
Stuck not moving forward

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  • This topic has 7 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago by Anonymous.
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    I am in my mid-thirties and started looking for a life partner a few years ago. I don’t have a lot of experience in secure relationships, with lovers or growing up, and often find that I lack the ability to know if something is bad-bad, like end-of-a-relationship bad, or just kind of bad, and maybe requires some patience. I am involved in finishing my dissertation for my phd right now and extremely stressed out, so I try and view all of this with the knowledge that I need to manage my own currently severe anxiety.

    I am dating someone right now. I love him. We have been dating for about three months. I’ve never told him I love him – I do not know him yet all so well! We hang out all the time – all the time. I also get mad at him all the time. He has no friends and seems to really struggle to understand how to please people. He desperately wants to please me. But at the same time he does hurtful things, actually kind of often – and then fights and fights and fights about them. I will give you two examples. But first, I will state my purpose: I want to know if I should stay with him. I am often on edge waiting for him to say or do the next inappropriate thing – but then sometimes, we are having a nice time and it feels stable and warm and reasonable and right. I am not sure that I like him though, or to be fair I certainly don’t always like the way he thinks, or the way he treats me. But then sometimes he is just so witty!

    Here are the two examples: the first, is the one that I seem not to be able to move past. When I met him, he was dating a woman that told him after he started dating her that she was polyamorous – he was not. She made no time for him.  He decided that he wanted to try being polyamorous with her….with me. I am not polyamorous and said no, and asked him to please leave me alone unless he broke up with this woman and wanted to try a monogomous relationship with me. He did not break up with her but continued to get in touch with me. He tried to be with me. Eventually he said he was going to break up with her/did break up with her (?) it was never really clear (?), we started to hang out, he did break up with her, then we started dating. I kept waiting for him to explain what had happened, why he changed his mind, why he wanted to date me. He explained at length that she didn’t have enough time for him, and he explained at length how well he treated her. He never said he liked me, or he wanted to date me. Everything was so fast and unsettling. We still fight about it, I was often confused – was he actually polyamorous? Why was he OK with her treating him so badly? Does he want me to treat him this badly, too? Why didn’t he ever tell me he wanted to be with me? Why did he pick to be with me instead of her? And in the beginning, when we met each other, and were obviously so perfect for each other, why didn’t he immediately end his dysfunctional relationship with her and start dating me? Why did he reject me? – (only later to unreject me)? How was he having sex with her while bonding with me? Why did he violate my boundaries – and why am I dating someone that violated my boundaries? How can I forgive him? How can I move past this? Is this is the right thing to do?

    Last week we had a huge fight and I basically broke up with him because he said he was going to help me do something all last Sunday and then he didn’t. On Wednesday I texted to ask to meet up and talk about things, but he was unavailable – which I was OK with. But I found out last night that he was busy because he had met up with a work colleague, about whom we had previously fought because I was uncomfortable that they were so flirty with each other in general, and most specifically that they were so flirty at his workplace. He said in part he wanted to hang out with her because he wanted to confront her about her flirty behavior, for her own benefit, and let her know that she needed to stop doing it. He also met up because he said they were friends. He said he talked with her extensively (like for hours) about his relationship with me and had told her that we had broken up. He said that there was nothing between them and that there never will be. I believe him, but I do not understand the flirtiness. And I am deeply bothered that that is the only time he has met up with a friend, or called someone a friend, the entire time I have known him – and I don’t find her/their flirty behavior to be very friend-like or respectful.  He told me that he broke up with his previous girlfriend, before the polyamorous one I described in the above paragraph, because she wouldn’t let him have female friends and was extremely jealous. I am not sure if all of this is a backlash to that, or what – but it is still extremely confusing.

    I just feel very exhausted. He has lots of wonderful traits and it seems like we should be so compatible. I don’t understand why he treats me this way, or people at all – and I keep thinking he will change, or I will learn how to communicate better, or manage my anxiety – and all of this will go away. That he will wake up one day and do something nice and simple for me, and it will be lovely. I have dated many (too many?) people in my life, and I want to settle down with someone, and live in patience and compassion and love – but particularly with this man, I am dating now, I don’t feel like letting my guard down and being patient and compassionate and loving, because around every next corner there is another ugly monster with whom I must battle.

    Any advice is welcome. I don’t have really anyone in my life right now that I talk with about my emotions, or that I do fun things with, and so I feel I am stewing in my own juices and often working myself into a frenzy.



    Dear Running:

    In summary of the Wednesday example: On Wednesday you texted him to ask to meet up. He told you that he was unavailable. Later you found out that the reason he was unavailable to meet you is that he chose to meet a woman who is flirting with him in the workplace for the purpose of telling her to stop flirting with him and for the purpose of promoting their ongoing friendship. His meeting with her lasted for hours. He talked to her about his relationship with you and told her that you and him broke up.

    The account he told you does not read truthful to me. It reads to me that he lied to you. What in his account was true and what was a lie, I don’t know. People who habitually lie do not lie all the time, for one, and then when they do lie, they mix lies and truth. There is no way to figure out what was true and what was a lie unless one does research, hires maybe a private investigator to follow the person, dig out public records about the person, and other methods private investigators use.

    Back to his account: maybe he met her, maybe he did not. If they met, maybe they talked for hours maybe they did something else for hours. Maybe… maybe..

    It is a very difficult job to separate lies from truth and it is an unnecessary, tiring and unrewarding work (unless one is paid well as a private investigator who charges well for his or her services).

    Without such ability, to separate the two, you are indeed “stuck not moving forward” (title of your thread).

