
struggling with a recent past relationship and emptiness

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  • #53526
    Christian Cutrone

    Currently, I’m a 19 year old sophomore at a nearby college close to my home in NYC. about a month and a half ago, I was dating a truly incredible girl….or at least I thought. I met her at the gym and there were sparks right off the bat. In fact, she couldn’t believe she fell in love with me so fast. We had a strong, intense relationship for about a month but the connection was so strong that it felt like years. She even admitted to loving me and so did I. Then, one day after a stupid remark I made which I regret dearly, she gave me the cold shoulder and from that point on, she wouldn’t even communicate with me. She continued to see me at the gym and would say hi but any attempt at either texting or calling her on the phone would end in just being ignored. It was as if me and her never had a thing.
    fast forward two months, I still feel a tremendous loss as I still entertain the thought of rekindling the relationship. Yet, she won’t even answer my texts/calls and has even blocked me on Facebook. I dream about her almost every other night and it sets off a serious of thoughts that seem to ruin my mornings right from when I wake up. The break up has also been very hard due to the fact that I don’t have any friends to help lift me up. I just can’t seem to shake off the break up and I am now desperately looking for a new relationship. How do I shake this off and move forward? Any advice?


    Time. It will pass.


    There is a difference between love and lust. Im not going to talk down to you because of your age. However, I will suggest that you simply have not been on this earth long enough to have experienced a relationships long enough to truly know what love is, aside from the ones with your parents, or siblings. That tingly feeling you get, when your mouth goes dry, your heart starts racing, and you feel a lump in your throat when you are around someone or when you even think of them. This my friend is not love. Nor is it really a good indicator of compatibility or anything more deep or substantial.The sooner you learn this the sooner you will spare yourself from much needless heartbreak in the future.

    I would suggest moving forward the be very reserved up front, and make someone show you who they really are, before you decide what place they will have in your life. Do not make someone the center of your universe until you are convinced they truly deserve to be there. Often we want someone to occupy this space so badly we are willing to give it to anyone, because of the way it makes us feel, not necessarily because they deserve to be there.

    If it all came down over a stupid remark, than its prolly for the best it ended there. Someone who really cares isnt going to run for the hills over a comment. Love is about respect and understanding. If something little like that can put her off, than she was never really on to begin with. Do not beat yourself up about it, this isnt on you.

    Facebook as a judge of anything in a relationship is just High School drama. I aspire to a relationship beyond this emotional level, you should also. If someone is going to be immature enough to block you from facebook, again good riddance. She needs to grow up, if she ever wants anything real or sustainable.

    You dont need friends to lift you up, yes its nice to have validation, when I went through my breakup, my friends tried to talk me up. It would make me feel better for a moment but ultimately moving on was going to be about me, and myself. Not what anyone from the outside had to say about it.

    Because of your age, you’re going to encounter more people like this girl than you are not. I dont know what your goals are for a relationship. You can either be very selective and wait for the right one, or just have very low expectations of girls your age and just enjoy it for what it is. Rebounding is a terrible coping mechanism to deal with what you are going through. You need to stop looking for the easy way out, and start asking yourself some hard question as to *why* this is so difficult for you to get over, what is really making you feel this way. I will tell you now the answers have nothing to do with who this girl is, they have more to do with you and who you are.

    You are young, dont expect to much from life too soon. As I always say in the hour of life, you’ve only been in existence for about 19 minutes, and you knew this girl for a matter of seconds….. what can you expect?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 11 months ago by Chad.

    Hi Christian. See, with your ‘stupid remark’ she has recognised that you are not the right partner for her. So simply it is. You can not change it (probably). Sorry for that. But you will survive and you will find your best girlfriend sooner or later. Wish you luck and take care 🙂

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