
Seriously. How would you answer this

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    I have had this question in my mind for quite a long time now. Why do I see the world from my eyes and not yours or his or hers or theirs? What if God is experiencing different perspectives of the world through every consciousness that was,is and will be. A brilliant way to evolve and experience each possible fractal and reality that was,is and will be. And what if by evolving as individuals to a state of ultimate connection and oneness we could experience the life as seen by, for example, this granny that is crossing the road down the street or a simple tree. Now, I’m interested in your opinion about this.


    Hi ivan,

    Wow, that question (the first one, anyway) has always bothered me. I remember being FOUR, and riding in the back of the car, looking up at the moon. Then I remember freaking out, because, what if I’m not around to see the moon and the world through MY EYES, and the Universe ENDS? Because, you know, I’m NOT seeing the moon through anyone else’s eyes, and therefore, does it indeed exist??

    Consciousness has always fascinated me. I suspect we are closer to God/The Universe than we might think.



    • This reply was modified 9 years, 8 months ago by Inky.

    If you and your own unique consciousness suddenly disappeared.. Well it’s not possible because as you probably know as energetic beings we can’t just end. As physics says, an energy cannot end or disappear from the face of the universe, it can only shift it’s form into another form of energy or vibration as the more spiritual would say. But IF you indeed broke that universal law you would start a destruction of all. Like a domino effect. Imagine that you are a single leaf of a tree. The tree being all, or God. Someone poisons you with a toxic material and you die. Wouldn’t you affect the whole tree with this poison? The whole being would die because everything is connected. So to answer your question: yes, if you literally end (not the death of your vessel/physical body but of your own vibration) you would indeed end the universe. We’re a hologram.

    Peace, Ivan

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