
Toxic Negativity Ruining the Life I Desire to Have.

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    I am a 24 year old woman living in California. I don’t know if that bit of info was neccessary or not but I did not know how else to begin my post. I am burdened with an overactive mind that produces toxic negative thoughts constantly. I am an anxious, money hungry, selfish, emotionally weak person with a hair trigger temper. I only see things in black or white. If something isnt going completely perfect ( the way I expect or plan for it to go) it results in negativity from me… I done my research on these symptoms and I have come to believe that I am suffering from Borderline Personality Disorder, accompanied with panic disorder. It is a complete recipe for disaster. My mind is always flooded with the worst possible outcome for every situation I encounter, and it is depressing and dehabilitating. When I attempt to remain positive my mind hits me in the face with SO many “WHAT IF’s” that I end up becoming anxious and panicky. I don’t have many friends because I prefer to be alone rather than risk the awkward moments while getting to know people. Don’t get me wrong, I do not have social anxiety, I have quite a few acquaintances but our relationships only go so deep.. I push people away because my brain is usually going 100mph and I can’t focus on strengthening connections I do have.

    I am love with an amazing man who is literally the sun in my sky. He is supportive, loving, pulls me closer when I push him away emotionally. He never gives up on me. He is the first man I’ve ever cared so much for and I want to spend my life with him.. However when my negativity shows its ugly head during our disagreements or spats I can see his light grow dimmer. I feel as though I am this aweful complaining hagggg ass person sucking the joy and happiness from his life. He is the love of my life, so I do not want to pollute his beautiful spirit with my damaged one. I want so badly to change, we have been together for 3 yrs and I have promised change and improvement to Joe (lets call him Joe)so many times but I seem to fail and disapoint him everytime. No matter what though, he has never left my side. I have notices however that he is becoming more and more frusterated with me.. We get into disagreements over level one problems and I give him a level 9 reaction. During these disagreements I get mad and allow myself to become SO frustrated that I lash out at him (cursing him & spouting nonsense that I dont believe regarding our relationship) I have even taken it as far as putting the fate of our relationship on the line by stating “maybe we shouldnt be together” , knowing that life without him is one of the last things I want to go through… When I am in this mode of frustration and anger its like my body is filling with pressure and I need to release it so I hit things.. walls…dashboards..doors… almost anything, just to take my mind away from my thoughts and focus on anything else including pain.. Its like cutting to be honest, just slightly less damaging to my body.

    I am always tired and lazy because my mind is never calm.. Ive thought about taking up different activities to help me (yoga, exercising) but I never seem to follow through. I am not this person, the person I want to be is calm, not run by thoughts and emotions, happy, and positive. Throughout this ordeal I have noticed that no matter what, after any pain inducing explosive action or argument or marathon of negative thoughts running through my head, there has always been this umrelentless optimism and clarity. It only comes after the storm. It keeps me going honestly. Does anyone have any suggestions on becoming the person you want to be and overcoming the overwhelming negativity that seem to drown out everything else?

    Thank you for taking the time out to read this.



    I could have written this post myself. I hope someone can post something helpful, because I am so, so tired of watching my life and relationships go down the drain because of something I can’t seem to help or fix.


    As do I… Just knowing that someone else has experienced this helps a little Ry. Thx


    Same, I was reading this with a sense of relief that I’m not the only one out there dealing with this. πŸ™‚


    Hey you guys. I’m not a religious person but if one wanted to label me as “something” I would say that I am a christian rastafarian. I say Jah and equate it to the most highest form of love and tenderness. You’ll see that I say it in what I actually just wrote just a few days ago that parallels with what you both are going through. I’m going to copy and paste it exactly as I wrote it so please bare with me and look into what I’m saying. I’m not saying that this will necessarily “fix” whats going on but perhaps better serve as a “compass” to maybe point you in the right direction. Peace and Divine Love to you both! <3

    It’s entitled:

    Exploding Ketchup Packet is to Art as Anger is to Inspire. The starter map to treasure!

    “Inspire people with love by first loving yourself.”

    I think there’s a beautiful peace of mind there when you choose to work on loving, appreciating, and accepting your true self. Of course this is a lot easier said than done. I started with myself with doing one thing at a time where one small action blossomed into big change! I first started by being mindful of what I LIKED about myself and had accomplished instead of what I didn’t and just focused on that every day. I still do it! You’ll immediately start to notice that there is a wealth of spiritual fruit you will be able eat that comes with this peace of mind and will eventually help make you healthy! Sweet fruit like:

    Positive thoughts
    Positive attitude
    Diminished feelings of envy and jealousy

    The last bullet above is a HUGE life changer if you are able to recognize and shine light on those two things where they are safely tucked away deep in your mind. It definitely was for me once I was honest about it.Sometimes I literally felt this in my belly…just uncomfortable to see little kids skate better than me!! UGH! When/If you choose to do your life work directed and dedicated toward a positive attitude with positive thoughts, you will gain motivation to do things from love for yourself (not quitting or giving up on yourself) instead of from anger or resentment towards another ( trying to prove something to them or to be accepted). I used to do that a lot when I was younger but was never really satisfied in my accomplishments. I needed something more. I did not know I was actually neglecting my true self..essentially starving myself to death.

