
Staying in touch with University Professors

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    Few of us are still in touch with our university professors – after graduating more than 10-12 years ago. Recently, one of our Profs told us it’s improper for us to meet with them though till now he himself used to ask us to come over sometime. We were a little surprised on this change and still wondering if it’s not proper to stay in touch with one’s teachers after passing out from the University?



    Dear godshand:

    You and a few friends then, have been in touch with a few university professors 10-12 years after graduating. Recently one of those few professors told you that it is not proper to be in touch with him/her.

    Did you ask that professor why it is improper? And why now, after 10 years or more?

    Did anything happen during that last meeting to suggest to you the reason?

    You can also ask the other professors you are in touch with for their position on this, as they all taught or are teaching the same university.



    Dear Anita – Thanks so much for your reply. One of my friend asked the Prof for this sudden change and was told that we should stay in touch with students from our age group as the Profs’ life stage is different. Why it’s a little surprising is that the Prof never said anything all these years when we wished them on b-day, festivals etc. May be the Prof wants seclusion and keep a low social circle, only with same-age people/relatives and not with students. Unsure why he said that Profs are just guiding lights and not someone whom one should remain in touch forever. Some of us feel it could be a personal setback, which has brought about this sudden change. We just hope and pray, things work fine for him very soon. Thanks again.


    Dear godshand:

    You are welcome. Reads to me that the professor felt uncomfortable with the younger age students group, feeling a disconnect, as if his issues and your issues are too different to be shared and helped with. Maybe some new issues came up for him, just as you suspected (a “personal setback” in his life, bringing about a sudden change).


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