
The Struggle

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  • #215453
    koko vega

    I’m just having a hard time trying to stick with this new Sobriety thing, after over 15 years of drinking hardcore… I don’t care what anyone says this shit isn’t easy and anyone who says it is, is full of crap, are these thoughts normal for anyone who has experienced it ? Please advise.


    Personally, I think any kind of change is hard. Especially when it is changing something that was a part of everyday life (or a “ritual” if you will).

    I admire your mission and wish you the best.


    • This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by sunchild.

    You just have to take it one day at a time. It won’t be easy. Years from now you will probably still crave it. But, you’re making the right choice and I truly believe that your life will be better for it. Alcoholism ultimately killed my father two years ago. He refused to ever admit that he had a problem. You’re already doing better than him.


    koko vega

    thanks everyone for your kind words an motivation!!!


    Dear koko vega:

    I didn’t know anyone said it is easy to stop a habit of years of hardcore drinking. What about the famous Alcoholics Anonymous, AA? Millions of people have been helped to reach and maintain sobriety with AA.


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