    EDIT: You will not have a lot of physical energy in your body if you don’t eat and drink water. This is a natural occurrence for humans. The same goes for your spirit body; if this is not fed, then your body (physical reality) will eventually follow and will also be unhealthy.

    Although this is a very personal and intimate journey, it’s a great adventure! At first it seemed difficult for me, but if you’re not afraid of hard work and have a” child-like” curiosity about yourself, you will naturally grow to become very patient with yourself and eventually others, thus making your own journey, which doesn’t really end, much easier as you will want to share with others on their journey in unity. (I call that spiritual nudity! Lets all get naked Haha!)

    From this work process over time you will notice inside you a “level up” to what I like to call “real success” for your life; kind of like Dragon Ball Z when you’ll get closer and closer to your ultimate form but it takes 57,987 episodes to get there! LOL! (this is actually the same idea they use in martial arts with the colored belts). It takes a lot of time and effort but in the meantime, while you’re practicing, loving yourself, thinking positively, and behaving with a positive attitude, Jah will provide even more nutritious spiritual food for the road like:

    self confidence ( “Why yes I really can do this!” What was I so afraid of?)

    self worth (I need this job so I can’t allow you to treat me this way because I love myself too.)

    Empathy and Compassion ( I kicked you down…I’m sorry…let me help you back up.)

    Responsibility ( I really don’t want to do this, but I’m learning to love myself so I’ll do it anyway because this spiritual food is so GOOD! MmMm!)

    Humility (I know I messed up and i know that I was wrong so I will try better. I’m sorry.) this compliments the above

    Purpose ( Now I know which way to go! Let’s live! <3)

    The ” ultimate form” that actively loving yourself will get you closer and closer to is mental freedom…actual true freedom to just be yourself lovingly and peacefully with no shame! It’s what Bob Marley was talking about in his song:

    “Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds.”

    -Bob Marley RIP

    In learning to love yourself, you will come to experience for yourself that you are no longer held captive by mental slavery. No more being bound by competing with others, having doubts, or feeling like your life has no value. No more being beaten to death by insecurity, anger, and selfish pride. You’re becoming free but don’t quit yet!

    This self love serves as an effective guide on our life journey and will offer us inner peace as our positive thoughts and attitudes will only see/perceive problems as opportunities for inner growth. (This is how I deal with shitty jobs and other distasteful situations and able to remain at peace on the inside.) I feel this is probably what most of the Bible is about ( or any religious thing)…working out our own salvation through Christ mindedness (love and peace). What do you think?

    β€œEach one has to find his peace from within. And peace to be real must be unaffected by outside circumstances.”

    Once you realize this new found freedom, feeling as good as it does, you will want so bad to take good care of it while you have it; fighting diligently to keep it and not being irresponsible with it. (I learned to think of freedom this way when I got animals.) Try not to become too comfortable and forget about it though; be disciplined mindfully through prayer/meditation/giving thanks and whatever you do with focus ( I skate,do music, and pray) or you’ll be tossed right back into that slavery very quickly!

    “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.” 1Peter 5:8

    Don’t stop learning! Let’s face it now we’re all human. That old person/mentality/conduct always seem to come back stronger than before at points of weakness and the life journey will be bumped off track but don’t worry that’s okay. Jah makes it bearable so you can get back up and keep on truckin! :

    “The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience. And God is faithful. He will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand. When you are tempted, he will show you a way out so that you can endure.” Corinthians 10:13

    Our life “work experience” benefits everyone by what we actually do with heart, not just by what we know and do in vain. The resume of our journey will literally be overfilled with so much wisdom and truth of how powerful true success and true freedom really are that we will all be effortlessly able inspire people and change our own lives for the better. It has to start somewhere with making the choice of loving yourself first.


    Chris The Pusher

    I really hope that this not only gives you some ways to try to “fix” things but more importantly ask yourself better questions about yourself. Jah bless and peace to one and all! <3

    • This reply was modified 11 years ago by Chris.

    I grew up for most of my life dealing with the same things. My mind was always racing, my emotions would erupt, and my anxiety was through the roof. I thought I was lazy and couldn’t understand why I could never follow things through. What you’re talking about sounds so similar to my own experience that I have to say it doesn’t sound like Borderline Personality disorder **which is something I thought I might have** but it’s ADD. I started taking medication for it almost 2 years ago, and it’s changed my life. My anxiety’s gone, my minds slowed down, there’s been so many great things to have happened since.

