
The Darkness

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    I live in the darkness. Everyday when I look around me all I see are shadows and dark empty spaces. I hear terrified screams of words never spoken and the hallowed whispers of dreams long forgotten. It consumes me, it cripples me, but in the same breath, it makes me feel safe. The darkness shields me from judging eyes that never seem to understand, eyes that belong to me and some that belong to them.
    I journeyed here from a single doubting thought… The darkness is so seductive, it lured me in by bringing to account all my fears and then promising to shield me from them.
    I told myself, “just this one time, tomorrow it will be different… Tomorrow I will be different…” Tomorrow… Soon all those tomorrows accumulated into days, into weeks, into months until the darkness became my home. It is my friend, my lover, my worst enemy and my only companion… It is me.
    I know I cannot stay.
    So I try to crawl towards a light that I cannot see but I know it exist…mor at least there is a part of me that hopes, a part of me that believes. When I allow myself to dream, I can feel the warmth on my skin and hear the laughter of content souls… What a wonderful thought.
    Maybe if the journey here began with a though, the journey back must begin with a thought.
    A journey back to what?
    The question with a thousand answers filled with uncertainties… And then fear comes, and doubt… The darkness reminds me that this is a safe place; I am safe here… Comfortable.
    I fear the light, with all it’s fleeting fabled happiness and the expectation of sorrows well deserved. It is not constant, and that scares me.
    But I cannot stay here forever… I feel trapped, stuck.
    I can’t get out, no matter how hard I try, my spirit always seems to yield. I am not strong enough, the darkness overpowers me…it keeps me here without chains.
    I try to cling to that hopeful part of me, but the darkness shields it from me. ‘No dreams seems better than shattered dream’.
    Slowly I’m beginning to forget that I once knew the light, to forget that it is a real place and that I can make my way back there.
    A doubting thought…
    I feel trapped.
    When did I get to this place? Why am I so terrified to leave?



    I’m sorry for your suffering, and can understand how dark it gets when shadows loom and patterns settle in. Clouds burst in the sky, obscuring whatever joy there was, until even light seems but a dream. Happiness? Try hopelessness. A few things came to heart as I read your words.

    The great thing about intense suffering is that it is very distasteful. You say that the darkness is comfortable, and I call bullshit. Consider your restlessness. How hard it is to distract yourself from the feeling of dis-ease. Its crushing ya, and you pretend its comfortable. What you mean is, “I don’t have faith I can change”.

    The good news is, you can, and its waaaaaay easier than you think. Your mind is rutted in habits, and its time for you to grow new ones. Certain cycles lead to a sense of space, some lead to a sense of compression. You’re in a tough one, no doubt about it, and its not a miracle, boom, you’re different. But, there is a well trodden, simple path that produces noticeable, reliable results and a shitton of relief.

    The trick is only that you have to intentionally think happy thoughts, noble thoughts. Not just “yeah, I’ll try to be more positive, heh”, but sit your ass down, grab a guide, and let them guide. My suggestion is “Guided Metta Meditation with Bhante Gunaratana” on YouTube. Let your fed-uppness with the seemingly endless pain bring your mind to the present, and listen close to what he says. Its a process, a gateway, a raft. We speak happy words, with as much authenticity as we can. Over time, a few days or weeks, we begin to think happy thoughts. Then, we begin to feel happy feelings. Nothing artificial, its not fake it till you make it, its steps. And it reaches all the way down into the deepest shadows, when the being makes a choice to grow toward the light. Hopeless? Please.

    What I see is all your strength of heart is simply turned inward. You have all this bodhicitta, yearning for freedom, clear air, space… but suppress it, turn away, fear driving you to bite down on your desires, hiding. No wonder it hurts. No wonder you feel crazy.

    Finally, don’t be afraid to get some professional help. Your descriptions are vibrant, and your ability to tell a story, your view, is quite remarkable. However, you also describe hallucinations, auditory, visual, which might benefit from some medical investigation. Unless it was just you being eloquent, which it is/was.

    I’m sorry if you were expecting a pity party, or that you’re not being treated as somehow uniquely broken. Perhaps you see a crumpled up waste of a child, but I see a champion with kryptonite sunglasses. Take em off, holy shit! Its daybreak already?

    Namaste, brother, may your heart find its tender light.

    With warmth,


    Thank you so much Matt for your kind words and practical help. I am so tired of pity parties and people ‘enabling’ my distress because that doesn’t amount to anything in the end. I love solutions so I will earnestly try the meditation and hopefully through the process I won’t be here anymore.

