
This thing they call self-love

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    I’m gonna do some rap today
    Never too old
    to have your say
    Don’t mean to be subversive
    Just want to be assertive
    we on tiny Buddha here
    are all shakin’ from the same fear
    no certainties
    just anxieties
    no life insurance
    just death assurance
    can’t solve life’s mysteries
    despite analysin’
    our personal histories
    love is what we’re lackin’
    it’s not you that I’m attackin’
    Cannot seem to master

    this thing they call self-love
    this thing they call self-love

    what is it?
    time it paid me a visit
    seems to be the answer
    but all I have is questions
    is questions
    is questions
    is questions

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by jock.

    Hi jack,

    We can love and take care of ourselves all we want. But the question is, what do we do when we wake up at 2 in the morning having an anxiety attack? Humans are the only creatures that think about the future and knows that it is thinking. Maybe getting back to the timeless state of the Now, with the other animals. Read about and do Buddhist meditations. I don’t know, but might be a good start.

    Sylvia Browne, who was a famous psychic, said something very wise (no matter if she was scammy or not lol): “Things will turn out one way or another”. I take great comfort in that thought, for some reason.

    To the Present!



    Dear Jack:

    I read your poem in my mind, rapping it while reading, yes, I can hear it being rapped and well. Part of the rap is “this thing they call self-love
    what is it?
    time it paid me a visit”

    and of course I have the answer… just kidding. Maybe I will ponder it this morning with a “beginner’s mind”-

    Self love is… when you take a big, big stamp with OKAY on it and stamp it on yourself, all over, okay, okay, okay. You stamp your body, all over, this is okay and that is okay and you stamp your brain, your thoughts, okay, okay and you stamp your feelings, okay okay and you end up with I AM OKAY. Approved.

    Using my beginner’s mind I will also try to answer Inky’s question: “what do we do when we wake up at 2 in the morning having an anxiety attack?” You go to A place in your brain where there is no panic or anxiety attack, a place in your brain that is protected from attacks (reserve such place, table, “occupied” sign on it, so when anxiety attacks it does not sit at THAT table)

    From that place you observe the other place or places under attack. You breathe and think realistic thoughts, not just any thoughts, but true to reality thoughts and breathe in and out.

    Like when your foot cramps and it hurts, you see it from all the way up, from your head looking down and you know that not your whole body hurts, only your foot and you can figure out what to do from your brain. You are not ALL cramping foot.

    No, that was not beginner’s mind, I realized some time into my answer.This is a well practiced strategy I use.



    Good rap




    why don’t some of you add your raps here?
    I’m certainly no king of rap. Just like playing with words, language.
    I know when I’m getting overly depressed or anxious, the first thing that goes is my sense of humour. All those dark demons, seem so much darker, the future more hopeless, my problems more unsolvable.
    It’s when I lighten up and my ego loosens its stranglehold, that I regain sanity. Then I’m ready to express the inner child through language, oh and music too.. 🙂


    Jack, are you still there? I am thinking of trying rapping if you are there to support me in this questionable endeavor.


    Go ahead without me dear
    There’s nothing to fear except the fear
    If finding the rhyme
    proves a waste of time
    Then skip it


    Finding the rhyme
    is …well, I am looking for something to rhyme with rhyme
    Nothing comes up at this time
    Wait, I may have just done it fine
    I may be on a roll, where is the mike?
    Is it really happening, just this once?
    I almost skipped it, but then… look at what’s I came up with
    All by myself, I am so proud,
    Even if it doesn’t rhyme.



    Ah, the after thought: MIND
    … Look what came to my mind
    Something that is totally mine

    Perhaps I can rap for a living
    Be a world famous middle aged rapper … here I am thinking grandiose
    and in so doing, I lost my rhyme
    Also the word CHIME, I can fit it in somehow

    Yes, lots of potential there.


    Dear Jack:

    You wrote above: “I know when I’m getting overly depressed or anxious, the first thing that goes is my sense of humour. All those dark demons, seem so much darker, the future more hopeless, my problems more unsolvable.”

    It does not HAVE TO be that you must get depressed or anxious again and again. There will be less and less of that if you walk the path of healing, of seeing more and more into what is and what was. Less and less, not in ways of distraction alone, but in progressive, ongoing improvement in baseline of well being.

    You have to go back just enough into the past to get a few things straight, that is all. Go back into the past just enough so to extricate the little boy Jack held captive there.

    I will try to rap it:

    Into the past, see jack goes
    into the past, to pick up a lonely boy
    Into the past, see jack goes
    where little boy jack is captive, sad and lonely
    See jack goes, into the past
    To see himself bullied, oh, scared boy jack
    into the past to see jack, compliant, so says mom
    into the past, there goes jack
    back enough to see scared little boy jack



    how thoughtful of you anita


    Well, how are you Jack???


    I’m fine and sunny with a shower or two in the afternoon. Possibly a storm. And you?


    I am a heavy, grey cloud tonight. For one, digestive problem tonight- that always puts me in a grey mood. Could have been that iceberg lettuce, very fibrous, it was.

    Wonder about your possible storm, or was it completely funnily fabricated…?

    Any New Year Resolutions type thinking for 2016?


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