    Medication may or may not be up your alley, but read some books on Adult Add and see if there’s a connection because you sound SO similar to me.


    I had a very similar experience. After running into some trouble at work I was referred to a counselor who specialized in learning disorders. After lots of charts and questionnaires and such I was diagnosed with ADD. So far I haven’t dealt with it chemically but I made a lot of life style changes that helped. For instance, I learned to remove myself from situations that trigger symptoms whenever possible. I’ve also worked out better ways of communicating with my girl and systems for getting things to work out pretty good most of the time as opposed to perfect all of the time. Most importantly, I had some really supportive people in my life who I was able to bounce ideas off of or occasionally explode at.
    Maybe that all does sound a bit hokey. I probably wouldn’t have believed it a few years ago because most self help is pretty dumb. Improvement is hard… Really, really, really hard. We can give you suggestions, diagnoses and lists of top tens or top twenties or top thousand strategies for success but in the end improvement is just the result of patience, trial and error and even more trial and error. So don’t be too hard on yourself. You might be selfish and greedy and temperamental sometimes but at the most basic level you are probably an ok person. I’m guessing that you haven’t purposefully hurt any small animals or stolen candy from babies and you probably even recycle. Maybe exercise and yoga just aren’t your bag, maybe you’ll always have a bit of a temper but you’ll just have to accept that you will never be exactly perfect and that you’re mostly all right anyway. Once you stop getting frustrated with yourself on top of getting frustrated with whatever is ruining your day, things will get much easier.
    So yeah, if you can manage it, try to get in touch with a professional. Remember not to spiral too much if a certain form of positivity isn’t doing it for you. There’s more things to try out and you’re still young.


    I never considered ADD as a culprit until now. I did a little bit of research on its symptoms and it seems to be pretty descriptive of my thought process.. I am not one to use any diagnosis as a crutch or an excuse for my actions, it’s just more reassuring to put a name or face to what I’m dealing with. It makes me feel less alone… Patience is needed on my part and that has never been one of my strong points.. I suppose if I just keep the faith that I can overcome this and remember not to treat every speed bump in my life’s road as a dead end…then I’ll be able to enjoy the ride. The weird thing about me is I am fully self aware and can usually make sense of everything once my frustration subsides and I am able to escape my thoughts. But when my thoughts are scattered and my temper flares it feels like there are no breaks and I can’t stop or make sense of my emotions until he damage is done, to either myself or the people I love. Ap & Sepha thanks so much for your positive input and analysis of my situation, I will seek out some professional help regarding this ADD hypothesis as it definitely seems spot on..


    Thanks for your motivational words.. I’ll use this outline as a guide when I feel lost along my journey for peace.


    You’re welcome! Respond to your journey man and it will respond back. React to it and it will do the same.


    I had never considered ADD either…going to definitely do some research.

    Adrian, I’m the same way in that after my frustration subsides, I can see the situation completely clearly and calmly and I am completely self-aware. Even when I’m in the middle of an “attack” I can hear this voice in the back of my head going “You’re being irrational, in five minutes when this is over you’re going to feel like shit, just stop.”…but I can’t stop. It’s literally like there’s a monster taking over. I’m shocked at some of the things I say to my boyfriend when I’m freaking out. It’s so NOT from me…it’s not me saying it. Argh.

    Being cooped up in my apartment alone for two days due to the inclement weather hasn’t helped my anxiety or frustration much πŸ˜‰


    Ry I know exactly what you mean. But its like my inner voice is soooo low. Its like Dr. Jekyll and Ms. Hyde or something. I was reseraching ADD a little bit and came accross a symptom of the disorder called Hyperfocus (which honestly sounds awesome if it can be applied to the right thing).. This is a definition I found from adhdmanagement.com “Adults with ADHD often go into hyperfocus mode when a stressful problem or situation presents itself, and the inability to tear yourself away results in more stress”.. Could this be the culprit? Were SO good at a focusing that its become a negative?


    That really does hit home! I feel like when I’m in that place where the negativity is ruling me, that’s ALL I can think of. My brain won’t allow anything else in. Just the focus on the problem or situation.

    Now to decide if I feel like going through another hundred doctors to get some kind of help for this problem. :-/ I feel like I’ve seen every psychiatrist and psychologist in my area looking for some kind of relief or help and every single one tells me something different and I have yet to experience any relief!

    Hope you have a great Valentine’s day with your man! πŸ™‚



    You have already taken the first step towards removing your negativity and that is by realizing that you do have it in the first place. Most people are so unconscious that they do not even realize it. Fortunately with you that is not the case. This will require work at different levels. But on the metaphysical side, keeping your aura clean is necessary lest the negativity keeps piling up. You can try a very simple method of limpia (egg cleaning)- I know it works because I have tried it on myself. Do a search on the net and you will get it. If not let me know.

    Best Regards


    bwaha, I feel you. and I did. Thanks for the imput.

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