
To Invest In Relations With Myself

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    Please Help:

    I never would have envisioned myself in my current situation, I presume many would say the same.

    I am not happy. I sometimes believe that perhaps suicide may be easier than living my Real Destiny because I fear the reactions of others and displeasing them.

    Married for 18 years – Unhappy situation – Must gain confidence to break free

    Love & Light shared with new person (sexuality shared w/ female new to me in life)

    Quandary – How to break free and explore who I truly am (after 18 years of marriage and 30+ years of motherhood, who I am is a valid question – All time and attention paid to others for 30+ years)

    How to lay out steps to take to obtain goals set forth (freedom from unhappy marriage and proceeding with happiness moving forward)?

    What steps do you personally recommend in order to invest in a relationship with yourself, one that assists you in understanding yourself, being at peace with who you are, and seeking enlightenment that is not conditional on the opinions of others? I am so used to being at the service of others in my life that I am almost uncertain if I can hear my own voice anymore.

    I apologize for the simplicity used above, but it is intentional, as I wished to lay down bare facts without drama, overt emotion, or extra facts that may not be helpful.


    Dear livelife:

    How to live your OWN life, is your question; how to live life as if.. it is yours to live?

    Start small and start today. Then every day, taking opportunities in your present life, as is, to practice. No opportunity is too small to be meaningful. Each opportunity used will make you more capable to live your own life in bigger ways.

    As you practice, in a small way today, notice the anxiety that such practice will bring about and proceed slowly. If you are overwhelmed, stop, take a break, relax and resume later.

    Example: you normally wash the dishes right after dinner because your husband likes it that way and so, you are used to doing it HIS way. Today, you do something different. Following dinner, you do not wash the dishes. (Notice: you may feel anxious, waiting for his disapproval). You get busy doing something else, watching TV, let’s say. If he says something, calmly say: “You can wash the dishes yourself, if you’d like. I am not feeling like it right now.” (Notice, is your heart beginning to race? Stay with the feeling, calm yourself).

    I can go on with this example. But if you like my suggestion, please bring up your own example and we can work on it.

    There is a lot in your original message here and we can discuss more of it. It will take time but if you are willing, we will take that time.


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