
Should I reach out to him?

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    About three months ago, a fellow co-worker and I started talking, and we hit it off very well with each other. He is so sweet, caring, handsome, gentlemanlike, and goodhearted. We found that we had almost everything in common and that we were very much attracted to each other. Without going into all of the nitty gritty details, one day after playing a tennis match together after work, he asked for my number. Our conversations would go almost all night long, to the point of not wanting to sleep because we enjoyed the conversation very much. Eventually, he came out one night for some drinks with myself and some others, and asked if he could take me out on a date. I happily accepted, and the following week he took me out for our first date. Things went so well; so well that we didn’t realize how late we had stayed at the restaurant just talking and had to head back home for the night. It went without saying that we would definitely be going out for date number two, which happened about a week after that. Once again, everything was wonderful. I had never had such a lovely and wonderful time just enjoying the company of someone else. Needless to say, he had eventually asked me to officially be his girlfriend, and I was overjoyed to say yes. Everything was going so well, and I had never felt such a connection with another person before. We laughed at the same jokes, had funny yet awkward moments together all of the time, enjoyed the same movies and books, you can fill in the rest to see what I’m getting at here. He came over to my place for dinner one Sunday and met my parents and siblings, nothing formal, very casual. He also brought me to dinner with his father, and we drove out to his mother’s place for a weekend as well.
    In my mind I thought that this was really going somewhere, and after being in a very troubling relationship for three years before this, I thought that he was like a breath of fresh air.

    However, about a week ago, he had gone away for the weekend for a friend’s bachelor party. While he was gone, I did not barrage him with texts or even called. One or two texts were sent the whole time, but what struck me as odd was that the language of his texts had changed. He stopped referring to me as ‘babe’ and other terms of endearment that we used all of the time. It was one sentence texts, and sometimes I would not even receive a reply. When he returned, we met up for lunch at work on Monday, and I could tell something was definitely wrong. He was quiet and distance, almost as if he didn’t want to speak to me. I went to his place later that night, and normally when we would be laying down together watching a movie, he sat in his chair and wouldn’t join me. I asked what was going on, and he was reluctant to say, but he came out to say that within the last week, and especially over the weekend, he felt conflicted about his faith and beliefs in regards to religion. I had known before that he was religious in some sense, but I did not get the feeling that he was super devout or anything of that sort. I had told him that I was not religious, but rather more spiritual. He wasn’t very clear with how this all came about, but decided that it would be unfair to drag me into the conflict that he is going through at this point. I am wondering if something happened over the weekend that might have made him change his mind about being with me because of our different beliefs. He told me that I deserved much better, and that he still thinks I am amazing, likes every thing about me very, very much, and wants to be with me, but he just can’t. I had no words to express. I was in complete shock. This came out from nowhere when I had really began to think this relationship was something that could potentially be long term.

    With that said, we did not leave things on bitter terms. He gave me several hugs before I left in place in tears over what was happening. We have not spoken since, but see each other at work several times during the day. (I should add that we both work at a school for special needs children, so even when we were together, we were not often able to talk since we both are focused on the students there.) Then today upon leaving, he gave me a smile and a wave as I was walking out, and I returned a smile. With all of this said, I am feeling very torn and wonder if I should reach out to him or not, because I feel that I was not given a chance to at least “fight” for what we had, which was so amazing. I also have many questions in my mind about it all, and feel that I should have some more deeper explanation than what I was given. I believe that the feelings and connection we have is still there, and if there is a chance for this to work again, I would certainly take it. Having not spoken with him in almost a week has really hurt. I don’t want to see him out of my life, regardless of how this situation ends. However, being that I do care for him very much, I do not want to force him into something that he does not want. I feel that this actually hurts much more than when I had ended things with my three year relationship. I am going through feelings of sadness, loneliness, acceptance, confusion, and simply just missing his presence and being able to have that wonderful connection we shared physically, mentally, and emotionally together.

    Any of kind of guidance or advice is greatly appreciated.


    Dear carlamariegiac:

    Your story read like a beginning and then blossoming love story before the unexpected, unexplained interruption. I don’t know what happened. If it is okay with you, I can ask you a few questions in efforts to understand.

    What is his religion/ or what are the teachings of his religion regarding dating and marriage, particularly physical intimacy before marriage?

    Was there serious physical intimacy between you and him?

    When you met his parents and siblings, what was your impression about his parents? How did they behave toward you? Did you get a feel about his relationship with his parents during the visit?

    Do you know the nature of that bachelor party? What happened there?

    If you don’t feel comfortable answering these, my advice at this point would be to prepare your questions for him and ask to have a talk with him, in a coffee place or such public place, just you and him. Ask him the questions. I believe it is your right to know what happened.

    If you do answer, please do and I will reply.



    Hello anita,

    From what I understand, his religion follows teachings of celibacy before marriage. He and I did become physically intimate with each other during our time together. We had both made sure that we felt comfortable with each other at that point, so neither of us were hesitant or expressed any feelings of second thoughts about it. When he was explaining his reasoning for breaking things off, he stated that he had been very devout and faithful throughout high school, up until about a year ago, until he and his ex-girlfriend split. It was then that he said he felt that he strayed away from these beliefs and his faith, and now he’s been having thoughts about living his life through his faith again. Since he’s been sitting with these thoughts, he felt that it would not be fair to me to ask for us to stop the physical intimacy between each other. Although I do appreciate him wanting to respect my beliefs, which are not traditional, I feel like he was making an assumption at this, because the relationship meant more than just the physical connection we shared.

