
Scottish sayings that resonate

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    Hey folks, I thought this would be a fun one to see how many Scottish phrases people may know. I was just thinking that some of them are so straight forward and hit the nail on the head. Not cluttered or complicated thoughts, something many of us on our mindfulness journey know too well. Training ourselves to simplify and focus on the little things to bring us back into the now.

    I have included a phone screen you might enjoy 😉

    “Keep the Heid” – Translation: “Keep calm, and carry on – everything will be ok”


    Keep the Heid


    Dear Karen:

    Thank you for Keep the Heid. Here’s another Scottish saying: “Be sure to taste your words afore you spit them” – Meaning: Be careful to think about what you are saying before you say it. Often we can’t take back what we say in haste or spite, so take a moment to think before you speak.


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