
Share YOUR work!?!

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    Katie Curran Taylor

    Me, me , me!!! Love all things visual art but photography keeps me sane. The camera saved my life many years ago. It was a much needed outlet and the images spoke volumes for me. My words, when none seemed worthy.
    If any artist has a site or work they’d like to share…is that appropriate here?

    Bobbi Emel

    Katie, I’m just starting into photography and I have been really grateful for the response among my friends and family to my photos. It has really helped me to believe that I am more creative than I ever thought!

    I don’t have a site, but I love to see other photogs’ work, so I’m all for listing sites here or photos.


    Joshua Denney

    think we can simply add a URL to a Flickr photo (and others, I’ll check) and it will show up here. Let’s try:

    Very Small Dog Close to the Ground

    Joshua Denney
    Helen Russell

    Photography is a little spiritual practice for me.   My camera helps me see things up really really close and constantly reaffirms to me what a miraculous world we live in!  I don’t have much of a clue how to work my camera and many of my photos are a complete surprise to me. I never expect them to be so beautiful! In a way I see my photos as little love notes from the universe.


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 12 months ago by Helen Russell.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 12 months ago by Lori Deschene.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 12 months ago by Lori Deschene.
    Kim Manley Ort

    Photography is a wonderful tool for mindfulness. It held me to appreciate life. Not sure why image is not showing up.



    This one’s my most popular picture on Flickr, taken almost a year ago 🙂




    I don’t know what my life would be like today if I hadn’t discovered photography. I had left all my friends and family behind to move across country with my boyfriend. We then started going through a breakup and I was left in a place I hated, sinking into depression. That was when I heard about instagram and gave it a try. I realised that taking photos was making me appreciate the beauty of the world and I threw myself into it whole-heartedly. Now over a year later I love where I live, I have learnt I am a creative spirit, and I am just happy with the wonder of life. And with the help of my found happiness and confidence my boyfriend and I worked out out our problems (many of which had been caused by my insecurities and unhappiness with life) and are now stronger and happier than ever.





    Katie Curran Taylor

    really great, all of your work! thanks for sharing!

    here is my personal website.


    Katie Curran Taylor

    the “open in a new window” when posting a link doesn’t seem to be working?

    Joshua Denney

    Hmm, open in new window AND the embeds aren’t working for some…odd. Added to the list!


    I think it would be impossible for me to narrow down to just a couple to post here, so if anyone is bored here’s an entire page of my photography!  Beautiful stuff so far!! It’s definitely a calming and therapeutic practice. 🙂


    Debbie Lou

    One of my small stained glass panels, Glastonbury Tor is my favorite subject! (I hope this upload works)

    Debbie Lou

    No it didnt work, I can’t seem to find out how to get the URL from Flickr :o(


    So, as well as blogging, I create digital art. Here’s an example:


    I would LOVE to get them printed up on great big pieces of fabric so people can hang them. Like poster size really. If anyone has any suggestions on how I might get the done, do let me know. I think spoonflower.com may be my only option (but I’m in the UK). And of course I’d love to do it ecologically.

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Amity.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Amity.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 6 months ago by Amity.
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