
type b in a type a world

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    Hi guys! Would really appreciate your insight on this! I’ve posted about recently reentering the work force at a temporary workplace. For some reason, this place is triggering a lot of anxiety for me. People are generally perfectionists here, and everything is a competition. I am trying to leave behind the over critical, perfectionist voice in my head and I guess having external walking talking versions of that voice around does not help. Is there a way to deal with this? I enjoy the work itself a lot, and it is something I am passionate about, and I wish it could just be about the work.
    Looking fwd to hearing from you 🙂


    Hi Greenshade,

    Looks like you have two possible ways of dealing with new workspace:

    1) Accept it for what it is. Remember that it only temporary and you’ll be moving on. Whenever you see someone exhibit perfectionist tendencies, say to yourself (silently or aloud), “not mine”, and go about your day the best you can and focus on the things you do enjoy.

    2) Make a change. This can be as drastic as leaving the job entirely, or ask to be transferred to another department/project. Even if the general culture is very Type A, you’ll always find pockets of like minded Type Bs in any organization. Find out who those people are and see if you can work with them instead.

    Hope that helps!


    Dear greenshade:

    I don’t have advice for you on this specific topic. I will say this though: other than my mother (the origin of my abusive internal critic, aka Inner Bully, as I call it), no “external walking talking versions of that voice” in my life was even close in viciousness and relentlessness to my Inner Bully. So, in your position, I think I would be glad to be around these lesser versions, if it meant that I got a break from the original.



    Hey guys thanks for your replies! I’ve realized that I’m projecting my own inner voice on these poor people, who basically haven’t said or done anything to warrant a reaction from me. I attach so many layers of thoughts to everything it becomes impossible to see things clearly. So I guess redoubling my efforts to stay in the moment and in the real world and not get sucked into negative brain thought world.


    Dear greenshade:

    You are welcome. Everyone projects- everything we see, hear, sense is processed in our brain before we are able to interpret the input from our environment, from other people. The key is to project accurately. Observing, considering different options and asking questions helps with accuracy.


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