
Short life story.

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    ‘’i feel like ive let everybody down. I feel angry often.. paranoid.. afraid something bad will happen..

    So many bad things have already happend.. i dont know. I dont know myself.. i cant separate reality and thought anymore. Am i overeacting? What is going on with me ?

    so much has happend throughout my life and i remember them like it all happend yesterday..

    My father couldnt control his behaviour.. he couldnt handle his emotions.. am i him ? i dont know him. He left when i was 7 or so.. i knew i didnt want him at the time.. he was in a bad place. He traumatised me. He showed me pure missery. He was always looking for a way out. Am i doing that too?

    My mom, the closesth relationship. she almost was taken from me by the hands of another sick men in our lives. I saw him trying to take my mothers life. My little brother stood behind me. I was 10/11.
    i yelled and i told him to let her go. I attacked him.. i forgot everything around me..
    before i attacked him something else happend..

    When he was holding my mother in the air in front of our eyes, chocking her..
    and i was watching this happen.. this all happend in a few minutes.. the place where they were standing was infront of a side table. The moment he lets her go.. the table schoves itself away.. she fell on the ground where it was standing. I Saw it happen.. i have no explanation.

    She survided.. i tried to forget..

    I was bullied.. for years.. pinokkio.. witch.. they would draw my nose on toilet doors.. comparing theyre own to mine..

    i got into a relationship.. mentally abusive.. manipulative and he cheated multiple times.
    Her name was lisa.
    So was mine.
    He broke me down.. he knew exactly how to break me.. i let him.. i lost myself.
    This lastest for almost 5 years of my life..

    I met a new guy.. also very manipulative but in a different form.. it was like he wanted to hurt my feelings and then kick me when im down.. Lying was his art.. you wouldnt believe the things hed lie about.. i felt so alone..

    I give so much love.. im so loyal.. ive never intentionally tried to hurt somebody or betrayed them..
    i may not have been easy to deal with sometimes.. but im still growing..

    i learned how to be fine. Im fine. Im okay. Im good. Am i ?

    I have a few family members left.. My dearest grandmother in heaven past when she was 66.
    She is an angel guiding me and i know this.
    The rest except for my mom, sister and brother have left us,

    I made peace with that, atleast i thought i did.

    So what now..


    Dear Lisa:

    I read your posts in the two threads you started.

    When you were ten or eleven, a man was choking your mother in front of you. You had no way of knowing at that moment that she will survive the choking. What you saw was your mother being killed. This is, figuratively, the ground underneath you being taken away, and like that side table falling, so did you, I am thinking. Any feeling of safety was gone at that point, however fragile it was before that incident.

    Without healing, without correction, without help, when you enter adulthood, you don’t magically get over an experience like that. Things happen, and without a solid ground underneath you, you don’t really know what is happening, and you remain scared.

    You mentioned psychotherapy, that is a good idea, quality psychotherapy, that is. There is hope, to get your footing on solid ground, to know what happened then and what is happening now.

    I hope you post again with your thoughts and feelings.



    We as a family of 4 were sent in to therapy. I think we only had one session where we had to draw things that had happend. What i draw was a man throwing plates on the floor from out a kotchen closeth. He broke them because they were technically his. Everything we had in the house was his. When he would leave he would tale everything with him. He controlled my moms life by creating distance between her and her family. He controlled our lifes.


    After that i think my mom didnt want to go snymore and it was intense for us as well so we agreed.. i dont really know what happend after that.

    he only got at restraining order for what he did back then and we just tried to move on.. i think i saw him once, driving in a bigtruck and we looked at eachother but i was never sure if it was my mind seeing him.. i often have this with people – i see their faces in other faces.


    we never really spoke of it again, i found s tape once. With him manipulating my mother.


    thankyou for readig and Responding Anita




    Dear Lisa:

    You are welcome.

    Only one session? I was thinking of you individually attending psychotherapy with a quality therapist, just you and the therapist, for a few months at the least, a couple of times a week or so.

    I need to get away from the computer soon. Will be back in about sixteen hours or so. Please add to your thread anything else you would like to share. I will read what you share when I return and reply further, if you’d like. Take good care of yourself, please.