    You wrote earlier in your post: “Eventually he said he was going to break up with her/ did break up with her (?) it was never clear (?)”- you need these answers and he didn’t give you honest answers so far. Not likely that he will.

    What do you think of my reply to you?





    Dear Anitra,

    Thank you for thinking about my post and responding. I feel awful thinking about him as a liar. It makes me feel really bad. I was hoping that insight would say that I needed to work on myself or something, not that my boyfriend is a liar. Do other people reading this agree with Anitra? I see your point about confronting a liar, too. Very difficult work. So what to do.

    I do notice that sometimes he seems confused about what happened and his own motivations. He has a terrible time explaining himself, and if he does something inconsiderate, he seems to be completely and totally blocked when it comes to processing it, or self-reflecting. I never thought of that as lying though. On a separate point, I am obsessed with consistency and truthfulness and honesty, so it seems weird that he would want to be my boyfriend if he is a liar – because I think he knows that it would not work out.

    Thank you again, I will need to think about this unfortunate read on my posting.




    Dear Running:

    You are welcome. I do wish other members will respond to your thread. It is usually slower during weekends.

    You wrote that it makes you feel bad to consider that he has been lying to you. I understand that. If he lies to you repeatedly (lies mixed with truth), then better face this reality than ignore it. On the long run it benefits, to see what is, even if temporarily it feel bad.

    Regarding the second part of your last post, do you think that he has a dysfunction in information processing, logic or memory?





    Dear Anita,

    Your insights have been valuable and scary. You are right, that he is sometimes untruthful. You are also right in that he has Asperger’s tendencies. I am unclear if the lying comes from the Aspergers and him genuinely not understanding somethings or because he has a habit of bending the truth.

    I also think that I am extremely critical and uncompassionate and that I need to work on this. I have been so aggressive on confronting him about his own shortcomings that I have turned into a monster, and pushed him away. I am working hard on myself, on being there, and on not turning him away. He says he will start learning non-violent communication. I love him and I want him to be here with me. And I want to have the gift of being there for him. I feel I am a failure and worthless.

    Thank you again for your insights, it feels like a talking with a good friend somehow.




    You stated:

    I am often on edge waiting for him to say or do the next inappropriate thing

    I don’t understand why he treats me this way, or people at all – and I keep thinking he will change, or I will learn how to communicate better, or manage my anxiety – and all of this will go away.

    I don’t feel like letting my guard down and being patient and compassionate and loving, because around every next corner there is another ugly monster with whom I must battle.

    I don’t believe in trying to understand someone’s underlying motivations or thoughts when their behavior runs counter to my boundaries or values.  His behavior is all you need to know on whether or not you love yourself enough to stay with him.

    I think of relationships in two ways: 1) Being in any relationship is a learning process for me to point out things that I want to heal or grow from, 2) If the pain is too great to deal with, then no matter what learning I am benefiting from, I leave.  I don’t keep needing to run my head against a wall in order to learn that I need to find another place that has a door instead.

    You state that And in the beginning, when we met each other, and were obviously so perfect for each other, why didn’t he immediately end his dysfunctional relationship with her and start dating me?  Sorry for pointing out that is only your perception, not his. This is the initial “honeymoon” phase when people are just getting to know each other, have the chemical hormones going, and are projecting what they see onto the other person.

    With your statements that I selected at the beginning of this post, the relationship seems to be a lot more work and stressful than it is worth (to me at least).

    I believe I can do better in finding a more suitable mate that does not evoke such prolonged stress by having your guard up all the time and to deal with his maltreatment, not only to you but to others.  For me that is a statement of his character.




    Dear Running:

    Will read your recent reply to me when I am back to the computer and reply then, in about sixteen hours. Take care of yourself.



    Dear Running:

    You are welcome!

    I am re-reading your earlier posts and reading the recent one. Here are quotes: “He desperately wants to please me…he does hurtful things, actually kind of often- and then fights and fights and fights about them…I am often on edge waiting for him to say or do the next inappropriate thing… I do notice that sometimes he seems confused about what happened and his own motivations. He has a terrible time explaining himself, and if he does something inconsiderate, he seems to be completely and totally blocked when it comes to processing it, or self reflecting… I am obsessed with consistency and truthfulness and honesty… he is sometimes untruthful… he has Asperger’s tendencies… I also think that I am extremely critical and uncompassionate.. I have been so aggressive on confronting him about his own shortcomings that I have turned into a monster… I love him and I want him to be here with me”

    In light of having more information, regarding the Wednesday example, I do see it as believable that he would meet the co worker that day so to promote a friendship with her. He desperately wants to please you, you wrote. He probably also wants to please others, her in this case. He may not have processed the situation well, and did not lie in that case. Regarding him having dated a woman who was a polyamorous, “he decided that he wanted to try being polyamorous with her… ” that fits with his people pleasing inclination, wanting to please her.

    This is what I figure: he may very well not be lying at all, just wanting to please people but not having the ability to process information effectively and therefore his behaviors are often ineffective. If you indeed love him and want to stay with him, you got to fit your expectations, your thinking and your behaviors to the reality of who-he-is. You can’t realistically expect consistency from a person unable to be consistent. You can’t expect a person significantly lacking ability to evaluate people and situations, to be consistent with people and in situations.

    Arguing with him is ineffective and harmful to him and to you. You can’t argue him into effective information processing. He wants desperately to please you- this is your strength in the relationship. Not to misuse his need to please you but to take it into consideration and teach him gently that saying this inappropriate and doing that is inappropriate. You can’t teach him how to process new information, only to not repeat specific inappropriate talk and behavior.

    I hope you post again with your thoughts and feelings about my reply and otherwise.




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