
Sister Relationship

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    New here, but I need some advice. I’m 32 and my sister 35. Family incredibly dysfunctional and she was estranged from our parents for years and still partly is. I had gone quite a while without talking to her because she is not the type of person I want in my life.

    We started talking a couple of years ago. Her husband called me and told me he needed help, that she needed help bc she was an alcoholic and cheating on him. I was shocked. We were so close when we were younger. She was truly my best friend, but like I said, fell out of favor with each other.

    Blood ties for me, at least, were strong so I’ve tried, along with my mother, to be there for her. When she was broken up over her affair, i told her it would get better and shared that in my darkest moment 6 yrs ago, I, too was unfaithful. I never told my bf and i have dealt with everything that comes with that.

    She and her husband had a baby and she continued to drink. Last summer her husband told her that if she wanted to keep him and their child in her life, she would tell my bf what I had done. So she did – she wrote a letter and mailed it. I know how this makes me look, and I’m not trying to gloss over the horrible thing I did. She told me and I was able to get the letter. She begged me not to be mad and I forgave her.

    But her drinking continued and we had a terrible fight last week. She threatened to tell my bf again and I told her to do it. And then when I asked her why she hadn’t return my calls all last week, She told me I didn’t deserve her calls because I’ve never done anything for her. Me. I live out of state so I don’t see her often. But I’ve been there for her ad much as possible.

    When she’s called me at all hours of the night, sobbing and weeping over her wretched marriage, I’ve been there. When she drinks and leaves her husband calls me at all hours do i can get in touch with my mother to have her watch the baby. When she got arrested for domestic violence, again due to her drinking, i answered all her calls from jail. I’ve been there as much as possible, yet she screams at me and tells me when she and her husband were at their worst, their friends flew down to see if they were okay and I’ve never done anything for her.

    She yelled at my mother, too, despite my mother watching her child for up to 8 hrs a day.

    Tuesday, the day after our argument, she texted an insincere apology and said she hopes our relationship didn’t affect my relationship with her baby.

    I haven’t responded. I told her previously i didn’t want to hear from her again, especially nit her insincere apologies.

    Nit sure what I’m even asking. I’m so hurt that she said I’ve never done anything. She and her husband are so selfish and ungrateful. Do I have to accept her apology when all i want to do is move on from this relationship that brings nothing to me life?

    Am i obligated to keep in touch with my nephew? How do i do that when he’s only 1 and i don’t want anything to do with his parents? Am i horrible for not wanting anything to do with my nephew, either? I know he’s innocent but I don’t want the negativity that a tie to him would bring. Should i respond to get email and tell her to only contact me again when she’s sober for an extended period and can offer a sincere apology?

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by BlueHue.

    Dear BlueHue:

    It was very wrong for your sister’s husband and your sister at different times, threatening to tell your boyfriend what you told your sister in confidence. Each one of them is wrong for doing that.

    You have no duty, no obligation to have any contact with her, her husband and their child. If you have contact with your nephew, who is about 1, you will have to have contact with his parents. Since you are, as is, not a major part in your nephew’s life, keeping in touch with him living so far away, is going to make no significant difference in his life. Unfortunately for him, he is stuck with his parents and there is nothing you can do to rescue him (except calling authorities for child endangerment if what his parents do fits the authorities criteria).

    So, if I was you, I would end contact with your sister, her husband, and in so doing, unfortunately, with your nephew as well. At least until he is out of their home in a couple of decades or so… or if he is no longer living with them.

    As far as your mother is concerned, you indicated that your family is dysfunctional. Your mother’s … mothering is part of who your sister is, so she will suffer or enjoy the consequences of her parenting of your sister. I wouldn’t protect anyone from the natural consequences of their actions.

    Please do take care of yourself: this is your job and responsibility. If you keep contact with anyone who drags you down, you are hurting yourself and it is wrong of you to do that.

    Anything else you invest in your sister and her marriage is going to go unappreciated just like what you did so far, so I wouldn’t keep throwing good money after bad money, so to speak.

    Please post again, if you’d like!



    Thank you so much, Anita. I think I need to start grieving the person who she was, the person I was so close with. That person is gone, and I need to understand that. And you’re right, doing the same thing over and over expecting a different outcome is a waste of energy. I feel bad about my nephew, but I also think that if it meant that much to my sister for her son to have family relationships, then she would behave in a way that would allow this to happen.


    Dear BlueHue:

    I feel bad for your nephew because he has the mother he is having and the father he is having. If there was a way to rescue him and give him a good home, I would highly recommend it.

    You wrote that if it meant that much to your sister to have you in her son’s life… I am thinking: it is not about her,about your sister. It is your nephew’s well being that I am sad about! He is in bad shape because of the parents he is having and there is nothing you can do about it!

    All you can do is take care of yourself. Hope you do the grieving you need to do.



    You are right. I am sad for my nephew. I hope when he is old enough I can tell him that i will always be here for him.


    Dear BlueHue:

    Take care of yourself and post anytime!


    Hi BlueHue,

    Perhaps contact Al-Anon, which is a group for family and friends of alcoholics. Everyone there will GET the dysfunction. One of the first guidelines is Tough Love. DON’T take the calls. DON’T bail them out of jail. DON’T visit them. It is when they hit Rock Bottom that they finally begin to think about getting better. That may take Decades. It may take tomorrow.

    The threatening to tell your BF about you cheating… What the heck??? If they can do that to you, then that is a sign that they are MORE than willing to throw you under the bus. Especially when the stakes are higher. Will they tell your Future Husband (whether he is your current BF or not) about what you did? What I would do… is, rightly or wrongly, deny, deny, deny if it comes to that. And, God forbid, she or he ever get it in their strange heads to ever blackmail you, call their local police who will make a very uncomfortable visit. Blackmailing is a crime. Now, that hasn’t happened, but my hair stands on end by them trying to mess with you.

    And a word of warning… Even when the alcoholic is in recovery, they can still be a Dry Drunk. Meaning, her behavior will improve, but she may still try to pull the same crap of old.

    Take care of yourself,



    Hi, Inky,
    Thank you. I’ve been to an Alanon meeting but stopped. I think I need to start back. It’s sad to me given how close we were and how much our relationship has devolved. But I am not going to be abused over and over by someone. I never thought about the blackmail…

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