    Okay thank you, and yes i would like that!

    right now im on a waiting list to get counselling. I know that i need someone to talk to about all this. Have you read my other post?

    im taking care of myself day by day. I just notice that im getting anxiety worse and worse a little everyday..




    Dear Lisa:

    I read all your posts on your two threads. The first part of this post is my summary of what you shared. The second part is my understanding of you and your situation.

    First part, summary: You are 23, living with your mother, sister and brother, “a family of four”. You feel “always tired and sore”, afraid something bad will happen, often angry, “can’t separate reality and thought”, not knowing if you are overreacting, “What is going on with me? you asked.

    It is your perception that your father was not able to “handle his emotions” or “control his behavior” and you are afraid that you are like him, not able to handle your emotions and control your behavior.

    Another man, your mother former’s boyfriend, was violent. One time he  was choking your mother when you were ten or eleven. You yelled at him then, telling him to let her go, and you attacked him. A side table nearby fell to the ground as he let her go.

    Following that attack and the experience with this man, “the family of four” attended one family psychotherapy session. Your mother did not want to attend a second session because the first was too intense. The man received a restraining order, restraining him from coming in contact with the family.

    You were bullied for years, called “pinokkio”, “witch”, your nose drawn on toilet doors.

    You got involved in an almost five years relationship that was “mentally abusive… manipulative” and he cheated on you multiple times. Your next relationship was also with a manipulative man: he lied to you, hurt your feelings and kicked you when you were down.

    You wrote that you are loyal, and “never intentionally tried to hurt somebody or betrayed them.

    Recently you spent the night with a man you met at a restaurant and later spent time in his farm house. During these interactions you felt “not good enough” and it “felt good but bad at the same time”. You were “busy in my head overthinking… If he wouldn’t contact me anymore after this night”.

    You stayed a second night because the trains were cancelled. You were worried that he didn’t like you and “wanted (you) to go home already”. After the second night, when his roommate left and you were alone with him, you “couldn’t even talk to him”, “didn’t know what to talk about” and you worried he was bored with you.

    You later asked him how he felt about you. He told you that he “wanted to go with the flow” and that he is moving to Spain in a month. You “read his answer” as him telling you that he doesn’t want you, that he only wanted your body. You wanted to tell him that you are not “the kind of girl” that sleeps around.

    You are afraid that you “ruined every chance with him”, constantly thinking that he doesn’t want you, that you are in for another heartbreak and, you wrote, “I don’t know what’s reality and thoughts anymore. You feel “used by this guy” and angry at him, you don’t want him “to just move on now without feeling a little guilty for what he’s doing”, for not answering your texts.

    Second part, my understanding: your experience of childhood was that of danger, lack of safety. Your mother’s boyfriend was violent. The side table falling when he stopped choking your mother is a symbol, for me, of the ground underneath you falling, crumbling. Without a ground to stand on, without a minimal feeling of safety, a child is frozen in time, scared on and on and on, that is, anxious.

    There was no correction of the experience with that man, no adequate therapy, no adequate comforting, quieting of that fear by any of the adults in your life.

    You entered adulthood being that anxious child, without a ground to stand on. You look for that ground, for a feeling of safety in men, as women often do. You show up to situations, like the farm house situation, recently, not knowing what to say, what to do. You hope, that is all. You hope that the man will make it okay, provide that ground for you to stand on, that safety. Somehow he will make it happen.

    Passive, you are just there. Somehow things should be turning up okay, somehow, because you are there.

    Frozen in time, since childhood, you didn’t learn to express your needs, to assert yourself, to meet a man, then learn who he is before getting physically involved with him, to state your intentions, to ask him for his intentions, for his plans before getting physically involved.

    Like a child, you hope things will happen magically, without you being a direct and active participant.

    The solution is for you to become a direct and active participant in your life. To not just show up to situations with men and let them take it where they will.

    I agree with you, you are not a young woman who just sleeps around. You are an anxious child hoping and waiting for a man to give you that feeling of safety, aka love that you so desperately need.

