
Struggling With a Fight

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  • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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    Recently, I just started dating a really great guy who treats me well. Things are going awesome, then I decided to ask him why he hadn’t asked me to be his girlfriend yet. I was really cold and rude about it, and he told me the next morning that he felt like he was talking to his ex when I said all that stuff and that he doesn’t like how all of the good stuff we’ve done together is erased by that one thing. He says he wants to keep seeing me, but I can’t help but beat myself up over the fact that I was rude to him.

    Now, I’m spiraling. I’ve been Googling things like “How to get over disappointing your partner” and eventually ended up at “Early signs your relationship will end”. I’m scared now – because I very much like him, but am thinking that he is going to leave me. Please help.



    You might want to apologize to him about your rudeness and see where it goes.

    Nothing like honest, open and kind communication.



    Dear thel0glady:

    You were aggressive (rude) toward him and then you are aggressive (beating yourself up) toward yourself.

    How about resolving to, or aiming at not acting aggressively toward others and not toward yourself?


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