    As far as the visit with his parents, they were both very nice and friendly. His parents are divorced and he lives with his father and then visits his mother occasionally. From what I gathered, he is much more emotionally close to his mother. He also has a sister who lives away in another state. I have not met her, but from what I can tell he is very close with her as well.

    With the bachelor party, all I know is that they had spent the weekend away in a house, but from the way his personality is and how he described his friends, I do not suspect any kind of infidelity or anything of that nature. I do know that his friends are religious, since he did attend a prayer group once a week and also did a lot of work with youth groups. I am wondering if maybe some discussion occurred during this time with his friends that could have made him think about the relationship in regards to their beliefs and faith.

    I am very undecided in how to go about this, because I am also wondering if I should perhaps give this time and maybe see if he reaches out to me. I would not want to wait too long and miss the opportunity to possibly rekindle this, or at least let him know that I am here if he ever needs someone to talk to, and that my feelings for him have not changed because of this.


    Dear carlamariegiac:

    Yes, at first I thought that maybe in the Bachelor party he had a physical experience with a woman, but your guess that he had conversations with the men there about religion and relationships seems to me a more likely scenario.

    I think that what I would do, if I was yuo, would still be to suggest to meet him one-on-one, in a coffee place, a public place, outside of work, where it is quiet enough so you can have a conversation, butin public so there is a definite limit to physical closeness (may make him more comfortable regarding his celibacy beliefs). In that circumstance, talk. Tell him you want to understand him better, that you respect his religious beliefs, have no interest in him changing those and going against them, that you only want to learn more about him. Talk back and forth, ask him questions just for information, to get to know him, with curiosity, as a friend.

    Depending how this goes, you may repeat, have more of such get togethers, get to know each other more. Maybe, the two of you will get to an understanding that will work for the two of you.

    Please do post again.



    Hello again anita,

    So I reached out to him yesterday, at first just asking how he was and how his weekend was so far. He answered, simply saying that he was doing pretty well and his weekend was going well. He asked how I was as well. Then I asked him if we could meet sometime to talk, which he agreed to, but asked what it was that I wanted to talk about and if I was sure that I wanted to. I simply told him that there were some things that I wanted to discuss in person, and that I wanted to talk. We’re going to meet up this week, so we shall see what happens. I just found the question of “are you sure you want to” to be a bit off putting. I will post again after seeing him.


    Dear carlamariegiac:

    I understand the off putting feel of his question. It reminds me of a sentence in a movie, where a character was asked for the truth and he answered: “You can’t handle the truth.” Yes, the truth, this man’s truth may not be pleasant to hear, but do you want his truth, what is true for him? I say, better search for and find out the truth. Then you can fit your thinking and behavior to what is true.

    If you don’t know the truth, you may wait and wait for him, interpret a smile here and there, a word he says in encouraging ways, fueling hopes based on fantasy. Those may be pleasant moments but disappointment is soon to follow if reality is not the pleasant fantasy of those moments.

    You can prepare yourself for the meeting with him, even here on this thread, if you’d like. If you are so inclined, I can pretend to be him and we can have a communication here. Or by yourself, you can imagine this or that scenarion and practice for it, so you are prepared for the different possibilities.



    Hello anita.

    I met with him today at a park nearby. It was a sad, yet much needed talk. He basically explained that he felt he was not being true to himself with me, and that if our relationship were to continue, it would feel like he was pretending to be someone he’s not. I expressed my feelings to him, letting him know that I was hurt, confused, and upset, but we discussed all of these things with level heads and came to an understanding of each other. He told me that he feels terrible for doing this to me, and that he owed this talk to me. He asked me to forgive him, which I did, despite still feeling hurt and going through this process of healing and learning. I told him that he needs to forgive himself as well, because in that he can heal and grow from this experience. I told him that despite everything, I still care for him and that I am always here should he ever need someone to talk to. He also told me that if I ever need to express any feelings or just need to let anything out, he is there to listen. We had some small talk before and after the conversation, and upon leaving gave each other a hug goodbye. Maybe eventually down the road, we can be friends once we have both healed from this. Even though I am truly sad and wish that this was not the way things were, I feel much more accepting of the situation and that I can now truly begin to learn and move on from this experience. He will always hold a place in my heart, and I hope that I also hold a place in his.
    I am glad that I gathered the courage to reach out to him and talk about what happened. Thank you for your advice and kindness towards me during this difficult time. I appreciate your support greatly and will certainly learn from this life experience. 🙂


    Dear carlamariegiac:

    I feel your sadness and feeling sad for you. Your attitude is healthy and encouraging to me: you want to learn from this and to heal.

    You handled yourself very well during the talk in the park. You did very well.

    This is going to take some time. After the sadness, there may other feelings that you will experience, over time. Hope you will be back to this thread as time goes on with your thoughts and feelings.

    You are welcome and thank you for your appreciation. Take good care of yourself.



    Did he sleep with his ex girlfriend?
    If so this could be his pattern.
    And uses religion for his reason to get out of the the relationship.
    Maybe only a matter of time that he’ll have another girl and do the same thing with. That is one way to see the situation.
    I know that may seem harsh and I’m being cynical I know but it seems very convenient that he has begun to get religious again. He didn’t even give you the chance to carry on with the relationship without the intimacy. So to me the religion is just an excuse to hit and run.

    It may behoove you not to get involve with work colleagues in future. It can lead to awkwardness at work if things don’t work out and feelings can get
    I’m sorry that you went through this sad and painful time. It isn’t easy.

    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Eaglefeather.
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