    Let me know, if you will, of your thoughts and feelings regarding my understanding so far.




    Dear Anita,

    Thank you so much for responding in the way you are doing.

    I think that you are right.
    Right about me being that anxious child.
    I think that you are right about me looking for safety in men..
    Maybe i do think this will magically go away. But it doesnt, its still here.

    I dont know what to write down anymore at this moment.
    All i know right now is that you are right.
    And that i have to find a way to start healing myself..



    Dear Lisa:

    I hope you do see a counselor soon enough, that the counseling will be of good quality and helpful to you. If and whenever you want to add to your thread here (or elsewhere, the other thread or start a new one), please do and I will reply to you again. Take your time and take good care of yourself. Healing is possible for you, finding that ground under your feet is possible and likely.



    Dear Anita,

    I actually got a call today about the counselling.
    Im on a waiting list and probably wont be taken in untill the mid of februari.
    So what do i do in the mean time ?


    Dear Lisa;

    You can learn to become assertive. Assertiveness is a skill that you can learn. It requires that you notice what you need in a specific situation in life, when interacting with other people, and then, ask or see to it that you receive all or part of what you need. You can learn and practice this skill starting today. Maybe you already did, at times.

    You can read about Assertiveness, maybe there are blogs about it on the home page of this website. I hope you can find good sources online. There are books and workbooks on it, I think.



    Dear Anita,

    I have a question, what do you mean when you say that the side table was a symbol for you ?
    What kind of symbol ? The tabke moved it self.. i cannot explain this.

    And also, could i still get justice for his crime, eventhough its so long ago, and im pretty sure my mom doesnt want to testify against him? We have never spoken about this after everything happend.. i dont my sister or brother would want to do it,


    Oh no, i realize now that i forgot to respond to your last message,
    I fee like i am assertive towards others, i think i might nog be assertive towards myself.
    Because while i was reading the full meaning behind assertiveness i was thinking ” i do this, i do this, ” I regonize myself doing these things. but then i asked myself, am i doing it for myself. and thats leaves every answer at no.
    I do not do all of those things for my self. I behave like this towards others do. I always put them first.



    Dear Lisa:

    The side table, it meant something to me. A symbol of your trauma, something falling.

    But more important, way, way more important: what did it and what does it mean to you?

    Regarding being assertive: can you give a few examples of how you are currently assertive with people? And what do you mean by being assertive toward yourself?

    * Will be back in about sixteen hours. Will reply then, if you answer this post. Take good care of yourself, Lisa.



    Dear Anita,

    the table moved liked it was pushed a little to the side nobody was touching the table. It moved by it self, my mother would  probably fell on the side table.. there has to be some kind of explanation/reason, something or someone that has created that to happen.

    And for an example; I think about how i say things to people, be friendly and respectfull. If i dont like something i dont have a hard time telling people what i dont like, in a calm way. I think about what i say. I could agree to disagree with someone without their being any kind of argument.. ofcourse i dont have this with everyone but if it was up to me i would.

    I treat people how i would like to be treated. But i dont treat myself how i would like to be treated i think.



    • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Lisa.

    Dear Lisa:

    I forgot yesterday to attend to your question about getting justice regarding that man. I don’t know what country you live in, the country where  the  choking incident happened. In the  U.S. there  is a legal term  “statue of limitation” which means that for  most  crimes there is a limit  of time in which to prosecute a person for his or her crime in a court of law. This is, again, in the U.S. If I was you, I would check with a lawyer in your country. Laws are different in different countries.

    Regarding  the side table, do you think it was  an  intervention by a  god, something  supernatural?

    Regarding being assertive: you suggested  that  you treat others well but  you don’t  treat  yourself well. Acting  assertively is treating yourself well. It is not putting yourself in bad  situations, or situations that are not likely to  be  good. It is  being active in your own life, making your own choices, not putting yourself at the mercy of others. It is about you knowing what you need first, so that you can communicate those, and then, when you communicate to another what  you need,  and the  other ignores it, then you leave, disengage, and  not stay and submit.




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