
Shyness is destroying my life

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    Any body feel as though shyness gets in the way of meeting people. I feel I need a drink for Dutch courage which then turns into a disaster as I’m a bad drunk. I’m really concerned I’ll never find proper love. I thought I was in love in my past two relationships but now I know it wasn’t love. I’ve never felt true love yet and I feel my shyness will stop it ever happening 🙁


    I hope watching this video helps you in coming out of problem


    Dear newchapteruploading:

    What about exploring the origins of your shyness, when did it start? What is the history of it and what are the thoughts involved when you experience they shyness that troubles you so?



    That video was very cool. I’m not sure all of the content will help my personal situation but some might so thankyou 🙂

    Hi, my shyness started as a child, I was socialised very well as a child. Now it’s a huge anxiety of mine that is destroying me insid. I can’t control blushing which is a huge deal too. I wish I could fix myself but I’m not sure it is possible 🙁


    Wasn’t socialised very well that should of said


    Dear newchapteruploading:

    Looking at your username, i am thinking: are you trying to open a new chapter in your life, kind of upload it? If so, to open a new chapter, we have to close the old chapter with understanding of what happened in the old chapter and what was that about. What hurt you in the old chapter… what is hurting you (since you are in the old chapter still)- what are you afraid of- when did it start, that is in what circumstances? With what thoughts? More details are required if I am to give you more feedback. Whatever your details are, the process of closing on an old chapter and opening a new one, or uploading a new chapter will not be fast and easy, or quick. It will be a process entailing you examining your history, your thoughts, feelings, etc. Maybe in a good psychotherapy setting… and maybe it will help you a little bit to do it here (or otherwise with a trusted mature enough friend).




    Yes I’m going to try, I feel like I have been trying though for years. Alcohol and anxiety have really held me back from ever succeeding. I’m going to visit my g.p incase I have undiagnosed bipolar. My mam is a very anxious person so I think it’s been passed down to me. My mind never stops, with worry, self doubt. I put a lot of pressure on myself on a daily basis, I do not like how I come across to others which makes my shyness worse as I feel my social skills are poor and I have a deep voice for a small women. I do get told I’m very attractive and I do attract a lot of attention for my looks but men tend to back off when they realise how complex and unstable I am. I do get rather clingy because I’ve not had much attention growing up so get excited when I get attention. I don’t know if I actually know how to be a normal adult and fall in love 🙁 I’m 34 years old so feel I’ve wasted so much precious time because of these mental health problems. Doctors have always said it is anxiety but I feel it runs deeper than that


    Dear newchapteruploading:

    You wrote that your mother is a very anxious person and it has been passed down to you. Do you mean that it has been passed down to you genetically or environmentally? That is by Nature (genetically) or nurture (via your relationship with your mother and other experiences in childhood)?

    This is an important question for me to ask, and maybe for you to answer. If you believe your anxiety is strictly genetic, then it has nothing to do with your early experiences in childhood and can only be tolerated, managed. If you believe otherwise, then it is a different story.

    Waiting for your response.




    I think upbringing as she struggled to come to terms with having a child and struggled to cope. Her mother also suffered with anxiety and depression. However my mams sister is completely different. She has managed to lead a very average normal functioning life. I do believe its been mainly the environment growing up and my mams frame of mind. Yeah I think it’s kind of messed my head up. I do need to get away and make a new life for myself but I firstly need to get help first before I remove myself from the city I live in.


    Dear newchapteruploading:

    I agree with you that it is mainly the environment growing up, as you put it. I think you are on the right track planning on getting away and making a new life for yourself. Also, your plan to get help before you do it is also a good idea: help before and during. I grew up with a very anxious mother. Her anxiety transferred to me, not genetically, but through her talk and behavior with me and in my presence.

    What kind of help are you looking for or intending to look for?



    It is very refreshing to speak to people about this. I’ve never joined a forum before to talk about this.

    I feel the relationship with my family will improve once I move away. I actually can’t deal with it any longer, I need to sort it before it actually drives me crazy. I feel like I’m not far from crazy but determined to sort this because I want to enjoy the rest of the time I have left instead of feeling like life is a constant battlefield. I’ve thought about ending my life but that would be a waste. I’m going to sort this.

    I think firstly visit my g.p tomorrow and discuss what help I can get. Then maybe stay sober until I’m fixed.

    I’m sorry to hear you have been through the same. Sounds as though you have yours under control and you are at peace.


    Dear newchapteruploading:

    I am getting more peace. My brain and my life too was a battlefield, the word you used: battlefield. My relationship with my mother drove me crazy, and so I was crazy for five decades. No matter how hard I tried to start a new life, open a new page, I even used the term myself, open a new chapter, as in a book. Again and again I tried and failed. Every time I was in the physical presence of my mother it drove me crazy, automatically. Finally I ended all contact with her in 2013. It was the most difficult thing in the world for me and it is only lately that I don’t feel the guilt I felt so intensely before.

    Peace is all I ever wanted. It is still a challenge at times even though I am physically away from my mother. The thing is my mother is in my brain. Her histrionics, her teachings took root in my brain, naturally and I have to live with that and HEAL from those ineffective, self destructive neural connections in my brain formed in those formative years with her.

    When you see your MD tomorrow he or she is likely to offer you psychiatric drugs. I took those for many, many years. In a few days it will be my two year abstinence anniversary from drugs, psychiatric and any other. Those drugs did not heal me, not at all, not throughout the decades I took them. What helped me was my first good-enough psychotherapist starting March 2011 and all the work I did since (Not in therapy since August 2013).

    Please write more if you have something more to say, if something I wrote here makes you think of anything in particular. This healing journey you are referring to, I believe, the quest for peace of mind, closing the chapter on a lifetime of battle and starting a new chapter, yes, it is possible and doable and I wish you the best in doing so.



    Yeah it’s a shame to hear your story but also nice to know you are finding peace. You seem like a very intelligent person who understands this. My mum drives me crazy when I’m around her and I’ve felt like a bad person my whole life wondering if I’m the problem, if I’m weird, if I can’t have normal relationships. Thing is I’ve got some great friendships so it shows I’m not a bad person but when it comes to her and even my dad as he is really distant, I’m just a shell. I couldn’t cut off contact completey as she has no friends but I am most definitely moving away because if I don’t I’m pretty certain I’ll lose my mind and lose the chance of me having a happy life. Thank you for listening. It has opened my eyes to this a whole lot more


    Dear newchapteruploading: You are welcome. For me it came to a point where it was either her OR me. Who do I choose? Me or her. I chose me, with great difficulty, over time. Finally, I chose me. I couldn’t heal AND be in contact with her. It had to be one OR the other. Come back to this thread any time. When I see a new post by you, I will write back. Wishing you the very best.


    Yes I know it must of been really hard. I can cope with moving away but think I’m too fragile to handle the guilt of stopping contact so moving away from the area will be the next best thing to help me get stronger but won’t be until I’ve had some support first to get me to a place where I feel strong enough to do so. I will write on here again yes. Thankyou so much with that kind gesture. There are good people out there. Wish you well too Anita

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