    Thank you once again.

    Kendall (PS, I’m a girl:) )


    Sorry about that, sister, my mistake.

    Good luck on your meditations. Lots of light hearts on TB, if you need some help remembering you’re brilliant.

    With warmth,



    I too was in a weird, dark place a few years ago, also filled with Kafka-esque existential horror.

    I went to the doctor (I never go to the doc, this was out of constant nagging from the fam.) for a routine checkup.

    The doc said, “You have the lowest Vitamin D levels I’ve seen in years!! Wow.” (You can get Vit. D from sunlight, and I was a walker, so it really was this weird deficiency).

    I was put on a regime on Vitamin D, pills that you can get anywhere. A month later (it takes that long to build up to Normal levels) I felt GREAT!! Sometimes it’s not “You”, it’s your body saying, “Hey, a vitamin/hormone/mineral that I desperately need, even trace amounts, but don’t have, please!”

    P.S. Low Vitamin D can bring on depression. I’m not saying yours is as “simple” as that, but at least see where you are physically first.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Inky.

    Funny enough my doctor also prescribed a vitamin D supplement once. I’m not big on taking medication so I never stuck to it. Maybe I should have…


    It’s not medication, it’s a vitamin that you naturally get through sunlight! Go to the drugstore and get some! Or at least sunbathe!


    A funny thing about The Darkness, they believe in a thing called love. lol -I couldn’t resist.
    The other thing about darkness, it has no presonality, it has no thoughts, it has no wants, it speaks no words, and flows in contrast to light as oil does with water. Darkness and light cannot exist in the same space as darkness is simply the absence of light. And light is merely a form of radiation which bounces off of things and allows us to see color.
    There is a true yin and yang relationship of the two. They are not at odds with one another, they are in harmony.
    They are two halves of one whole. Just as one day is not made up entirely of the sun or the moon, but both.

    If you were to sit quietly under a tree at noon, in the shade, and close your eyes, you might perceive darkness, and yet you will be surrounded by light. The darkness simply just is. Just as the light simply just is. …and in the same way that you are.
    Without you to perceive either, they would not exist.

    You give too much credit to darkness for making you feel safe. If you were to take it away, you would be the thing which remained. It would be you who made yourself feel safe.

    If a stranger judges you, does he do so with his words? -And what does he know of your gifts, your talents, your skills. What does he know of the potential you harbour for greatness?
    Ask yourself this: How did you feel 5 minutes before you came into contact with this judging person? Who were you 5 minutes before?
    Are you a completely different person now that they’ve said something to you?
    Do they have the power to take away the skills you’ve worked so hard to aquire?
    Do they have the power to change who you are as a person?
    Do you grant them the power to do this?
    Why would you grant someone power over you, whom has done nothing to benefit you?
    Did this person play an important role in your life 5 minutes before they judged you?
    -Then what weight should their judgements have on your future?

    I think that what you will find is that you cannot know what a person is thinking until they open their mouths to speak it.
    But the thing you fear has not happened.
    You have allowed your mind to project this fear into the future – and onto yourself.

    Think of the worst possible scenario.
    Someone I don’t know, who knows almost nothing about me, who I am, the good I’m capable of, my dreams, etc, has made a judgement. –but what matter is it, if we give their opinion no importance.
    You have a power over them, because you can deflect the words and allow them to pass by you instead of colliding into you.
    And even if they collide into you, they can only stay for as long as you’re willing to hold onto them.
    The more weight you give these words of judgement, the heavier the burden will be to bear them, and the more pain you will suffer as a result.
    -and why punish yourself? It is you who is responsible for carrying them, not the person who spoke them to you. lol

    The funny thing about anxiety and fear is that you spend so much time fearing things, and projecting negativity into the future to protect yourself, but the irony is that the things have not happened yet, and the negativity causes untold amounts of damage in the form of stress.

    Be mindful of your thoughts. Pay attention to what you think, and investigate any negative thoughts that come into mind.
    Put the negative thoughts on trial.
    Cross examine them in the court of your mind, and consider the hopeful alternatives.
    You may find that all of these hurtful thoughts are nothing more than shadows, created by your own mind.


    Hi Daniel,

    I love what you said about putting the negative thoughts on trial. It just made me realise that most of my anxiety is derived from things that have not happened and conversations I was too scared to have with people because I feared they would judge me and reject me. Like you said, it’s like I give them too much power… Power they don’t even know they have.
    Thank you for your advice, you have given me a lot to think about and consider.




    I wish I had your questions (above) seven years ago!

    Thank you!


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