i didnt feel what i felt for her. It was cute, loving, and i save that memories in my soul as a treasure that give me strenght against OCD. She is beautiful, in all senses. Perfect. And, the crazy thing, i know i love her so deeply, in a very different and healthy way. We have like a year and a half of being together. But i can’t describe her so much, it’s like i feel something that doesn’t let me do it. It scares me. Im afraid about everything, about not feeling excited around her, about not feeling jealous when i picture her with other guy, about not missing her, and also i feel terrible, terrible urges to identify myself with songs, movies, books. To the point that i cant even hear o read the word “in love” without entering a terrible mental hole of doubt. Our sexual life always was good, but it wasn’t so lustful like with my ex (i don’t even want that to be happy), i always feel it as some kind of “spiritual sex” that we have, if you know what i mean. I tried, some months ago, to end the relationship, and i cried 2 days without stoping until i decided to not do it. It felt terrible, i didnt want to do it.

    My first fear, of course, is what if i don’t love her? What if my love is not enough? And why i’m doing this? Posting in another language ? Why i dont feel crazy for her? Also, it drives me crazy that i have had cheating thoughts and dreams in which i felt like i have done something. Feeling attracted to other people sends me to the thinking loop again. Sometimes it feels so real.

    A lot of the things that i described are very important to me. My work is related to books and its very hard for me to deal with this. I want my relationship to be fine, but its like i cant see a future clearly and i dont know why is that. Im afraid someone tells me that its because the relationship doesnt work. I also did therapy but i think the therapist was a bit more interested in the money (it was expensive) than the recover. Nonetheless, i did take a lot of knowledge about ROCD from there.

    Thanks for reading! I hope you are all great! 🙂


    Also, i would like to add that sometimes i feel like nothing is real and i just feel a bit suicidal. It’s so much pain that im just tired, REALLY tired. So many months have passed since that moment in which the first tought came to my mind “may be you don’t love her”. I miss being able to really enjoy things. And im sure that everything is in my mind. But sometimes i just end up feeling that thing of “everything is over” (even my future with any choice i could take). Meanwhile, when im with my girlfriend i just feel a 20%  of the horror that i feel when im alone.


    Dear Jul:

    I have suffered from OCD for decades, I know how it is to be afraid of your own thoughts, your own feelings. Thing is, I have suffered as much as I have and am alive to tell about it. You have survived your OCD as well. This is evidence that it doesn’t kill. Fear doesn’t kill, anxiety doesn’t, OCD doesn’t.

    I think that part of the fear is that it feels so badly that we feel it is not survivable. It sure “rains on our parade” of life, oh how better life would feel otherwise!

    But survivable it is. Those intense feelings of distress are not deadly. Keep it in mind.

    There is no easy solution to anxiety. It takes an unbelievable commitment to heal and a whole lot of time and patience. It takes the accepting that this distress is there, that it is part of my life.

    I wish it wasn’t. When not obsessed and not distressed, it feels so good, you wish it was always like that, correct? And it feels, why can’t it always be like this, calm?

    Only it isn’t. It is those habits-of-the-minds, those chemicals automatically released, causing this discomfort.

    “Relationship OCD/Anxiety or denial?”- it is your OCD that is raining on the parade of your relationship, spoiling good times, not her, not some mysterious incompatibility, I am thinking.



    Hi Jul

    I am suffering with something very similar and it’s destroying me. I just wanted to see how you feel now months later?

    I hope you are well! 🙂

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